# Mandatory parameters # IMPORTANT: No empty lines are allowed in this file, # only comment lines and variable assignments. # Also no spaces are allowed in values, use ; for spaces, # they will be automatically replaced by spaces # Currently not supported with values containing ; # Only THREAD_COUNTS_TO_RUN and CMAKE_GENERATOR has # this capability currently, so no spaces in file # names and directories are currently allowed # If MySQL is used it's required to set MYSQL_VERSION. # For Drizzle it's required to set DRIZZLE_VERSION and # LIBDRIZZLE_VERSION # For MySQL a standard sysbench can be used, for Drizzle # the SYSBENCH_VERSION must be a drizzle-sysbench tarball # HOST and PORT is the port used for mysqld/drizzled BENCHMARK_TO_RUN="dbt2" TARBALL_DIR="/home/test/tarballs" #These scripts can be used with a MySQL source tarball or a #MySQL binary tarball (only gzipped tarballs). The sysbench #and DBT2 tarballs are always source tarball and thus always #needs compilation. Default is to use MySQL binary tarballs. #USE_BINARY_MYSQL_TARBALL="yes" MYSQL_VERSION="mysql-5.1.51" #MySQL version to use for benchmark programs, defaults to MYSQL_VERSION #Can be set to different if other than gcc compiler is used and creates #a problem with compiler flags, this removes the need to get the benchmark #compiled with same version as the MySQL Server. A binary installation #should in this case be placed with the name CLIENT_MYSQL_VERSION in the #REMOTE_BIN_INSTALL_DIR (= DEFAULT_DIR/basedir if not defined) directory. #CLIENT_MYSQL_VERSION="" # DRIZZLE_VERSION="drizzle-2009.11.1208" # LIBDRIZZLE_VERSION="libdrizzle-0.5" # SYSBENCH_VERSION="sysbench-0.4.13" DBT2_VERSION="dbt2-0.37.50" SERVER_HOST="" SERVER_PORT="3306" DATA_DIR_BASE="/ssd_data0/bench/ndb" WINDOWS_REMOTE="no" BUILD_REMOTE="no" REMOTE_BIN_INSTALL_DIR="/data1/bench/mysql" # REMOTE_SRC_INSTALL_DIR="/data1/bench/src_build" ENGINE="innodb" MYSQL_BASE="5.1" TEST_DESCRIPTION="mysql-5.1.51" #Compiler parameters #Use high optimisation level and optimize for CPU used #USE_FAST_MYSQL="yes" #Package is set to pro if NDB isn't the storage engine #PACKAGE="" #Set WITH_DEBUG to --with-debug if debug build is desired #WITH_DEBUG="" #Default compiler is gcc, other allowed values are open64, icc, forte #COMPILER="" #Set LINK_TIME_OPTIMIZER to "yes" if interprocedural optimisations are desired #LINK_TIME_OPTIMIZER="" #For Open64 compiler one can set --mso to get multi-core scalability #optimisations. Set to "yes" to get this. #MSO_FLAG="" #Set COMPILE_SIZE_FLAG to 32 or 64 to specify whether to build a 32-bit #binary or 64-bit binary explicitly #COMPILE_SIZE_FLAG="" #This option is used by normal MySQL builds but not by the build script, enable #it by setting this to "yes" #WITH_FAST_MUTEXES_FLAG="yes" #To disable building with performance schema support set this to "no" #WITH_PERFSCHEMA_FLAG="yes" #To enable running with performance schema support set this to "yes" #PERFSCHEMA_FLAG="no" #Some platforms could have issues with static linking, to disable #static linking set STATIC_LINKING_FLAG="yes" #STATIC_LINKING_FLAG="" #Set DEBUG_FLAG to yes if debug information should be available in #binary to allow checks of core files. #DEBUG_FLAG=yes" #It's possible to ensure that core files are generated by setting this #flag to yes #CORE_FILE_USED="" # #It is possible to run with feedback compilation but currently with fairly #limited abilities. First the test run has to be done on localhost, it won't #work on remote host, second to avoid messing up compilation of the benchmark #it is required to set the CLIENT_MYSQL_VERSION such that the benchmark #program use a normally compiled version of MySQL. Set #FEEDBACK_COMPILATION="yes" to enable feedback compilation. #FEEDBACK_COMPILATION="" # #Mandatory parameters if NDB used # ENGINE="ndb" # USE_NDBMTD="yes" #On some systems it's hard to use pid files on the file system (e.g. NFS) # NDB_MGMD_NODES="host1;host2" # NDBD_NODES="host1;host2" #Set list of MySQL Servers and their port numbers to listen to for #incoming connections. # SERVER_HOST="host1;host2" # SERVER_PORT="port1;port2" #Set CPUs to lock onto #NDB_EXECUTE_CPU="0-7;8-15" #Set which CPU to lock IO threads to #NDB_MAINT_CPU="" #Optional parameters for NDB config #CLUSTER_HOME can be used to move log files and pid files to a different #location #CLUSTER_HOME="" #NDB_DISKLESS is set to yes if Diskless operation is requested. # NDB_DISKLESS="yes" #Set USE_NDB_O_DIRECT to yes if O_DIRECT is requested on NDB files # USE_NDB_O_DIRECT="yes" #Set NDB_DISK_IO_THREADPOOL to increase number of threads writing #disk data files #NDB_DISK_IO_THREADPOOL="" #Set NDB_MULTI_CONNECTION to use multiple connects to data nodes from #MySQL Server or APIs, set to number of connects per MySQL Server/API. # NDB_MULTI_CONNECTION="6" #Number of replicas == number of nodes per node group # NDB_REPLICAS="2" #Size of Data Memory (used to store in-memory records and ordered index) # NDB_DATA_MEMORY="8G" #Size of Index Memory (used to store hash indexes of records) # NDB_INDEX_MEMORY="3000M" #Speed that checkpoints are performed (per LDM thread) # DISK_CHECKPOINT_SPEED="10M" # #Max number of concurrent transactions towards one node #NDB_MAX_NO_OF_CONCURRENT_TRANSACTIONS="65536" # #Max number of concurrent operations towards one node #NDB_MAX_NO_OF_CONCURRENT_OPERATIONS="131072" # #Max number of concurrent scans towards one node #NDB_MAX_NO_OF_CONCURRENT_SCANS="500" # #Max number of local scans in one node #NDB_MAX_NO_OF_LOCAL_SCANS="8000" # #Number of fragment log files (64MB per log part) # NDB_NO_OF_FRAGMENT_LOG_FILES="100" # #Number of fragment log parts (default 4, max 16) #Cannot run more LDM threads than there are log parts # NDB_NO_OF_FRAGMENT_LOG_PARTS="8" # #Send buffer memory per transporter # NDB_SEND_BUFFER_MEMORY="8M" # #OS kernel send buffer, in slow networks with high throughput this might #require more memory # NDB_TCP_SEND_BUFFER_MEMORY="1M" # #OS kernel receive buffer, in slow networks with high throughput this might #require more memory # NDB_TCP_RECEIVE_BUFFER_MEMORY="1M" # #Log buffer for REDO log, this is per LDM thread. #NDB_REDO_BUFFER="64M" # #Set to yes if process to be set to realtime process through syscalls. #NDB_REALTIME_SCHEDULER="" # #Set NDB_MAX_NO_OF_EXECUTION_THREADS to maximum number of #execution threads to configure NDB data nodes with. #NDB_MAX_NO_OF_EXECUTION_THREADS="" #NDB_THREAD_CONFIG can be used to provide a more thorough description of how #configure the execution threads in the NDB data nodes. #Example: #NDB_THREAD_CONFIG="ldm={count=4},tc={count=2},send={count=2},recv={count=2} #It is also possible to lock specific threads to specific CPUs using this #config variable saying e.g. ldm={count=4, cpubind=1-4}. Otherwise one #uses the settings from NDB_EXECUTE_CPU for binding to CPUs. # NDB_THREAD_CONFIG="ldm={count=8,cpubind=7-10,19-22},tc={count=6,cpubind=4-6,16-18},send={count=4,cpubind=0-1,12-13},recv={count=4,cpubind=2-3,14-15},main={count=1,cpubind=11},rep={count=1,cpubind=11}" #NDB_THREAD_CONFIG, NDB_MAX_NO_OF_EXECUTION_THREADS, NDB_EXECUTE_CPU #and NDB_MAINT_CPU can be provided either as a single value used on #all data nodes, or an array separated by ; with one entry per data node. #The following parameters are set to non-default values but aren't changeable #in this framework. #[TCP Default] #SendBufferMemory: 4M #[MYSQLD DEFAULT] #BatchSize: 128 #[NDBD DEFAULT] #BatchSizePerLocalScan: 128 #FragmentLogFileSize: 64M #DiskSyncSize: 4M #DataDir: DATA_DIR_BASE/ndb #[NDB_MGMD] #PortNumber: 1186 #NodeId in increasing order # #Optional server parameters #TMP_BASE="/tmp" #Possible values are READ-UNCOMMITTED, READ-COMMITTED, REPEATABLE-READ #and SERIALIZABLE. REPEATABLE-READ is default in MySQL Server. #TRANSACTION_ISOLATION="" # #Optional parameters for build script #To use Drizzle, set USE_DRIZZLE="yes" #USE_DRIZZLE="no" #REMOTE_SRC_INSTALL_DIR is mandatory for remote Windows hosts #REMOTE_SRC_INSTALL_DIR="C:/cygwin/home/mikael/src" #CMAKE_GENERATOR="Visual;Studio;9;2008;Win64" #SSH_PORT="22" #SSH_USER="" # #Default compiler is gcc, other options are open64, icc and forte #COMPILER="" # #Optional iClaustron parameters #USE_MALLOC_LIB="yes" #MALLOC_LIB="/usr/lib64/libtcmalloc_minimal.so.0" # #Set USE_SUPERSOCKET="yes" to use Supersocket, set SUPERSOCKET_LIB #if LD_LIBRARY_PATH needs to be changed to find library, similarly #for Infiniband. #USE_SUPERSOCKET="no" #USE_INFINIBAND="no" #SUPERSOCKET_LIB="" #INFINIBAND_LIB="" # #InnoDB parameters INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_INSTANCES="12" #INNODB_READ_IO_THREADS="8" #INNODB_WRITE_IO_THREADS="8" #INNODB_THREAD_CONCURRENCY="0" #INNODB_LOG_FILE_SIZE="2000M" #INNODB_LOG_BUFFER_SIZE="64M" #INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_SIZE="8192M" #INNODB_FLUSH_LOG_AT_TRX_COMMIT="2" #INNODB_ADAPTIVE_HASH_INDEX="0" #INNODB_READ_AHEAD_THRESHOLD="63" #INNODB_IO_CAPACITY="200" #INNODB_LOG_DIR="" #INNODB_MAX_PURGE_LAG="" # InnoDB support XA is disabled by default #INNODB_SUPPORT_XA="" #Allowed flush methods are O_DSYNC, O_DIRECT, default uses fsync() #INNODB_FLUSH_METHOD="" #INNODB_USE_PURGE_THREAD="yes" #INNODB_FILE_PER_TABLE="" #Change buffering can have values inserts, deletes, purges, changes, all, none #INNODB_CHANGE_BUFFERING="all" #INNODB_DOUBLEWRITE="yes" #INNODB_FILE_FORMAT="barracuda" #INNODB_DIRTY_PAGES_PCT="" #INNODB_OLD_BLOCKS_PCT="" #INNODB_SPIN_WAIT_DELAY="" #INNODB_SYNC_SPIN_LOOPS="" #INNODB_STATS_ON_METADATA="off" # #USE_LARGE_PAGES="" #LOCK_ALL="" #KEY_BUFFER_SIZE="50M" #MAX_HEAP_TABLE_SIZE="1000M" #TMP_TABLE_SIZE="100M" #MAX_TMP_TABLES="100" #SORT_BUFFER_SIZE="32768" #If desirable to run benchmarks with more than 1000 connections this #parameter MAX_CONNECTIONS need to be increased. #MAX_CONNECTIONS="1000" #TABLE_CACHE_SIZE="400" # #Server parameters for thread pool, setting any activates the thread #pool plugin, requires binary MySQL Enterprise tarball. #THREADPOOL_SIZE="" #THREADPOOL_ALGORITHM="" #THREADPOOL_STALL_LIMIT="" #THREADPOOL_PRIO_KICKUP_TIMER="" # #Mandatory DBT2 parameters, only needed when running DBT2 DBT2_DATA_DIR="/home/test/dbt2_data" # #Optional DBT2 parameters (only used when running DBT2) #DBT2_DATA_DIR is where files used to load data are put #They can be generated with create_dbt2_files.sh #See create_dbt2_file.sh --help for info on how #Number of warehouses loaded #DBT2_WAREHOUSES="10" #Number of terminals, which is threads per warehouse in test #Default normally is 10, but here we use 1 as default. Should #be between 1 and 10. #DBT2_TERMINALS="1" #What type of partitioning to use, set to empty if no partitioning #is desired, partitioning types are HASH and KEY. #DBT2_PARTITION_FLAG="HASH" #Set number of partitions if not default number is desired, default #is 1 for non-clustered engines and dependent on number of nodes #and threads per node in NDB. #DBT2_NUM_PARTITIONS="" #Should PK be defined as USING HASH or not. #Set to empty if ordered index is desired instead. #DBT2_PK_USING_HASH_FLAG="--using-hash" #Intermediate result reporting to be able to understand not only #mean throughput in a long period, but also short term ups and #downs. Setting it to "0" means no intermediate reporting is done. #DBT2_INTERMEDIATE_TIMER_RESOLUTION="3" #The real number of threads for a DBT2 test run is number of #DBT2_RUN_WAREHOUSES times the number of DBT2_TERMINALS since each #terminal will use one terminal, so e.g. 1;2;4 means 10, 20 and 40 #threads in the test. #Number of threads in DBT2_RUN_WAREHOUSES below can never be more #than the number of warehouses. #DBT2_RUN_WAREHOUSES="1;2;4" #It is also possible to run more complex DBT2 runs which is useful #in particular for NDB test cases where one might want to vary #all the parameters, number of MySQL Servers, number of warehouses #and number of terminals. In this case it is necessary to add one #more config file next to the autobench.conf which is named #dbt2_run_1.conf. An example of what this file should contain is: ##NUM_MYSQL_SERVERS NUM_WAREHOUSES NUM_TERMINALS # 1 1 1 # 2 2 2 # 4 4 1 # This means 3 runs with various settings of servers, warehouses # and terminals. # #Time for each DBT2 test run #DBT2_TIME="90" #Use SCI in DBT2 test #DBT2_SCI="" #Use perfect spread in MySQL Cluster tests #DBT2_SPREAD="" #Use this number of parallel loaders when inserting DBT2 records #DBT2_LOADERS="8" #To use MyISAM for Item table is useful for NDB scalability tests, #set to yes if desired. #USE_MYISAM_FOR_ITEM="" # #Optional Sysbench parameters (only used when running sysbench) #RUN_RW="yes" #RUN_RW_WRITE_INT="no" #RUN_RO="no" #RUN_RW_LESS_READ="no" #RUN_WRITE="no" #SB_USE_SECONDARY_INDEX="no" #SB_USE_MYSQL_HANDLER="no" #SB_NUM_PARTITIONS="0" #SB_NUM_TABLES="1" #SB_TX_RATE="" #SB_TX_JITTER="" #SB_USE_AUTO_INC="no" #Default for USE_TRX is to base it on storage engine, otherwise yes/no #SB_USE_TRX="" #Distribution type of data (uniform, gaussian, special) #SB_DIST_TYPE="uniform" #SYSBENCH_ROWS="1000000" #THREAD_COUNTS_TO_RUN="16;32;64;128;256" #MAX_TIME="260" #NUM_TEST_RUNS="1" # #flexAsynch mandatory parameter # #API nodes, each API node is one flexAsynch instance, can run #a large number of flexAsynch processes. Usually gives no extra #benefit of having more than one per node as long as #NDB_MULTI_CONNECTION is set properly. #FLEX_ASYNCH_API_NODES="host1;host2" # #flexAsynch optional parameters #Number of threads that flexAsynch runs #FLEX_ASYNCH_NUM_THREADS="16" # #Number of operations sent from each thread in parallel #FLEX_ASYNCH_NUM_PARALLELISM="32" # #Number of operations per transaction #FLEX_ASYNCH_NUM_OPS_PER_TRANS="1" # #Number of rounds of execution before completed #FLEX_ASYNCH_EXECUTION_ROUNDS="500" # #Number of attributes apart from key attributes #FLEX_ASYNCH_NUM_ATTRIBUTES="25" # #Size of attributes in 4-byte words #FLEX_ASYNCH_ATTRIBUTE_SIZE="1" # #Set to yes to disable REDO logging => table data not recoverable #FLEX_ASYNCH_NO_LOGGING="no" # #Set to yes to avoid usage of hints where to place transaction #coordinator. #FLEX_ASYNCH_NO_HINT="no" # #Set to adaptive if use NDB API adaptive send method, also non-adaptive #send is available (sends every 10ms). #FLEX_ASYNCH_FORCE_FLAG="force" # #Use write instead of update/insert #FLEX_ASYNCH_USE_WRITE="no" # #Number of multiconnections, optimal performance lies around 4 threads #per multi-connection. #FLEX_ASYNCH_NUM_MULTI_CONNECTIONS="1" # #Use localized transactions from a thread #0 means no localisation #1 means a thread only uses 1 node #2 select node id for a thread on a round robin basis per set of transaction #3 select node id for a thread randomly per set of transactions #FLEX_ASYNCH_USE_LOCAL="0" # #Warmup timer where transaction results are not measured #FLEX_ASYNCH_WARMUP_TIMER="10" # #Time to execute actual benchmark #FLEX_ASYNCH_EXECUTION_TIMER="30" # #Cooldown timer after completed executing benchmark, no measurements #any longer. #FLEX_ASYNCH_COOLDOWN_TIMER="10" # #Generic benchmark parameters #If lock to CPU's are used one must set TASKSET="taskset" and #set both SERVER_CPUS and BENCHMARK_CPUS to proper values, #setting SERVER_CPUS="0xFC" means that CPU2-CPU7 is allowed to #be used by the Server process. #Default is to not use taskset and locking to CPUs #It is also possible to set multiple values in SERVER_CPUS, e.g. #SERVER_CPUS="0xF;=0x0F", the number of values must then be equal #to the number of SERVER_HOST values and there is a one to one #correspondence between the first SERVER_CPUS and the first #SERVER_HOST, thus the first mysql server host will be mapped to #CPU 0-3 in this case. #It is also possible to set TASKSET to numactl, in this case the #variable SERVER_BIND specifies the NUMA nodes to bind memory and #CPUs to, if need to bind to individual CPUs then use SERVER_CPUS #in addition to SERVER_BIND. SERVER_MEM_POLICY can be set to #local to avoid interleaved memory policy which is default. #The BENCHMARK_* parameters has the same meaning as the SERVER_* #parameters except they operate on the benchmark programs instead #of operate on the MySQL Server program. #With numactl nodes and cpus are given by the syntax 0-2,5-7 where #there can be multiple ranges of cpus and nodes. TASKSET="numactl" SERVER_CPUS="" SERVER_BIND="2-7" SERVER_MEM_POLICY="interleaved" #If several flexAsynch processes are used, then one can specify one #bitmap per process or 1 bitmap for all processes. BENCHMARK_CPUS="" BENCHMARK_BIND="0-1" BENCHMARK_MEM_POLICY="local" #BETWEEN_RUNS="25" #AFTER_INITIAL_RUN="30" #AFTER_SERVER_START="60" #BETWEEN_CREATE_DB_TEST="15" #NUM_CREATE_DB_ATTEMPTS="12" #AFTER_SERVER_STOP="30"