+ mk-archiver --source h=localhost,P=3330,a=traceme,D=traceme,t=Event2,u=root,p=datacharmer --dest h=localhost,P=3330,a=Historics,D=Historics,u=root,p=datacharmer,t=his_Event_syncomict --safe-auto-increment --txn-size 50 --where 'gps_date BETWEEN '\''2009-12-01 00:00:00'\'' AND '\''2009-12-31 00:00:00'\''' --statistics --progress 10 --limit 500 # /usr/bin/perl 5.010000 # DSNParser:1317 23166 Adding extra property D # DSNParser:1317 23166 Adding extra property t # DSNParser:1317 23166 Adding extra property a # DSNParser:1317 23166 Adding extra property i # DSNParser:1317 23166 Adding extra property m # DSNParser:1317 23166 Adding extra property b # OptionParser:136 23166 Option rule: Specify at least one of --dest, --file, or --purge. # OptionParser:136 23166 Option rule: --ignore and --replace are mutually exclusive. # OptionParser:136 23166 Option rule: --txn-size and --commit-each are mutually exclusive. # OptionParser:136 23166 Option rule: --low-priority-insert and --delayed-insert are mutually exclusive. # OptionParser:136 23166 Option rule: --share-lock and --for-update are mutually exclusive. # OptionParser:136 23166 Option rule: --analyze and --optimize are mutually exclusive. # OptionParser:136 23166 Option rule: --no-ascend and --no-delete are mutually exclusive. # OptionParser:136 23166 Option rule: DSN values in --dest default to values from --source if COPY is yes. # OptionParser:145 23166 =item --analyze # OptionParser:172 23166 Short help: Run ANALYZE TABLE afterwards on --source and/or --dest # OptionParser:145 23166 =item --ascend-first # OptionParser:164 23166 Option has no attributes # OptionParser:172 23166 Short help: Ascend only first column of index # OptionParser:145 23166 =item --ask-pass # OptionParser:164 23166 Option has no attributes # OptionParser:172 23166 Short help: Prompt for a password when connecting to MySQL # OptionParser:145 23166 =item --buffer # OptionParser:164 23166 Option has no attributes # OptionParser:172 23166 Short help: Buffer output to --file and flush at commit # OptionParser:145 23166 =item --bulk-delete # OptionParser:164 23166 Option has no attributes # OptionParser:172 23166 Short help: Delete each chunk with a single statement (implies --commit-each) # OptionParser:145 23166 =item --bulk-insert # OptionParser:164 23166 Option has no attributes # OptionParser:172 23166 Short help: Insert each chunk with LOAD DATA INFILE (implies --bulk-delete --commit-each) # OptionParser:145 23166 =item --charset # OptionParser:172 23166 Short help: Default character set # OptionParser:145 23166 =item --[no]check-columns # OptionParser:172 23166 Short help: Ensure --source and --dest have same columns # OptionParser:145 23166 =item --check-interval # OptionParser:172 23166 Short help: How often to check for slave lag if --check-slave-lag is given # OptionParser:145 23166 =item --check-slave-lag # OptionParser:172 23166 Short help: Pause archiving until the specified DSN's slave lag is less than --max-lag # OptionParser:145 23166 =item --columns # OptionParser:172 23166 Short help: Comma-separated list of columns to archive # OptionParser:145 23166 =item --commit-each # OptionParser:164 23166 Option has no attributes # OptionParser:172 23166 Short help: Commit each set of fetched and archived rows (disables --txn-size) # OptionParser:145 23166 =item --config # OptionParser:172 23166 Short help: Read this comma-separated list of config files; if specified, this must be the first option on the command line # OptionParser:145 23166 =item --delayed-insert # OptionParser:164 23166 Option has no attributes # OptionParser:172 23166 Short help: Add the DELAYED modifier to INSERT statements # OptionParser:145 23166 =item --dest # OptionParser:172 23166 Short help: DSN specifying the table to archive to # OptionParser:145 23166 =item --dry-run # OptionParser:164 23166 Option has no attributes # OptionParser:172 23166 Short help: Print queries and exit without doing anything # OptionParser:145 23166 =item --file # OptionParser:172 23166 Short help: File to archive to, with DATE_FORMAT()-like formatting # OptionParser:145 23166 =item --for-update # OptionParser:164 23166 Option has no attributes # OptionParser:172 23166 Short help: Adds the FOR UPDATE modifier to SELECT statements # OptionParser:145 23166 =item --header # OptionParser:164 23166 Option has no attributes # OptionParser:172 23166 Short help: Print column header at top of --file # OptionParser:145 23166 =item --help # OptionParser:164 23166 Option has no attributes # OptionParser:172 23166 Short help: Show help and exit # OptionParser:145 23166 =item --high-priority-select # OptionParser:164 23166 Option has no attributes # OptionParser:172 23166 Short help: Adds the HIGH_PRIORITY modifier to SELECT statements # OptionParser:145 23166 =item --host # OptionParser:172 23166 Short help: Connect to host # OptionParser:145 23166 =item --ignore # OptionParser:164 23166 Option has no attributes # OptionParser:172 23166 Short help: Use IGNORE for INSERT statements # OptionParser:145 23166 =item --limit # OptionParser:172 23166 Short help: Number of rows to fetch and archive per statement # OptionParser:145 23166 =item --local # OptionParser:164 23166 Option has no attributes # OptionParser:172 23166 Short help: Do not write OPTIMIZE or ANALYZE queries to binlog # OptionParser:145 23166 =item --low-priority-delete # OptionParser:164 23166 Option has no attributes # OptionParser:172 23166 Short help: Adds the LOW_PRIORITY modifier to DELETE statements # OptionParser:145 23166 =item --low-priority-insert # OptionParser:164 23166 Option has no attributes # OptionParser:172 23166 Short help: Adds the LOW_PRIORITY modifier to INSERT or REPLACE statements # OptionParser:145 23166 =item --max-lag # OptionParser:172 23166 Short help: Pause archiving if the slave given by --check-slave-lag lags # OptionParser:145 23166 =item --no-ascend # OptionParser:164 23166 Option has no attributes # OptionParser:172 23166 Short help: Do not use ascending index optimization # OptionParser:145 23166 =item --no-delete # OptionParser:164 23166 Option has no attributes # OptionParser:172 23166 Short help: Do not delete archived rows # OptionParser:145 23166 =item --optimize # OptionParser:172 23166 Short help: Run OPTIMIZE TABLE afterwards on --source and/or --dest # OptionParser:145 23166 =item --password # OptionParser:172 23166 Short help: Password to use when connecting # OptionParser:145 23166 =item --pid # OptionParser:172 23166 Short help: Create the given PID file when daemonized # OptionParser:145 23166 =item --plugin # OptionParser:172 23166 Short help: Perl module name to use as a generic plugin # OptionParser:145 23166 =item --port # OptionParser:172 23166 Short help: Port number to use for connection # OptionParser:145 23166 =item --primary-key-only # OptionParser:164 23166 Option has no attributes # OptionParser:172 23166 Short help: Primary key columns only # OptionParser:145 23166 =item --progress # OptionParser:172 23166 Short help: Print progress information every X rows # OptionParser:145 23166 =item --purge # OptionParser:164 23166 Option has no attributes # OptionParser:172 23166 Short help: Purge instead of archiving; allows omitting --file and --dest # OptionParser:145 23166 =item --quick-delete # OptionParser:164 23166 Option has no attributes # OptionParser:172 23166 Short help: Adds the QUICK modifier to DELETE statements # OptionParser:145 23166 =item --quiet # OptionParser:164 23166 Option has no attributes # OptionParser:172 23166 Short help: Do not print any output, such as for --statistics # OptionParser:145 23166 =item --replace # OptionParser:164 23166 Option has no attributes # OptionParser:172 23166 Short help: Causes INSERTs into --dest to be written as REPLACE # OptionParser:145 23166 =item --retries # OptionParser:172 23166 Short help: Number of retries per timeout or deadlock # OptionParser:145 23166 =item --run-time # OptionParser:172 23166 Short help: Time to run before exiting # OptionParser:145 23166 =item --[no]safe-auto-increment # OptionParser:172 23166 Short help: Do not archive row with max AUTO_INCREMENT # OptionParser:145 23166 =item --sentinel # OptionParser:172 23166 Short help: Exit if this file exists # OptionParser:145 23166 =item --set-vars # OptionParser:172 23166 Short help: Set these MySQL variables # OptionParser:145 23166 =item --share-lock # OptionParser:164 23166 Option has no attributes # OptionParser:172 23166 Short help: Adds the LOCK IN SHARE MODE modifier to SELECT statements # OptionParser:145 23166 =item --skip-foreign-key-checks # OptionParser:164 23166 Option has no attributes # OptionParser:172 23166 Short help: Disables foreign key checks with SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0 # OptionParser:145 23166 =item --sleep # OptionParser:172 23166 Short help: Sleep time between fetches # OptionParser:145 23166 =item --sleep-coef # OptionParser:172 23166 Short help: Calculate --sleep as a multiple of the last SELECT time # OptionParser:145 23166 =item --socket # OptionParser:172 23166 Short help: Socket file to use for connection # OptionParser:145 23166 =item --source # OptionParser:172 23166 Short help: DSN specifying the table to archive from (required) # OptionParser:145 23166 =item --statistics # OptionParser:164 23166 Option has no attributes # OptionParser:172 23166 Short help: Collect and print timing statistics # OptionParser:145 23166 =item --stop # OptionParser:164 23166 Option has no attributes # OptionParser:172 23166 Short help: Stop running instances by creating the sentinel file # OptionParser:145 23166 =item --txn-size # OptionParser:172 23166 Short help: Number of rows per transaction # OptionParser:145 23166 =item --user # OptionParser:172 23166 Short help: User for login if not current user # OptionParser:145 23166 =item --version # OptionParser:164 23166 Option has no attributes # OptionParser:172 23166 Short help: Show version and exit # OptionParser:145 23166 =item --where # OptionParser:172 23166 Short help: WHERE clause to limit which rows to archive (required) # OptionParser:145 23166 =item --why-quit # OptionParser:164 23166 Option has no attributes # OptionParser:172 23166 Short help: Print reason for exiting unless rows exhausted # OptionParser:217 23166 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => analyze=s desc => Run ANALYZE TABLE afterwards on --source and/or --dest # OptionParser:255 23166 analyze type: s # OptionParser:217 23166 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => ascend-first desc => Ascend only first column of index # OptionParser:255 23166 ascend-first type: undef # OptionParser:217 23166 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => ask-pass desc => Prompt for a password when connecting to MySQL # OptionParser:255 23166 ask-pass type: undef # OptionParser:217 23166 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => buffer desc => Buffer output to --file and flush at commit # OptionParser:255 23166 buffer type: undef # OptionParser:217 23166 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => bulk-delete desc => Delete each chunk with a single statement (implies --commit-each) # OptionParser:255 23166 bulk-delete type: undef # OptionParser:217 23166 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => bulk-insert desc => Insert each chunk with LOAD DATA INFILE (implies --bulk-delete --commit-each) # OptionParser:255 23166 bulk-insert type: undef # OptionParser:217 23166 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => charset|A=s desc => Default character set # OptionParser:255 23166 charset type: s # OptionParser:217 23166 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => check-columns! desc => Ensure --source and --dest have same columns (default yes) # OptionParser:255 23166 check-columns type: undef # OptionParser:266 23166 check-columns default: yes # OptionParser:217 23166 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => check-interval=m desc => How often to check for slave lag if --check-slave-lag is given (default 1s) # OptionParser:255 23166 check-interval type: m # OptionParser:266 23166 check-interval default: 1s # OptionParser:217 23166 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => check-slave-lag=s desc => Pause archiving until the specified DSN's slave lag is less than --max-lag # OptionParser:255 23166 check-slave-lag type: s # OptionParser:217 23166 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => columns|c=a desc => Comma-separated list of columns to archive # OptionParser:255 23166 columns type: a # OptionParser:217 23166 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => commit-each desc => Commit each set of fetched and archived rows (disables --txn-size) # OptionParser:255 23166 commit-each type: undef # OptionParser:275 23166 Deferring check of disables rule for HASH(0x8f10fa8) disables --txn-size) # OptionParser:217 23166 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => config=A desc => Read this comma-separated list of config files; if specified, this must be the first option on the command line # OptionParser:255 23166 config type: A # OptionParser:217 23166 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => delayed-insert desc => Add the DELAYED modifier to INSERT statements # OptionParser:255 23166 delayed-insert type: undef # OptionParser:217 23166 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => dest=d desc => DSN specifying the table to archive to # OptionParser:255 23166 dest type: d # OptionParser:217 23166 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => dry-run desc => Print queries and exit without doing anything # OptionParser:255 23166 dry-run type: undef # OptionParser:217 23166 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => file=s desc => File to archive to, with DATE_FORMAT()-like formatting # OptionParser:255 23166 file type: s # OptionParser:217 23166 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => for-update desc => Adds the FOR UPDATE modifier to SELECT statements # OptionParser:255 23166 for-update type: undef # OptionParser:217 23166 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => header desc => Print column header at top of --file # OptionParser:255 23166 header type: undef # OptionParser:217 23166 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => help desc => Show help and exit # OptionParser:255 23166 help type: undef # OptionParser:217 23166 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => high-priority-select desc => Adds the HIGH_PRIORITY modifier to SELECT statements # OptionParser:255 23166 high-priority-select type: undef # OptionParser:217 23166 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => host|h=s desc => Connect to host # OptionParser:255 23166 host type: s # OptionParser:217 23166 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => ignore desc => Use IGNORE for INSERT statements # OptionParser:255 23166 ignore type: undef # OptionParser:217 23166 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => limit=i desc => Number of rows to fetch and archive per statement (default 1) # OptionParser:255 23166 limit type: i # OptionParser:266 23166 limit default: 1 # OptionParser:217 23166 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => local desc => Do not write OPTIMIZE or ANALYZE queries to binlog # OptionParser:255 23166 local type: undef # OptionParser:217 23166 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => low-priority-delete desc => Adds the LOW_PRIORITY modifier to DELETE statements # OptionParser:255 23166 low-priority-delete type: undef # OptionParser:217 23166 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => low-priority-insert desc => Adds the LOW_PRIORITY modifier to INSERT or REPLACE statements # OptionParser:255 23166 low-priority-insert type: undef # OptionParser:217 23166 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => max-lag=m desc => Pause archiving if the slave given by --check-slave-lag lags (default 1s) # OptionParser:255 23166 max-lag type: m # OptionParser:266 23166 max-lag default: 1s # OptionParser:217 23166 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => no-ascend desc => Do not use ascending index optimization # OptionParser:255 23166 no-ascend type: undef # OptionParser:217 23166 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => no-delete desc => Do not delete archived rows # OptionParser:255 23166 no-delete type: undef # OptionParser:217 23166 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => optimize=s desc => Run OPTIMIZE TABLE afterwards on --source and/or --dest # OptionParser:255 23166 optimize type: s # OptionParser:217 23166 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => password|p=s desc => Password to use when connecting # OptionParser:255 23166 password type: s # OptionParser:217 23166 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => pid=s desc => Create the given PID file when daemonized # OptionParser:255 23166 pid type: s # OptionParser:217 23166 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => plugin=s desc => Perl module name to use as a generic plugin # OptionParser:255 23166 plugin type: s # OptionParser:217 23166 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => port|P=i desc => Port number to use for connection # OptionParser:255 23166 port type: i # OptionParser:217 23166 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => primary-key-only desc => Primary key columns only # OptionParser:255 23166 primary-key-only type: undef # OptionParser:217 23166 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => progress=i desc => Print progress information every X rows # OptionParser:255 23166 progress type: i # OptionParser:217 23166 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => purge desc => Purge instead of archiving; allows omitting --file and --dest # OptionParser:255 23166 purge type: undef # OptionParser:217 23166 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => quick-delete desc => Adds the QUICK modifier to DELETE statements # OptionParser:255 23166 quick-delete type: undef # OptionParser:217 23166 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => quiet desc => Do not print any output, such as for --statistics # OptionParser:255 23166 quiet type: undef # OptionParser:217 23166 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => replace desc => Causes INSERTs into --dest to be written as REPLACE # OptionParser:255 23166 replace type: undef # OptionParser:217 23166 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => retries=i desc => Number of retries per timeout or deadlock (default 1) # OptionParser:255 23166 retries type: i # OptionParser:266 23166 retries default: 1 # OptionParser:217 23166 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => run-time=m desc => Time to run before exiting # OptionParser:255 23166 run-time type: m # OptionParser:217 23166 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => safe-auto-increment! desc => Do not archive row with max AUTO_INCREMENT (default yes) # OptionParser:255 23166 safe-auto-increment type: undef # OptionParser:266 23166 safe-auto-increment default: yes # OptionParser:217 23166 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => sentinel=s desc => Exit if this file exists (default /tmp/mk-archiver-sentinel) # OptionParser:255 23166 sentinel type: s # OptionParser:266 23166 sentinel default: /tmp/mk-archiver-sentinel # OptionParser:217 23166 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => set-vars=s desc => Set these MySQL variables (default wait_timeout=10000) # OptionParser:255 23166 set-vars type: s # OptionParser:266 23166 set-vars default: wait_timeout=10000 # OptionParser:217 23166 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => share-lock desc => Adds the LOCK IN SHARE MODE modifier to SELECT statements # OptionParser:255 23166 share-lock type: undef # OptionParser:217 23166 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => skip-foreign-key-checks desc => Disables foreign key checks with SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0 # OptionParser:255 23166 skip-foreign-key-checks type: undef # OptionParser:217 23166 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => sleep=i desc => Sleep time between fetches # OptionParser:255 23166 sleep type: i # OptionParser:217 23166 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => sleep-coef=f desc => Calculate --sleep as a multiple of the last SELECT time # OptionParser:255 23166 sleep-coef type: f # OptionParser:217 23166 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => socket|S=s desc => Socket file to use for connection # OptionParser:255 23166 socket type: s # OptionParser:217 23166 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => source=d desc => DSN specifying the table to archive from (required) # OptionParser:255 23166 source type: d # OptionParser:217 23166 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => statistics desc => Collect and print timing statistics # OptionParser:255 23166 statistics type: undef # OptionParser:217 23166 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => stop desc => Stop running instances by creating the sentinel file # OptionParser:255 23166 stop type: undef # OptionParser:217 23166 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => txn-size=i desc => Number of rows per transaction (default 1) # OptionParser:255 23166 txn-size type: i # OptionParser:266 23166 txn-size default: 1 # OptionParser:217 23166 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => user|u=s desc => User for login if not current user # OptionParser:255 23166 user type: s # OptionParser:217 23166 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => version desc => Show version and exit # OptionParser:255 23166 version type: undef # OptionParser:217 23166 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => where=s desc => WHERE clause to limit which rows to archive (required) # OptionParser:255 23166 where type: s # OptionParser:217 23166 Parsing opt spec: group => default spec => why-quit desc => Print reason for exiting unless rows exhausted # OptionParser:255 23166 why-quit type: undef # OptionParser:281 23166 Parsing rule: Specify at least one of --dest, --file, or --purge. # OptionParser:332 23166 Participants for Specify at least one of --dest, --file, or --purge. : dest file purge # OptionParser:294 23166 dest file purge require at least one # OptionParser:281 23166 Parsing rule: --ignore and --replace are mutually exclusive. # OptionParser:332 23166 Participants for --ignore and --replace are mutually exclusive. : ignore replace # OptionParser:289 23166 ignore replace are mutually exclusive # OptionParser:281 23166 Parsing rule: --txn-size and --commit-each are mutually exclusive. # OptionParser:332 23166 Participants for --txn-size and --commit-each are mutually exclusive. : txn-size commit-each # OptionParser:289 23166 txn-size commit-each are mutually exclusive # OptionParser:281 23166 Parsing rule: --low-priority-insert and --delayed-insert are mutually exclusive. # OptionParser:332 23166 Participants for --low-priority-insert and --delayed-insert are mutually exclusive. : low-priority-insert delayed-insert # OptionParser:289 23166 low-priority-insert delayed-insert are mutually exclusive # OptionParser:281 23166 Parsing rule: --share-lock and --for-update are mutually exclusive. # OptionParser:332 23166 Participants for --share-lock and --for-update are mutually exclusive. : share-lock for-update # OptionParser:289 23166 share-lock for-update are mutually exclusive # OptionParser:281 23166 Parsing rule: --analyze and --optimize are mutually exclusive. # OptionParser:332 23166 Participants for --analyze and --optimize are mutually exclusive. : analyze optimize # OptionParser:289 23166 analyze optimize are mutually exclusive # OptionParser:281 23166 Parsing rule: --no-ascend and --no-delete are mutually exclusive. # OptionParser:332 23166 Participants for --no-ascend and --no-delete are mutually exclusive. : no-ascend no-delete # OptionParser:289 23166 no-ascend no-delete are mutually exclusive # OptionParser:281 23166 Parsing rule: DSN values in --dest default to values from --source if COPY is yes. # OptionParser:332 23166 Participants for DSN values in --dest default to values from --source if COPY is yes. : dest source # OptionParser:299 23166 dest defaults to source # OptionParser:332 23166 Participants for disables --txn-size) : txn-size # OptionParser:318 23166 Option commit-each disables txn-size # OptionParser:416 23166 Cannot open /etc/maatkit/maatkit.conf: No such file or directory # # OptionParser:416 23166 Cannot open /etc/maatkit/mk-archiver.conf: No such file or directory # # OptionParser:416 23166 Cannot open /root/.maatkit.conf: No such file or directory # # OptionParser:416 23166 Cannot open /root/.mk-archiver.conf: No such file or directory # # OptionParser:384 23166 Got option source = h=localhost,P=3330,a=traceme,D=traceme,t=Event2,u=root,p=datacharmer # OptionParser:384 23166 Got option dest = h=localhost,P=3330,a=Historics,D=Historics,u=root,p=datacharmer,t=his_Event_syncomict # OptionParser:384 23166 Got option safe-auto-increment = 1 # OptionParser:384 23166 Got option txn-size = 50 # OptionParser:384 23166 Got option where = gps_date BETWEEN '2009-12-01 00:00:00' AND '2009-12-31 00:00:00' # OptionParser:384 23166 Got option statistics = 1 # OptionParser:384 23166 Got option progress = 10 # OptionParser:384 23166 Got option limit = 500 # OptionParser:579 23166 Nothing to validate for option sentinel type s value /tmp/mk-archiver-sentinel # OptionParser:579 23166 Nothing to validate for option txn-size type i value 50 # OptionParser:579 23166 Nothing to validate for option file type s value undef # OptionParser:579 23166 Nothing to validate for option check-slave-lag type s value undef # OptionParser:579 23166 Nothing to validate for option password type s value undef # OptionParser:579 23166 Nothing to validate for option pid type s value undef # OptionParser:579 23166 Nothing to validate for option user type s value undef # OptionParser:579 23166 Nothing to validate for option charset type s value undef # OptionParser:579 23166 Nothing to validate for option set-vars type s value wait_timeout=10000 # OptionParser:579 23166 Nothing to validate for option port type i value undef # OptionParser:579 23166 Nothing to validate for option socket type s value undef # OptionParser:525 23166 Parsing option check-interval as a time value # OptionParser:539 23166 Setting option check-interval to 1 # OptionParser:579 23166 Nothing to validate for option columns type a value undef # OptionParser:525 23166 Parsing option max-lag as a time value # OptionParser:539 23166 Setting option max-lag to 1 # OptionParser:546 23166 Parsing option source as a DSN # DSNParser:1392 23166 DSN string made from options: # DSNParser:1335 23166 No DSN to parse # DSNParser:1338 23166 Parsing h=localhost,P=3330,a=traceme,D=traceme,t=Event2,u=root,p=datacharmer # DSNParser:1356 23166 Finding value for A # DSNParser:1366 23166 Copying value for A from defaults # DSNParser:1356 23166 Finding value for F # DSNParser:1366 23166 Copying value for F from defaults # DSNParser:1356 23166 Finding value for S # DSNParser:1366 23166 Copying value for S from defaults # DSNParser:1356 23166 Finding value for a # DSNParser:1356 23166 Finding value for P # DSNParser:1356 23166 Finding value for m # DSNParser:1366 23166 Copying value for m from defaults # DSNParser:1356 23166 Finding value for p # DSNParser:1356 23166 Finding value for u # DSNParser:1356 23166 Finding value for h # DSNParser:1356 23166 Finding value for D # DSNParser:1356 23166 Finding value for b # DSNParser:1366 23166 Copying value for b from defaults # DSNParser:1356 23166 Finding value for t # DSNParser:1356 23166 Finding value for i # DSNParser:1366 23166 Copying value for i from defaults # OptionParser:579 23166 Nothing to validate for option retries type i value 1 # OptionParser:546 23166 Parsing option dest as a DSN # OptionParser:550 23166 dest DSN copies from source DSN # DSNParser:1392 23166 DSN string made from options: # DSNParser:1335 23166 No DSN to parse # DSNParser:1338 23166 Parsing h=localhost,P=3330,a=Historics,D=Historics,u=root,p=datacharmer,t=his_Event_syncomict # DSNParser:1356 23166 Finding value for A # DSNParser:1366 23166 Copying value for A from defaults # DSNParser:1356 23166 Finding value for F # DSNParser:1366 23166 Copying value for F from defaults # DSNParser:1356 23166 Finding value for S # DSNParser:1366 23166 Copying value for S from defaults # DSNParser:1356 23166 Finding value for a # DSNParser:1356 23166 Finding value for P # DSNParser:1356 23166 Finding value for m # DSNParser:1366 23166 Copying value for m from defaults # DSNParser:1356 23166 Finding value for u # DSNParser:1356 23166 Finding value for p # DSNParser:1356 23166 Finding value for h # DSNParser:1356 23166 Finding value for D # DSNParser:1356 23166 Finding value for b # DSNParser:1366 23166 Copying value for b from defaults # DSNParser:1356 23166 Finding value for t # DSNParser:1356 23166 Finding value for i # DSNParser:1366 23166 Copying value for i from defaults # OptionParser:579 23166 Nothing to validate for option sleep-coef type f value undef # OptionParser:579 23166 Nothing to validate for option run-time type m value undef # OptionParser:579 23166 Nothing to validate for option limit type i value 500 # OptionParser:579 23166 Nothing to validate for option plugin type s value undef # OptionParser:579 23166 Nothing to validate for option progress type i value 10 # OptionParser:579 23166 Nothing to validate for option where type s value gps_date BETWEEN '2009-12-01 00:00:00' AND '2009-12-31 00:00:00' # OptionParser:579 23166 Nothing to validate for option analyze type s value undef # OptionParser:579 23166 Nothing to validate for option host type s value undef # OptionParser:579 23166 Nothing to validate for option optimize type s value undef # OptionParser:579 23166 Nothing to validate for option sleep type i value undef # DSNParser:1326 23166 Setting set-vars property # DSNParser:1440 23166 DBI:mysql:traceme;host=localhost;port=3330;mysql_read_default_group=client # DSNParser:1482 23166 DBI:mysql:traceme;host=localhost;port=3330;mysql_read_default_group=client root datacharmer { mysql_enable_utf8=>0, ShowErrorStatement=>1, AutoCommit=>, RaiseError=>1, PrintError=>1 } # DSNParser:1492 23166 DBI::db=HASH(0x90fddf0) : SET @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE = 1/*!40101, @@SQL_MODE='NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO'*/ # DSNParser:1511 23166 DBI::db=HASH(0x90fddf0) : SET wait_timeout=10000 # DSNParser:1537 23166 DBH info: DBI::db=HASH(0x90fddf0) $VAR1 = { # '@@hostname' => 'OBOSQL002', # 'CONNECTION_ID()' => '373457', # 'DATABASE()' => 'traceme', # 'VERSION()' => '5.1.41-3~bpo50+1-log' # }; # Connection info: Localhost via UNIX socket Character set info: $VAR1 = [ # { # Value => 'latin1', # Variable_name => 'character_set_client' # }, # { # Value => 'latin1', # Variable_name => 'character_set_connection' # }, # { # Value => 'latin1', # Variable_name => 'character_set_database' # }, # { # Value => 'binary', # Variable_name => 'character_set_filesystem' # }, # { # Value => 'latin1', # Variable_name => 'character_set_results' # }, # { # Value => 'latin1', # Variable_name => 'character_set_server' # }, # { # Value => 'utf8', # Variable_name => 'character_set_system' # }, # { # Value => '/usr/share/mysql/charsets/', # Variable_name => 'character_sets_dir' # } # ]; # $DBD::mysql::VERSION: 4.007 $DBI::VERSION: 1.607 # VersionParser:1630 23166 5.1.41-3~bpo50+1-log parses to 005001041 # VersionParser:1630 23166 5.0.13 parses to 005000013 # VersionParser:1641 23166 005001041 ge 5.0.13 : 1 # MySQLDump:2105 23166 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # MySQLDump:2086 23166 SELECT DATABASE() # MySQLDump:2089 23166 Current and new DB are the same # MySQLDump:2110 23166 SHOW CREATE TABLE `traceme`.`Event2` # MySQLDump:2086 23166 SELECT DATABASE() # MySQLDump:2089 23166 Current and new DB are the same # MySQLDump:2120 23166 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # MySQLDump:2124 23166 This table is a base table # TableParser:1097 23166 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:921 23166 Columns: record_id, gps_date, imei, switch, event_id, latitude, longtitude, io, raw_data, extra # TableParser:1097 23166 Storage engine: InnoDB # TableParser:1113 23166 Parsed key: PRIMARY KEY (`record_id`), # TableParser:1139 23166 Key PRIMARY cols: record_id # TableParser:1161 23166 This key is the clustered key # TableParser:1113 23166 Parsed key: KEY `gps_date` (`gps_date`), # TableParser:1139 23166 Key gps_date cols: gps_date # TableParser:1113 23166 Parsed key: KEY `imei` (`imei`), # TableParser:1139 23166 Key imei cols: imei # TableParser:1113 23166 Parsed key: KEY `switch` (`switch`), # TableParser:1139 23166 Key switch cols: switch # TableParser:1113 23166 Parsed key: KEY `event_id` (`event_id`) # TableParser:1139 23166 Key event_id cols: event_id # DSNParser:1440 23166 DBI:mysql:Historics;host=localhost;port=3330;mysql_read_default_group=client # DSNParser:1482 23166 DBI:mysql:Historics;host=localhost;port=3330;mysql_read_default_group=client root datacharmer { mysql_enable_utf8=>0, ShowErrorStatement=>1, AutoCommit=>, RaiseError=>1, PrintError=>1 } # DSNParser:1492 23166 DBI::db=HASH(0x90fb598) : SET @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE = 1/*!40101, @@SQL_MODE='NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO'*/ # DSNParser:1511 23166 DBI::db=HASH(0x90fb598) : SET wait_timeout=10000 # DSNParser:1537 23166 DBH info: DBI::db=HASH(0x90fb598) $VAR1 = { # '@@hostname' => 'OBOSQL002', # 'CONNECTION_ID()' => '373458', # 'DATABASE()' => 'Historics', # 'VERSION()' => '5.1.41-3~bpo50+1-log' # }; # Connection info: Localhost via UNIX socket Character set info: $VAR1 = [ # { # Value => 'latin1', # Variable_name => 'character_set_client' # }, # { # Value => 'latin1', # Variable_name => 'character_set_connection' # }, # { # Value => 'latin1', # Variable_name => 'character_set_database' # }, # { # Value => 'binary', # Variable_name => 'character_set_filesystem' # }, # { # Value => 'latin1', # Variable_name => 'character_set_results' # }, # { # Value => 'latin1', # Variable_name => 'character_set_server' # }, # { # Value => 'utf8', # Variable_name => 'character_set_system' # }, # { # Value => '/usr/share/mysql/charsets/', # Variable_name => 'character_sets_dir' # } # ]; # $DBD::mysql::VERSION: 4.007 $DBI::VERSION: 1.607 # VersionParser:1630 23166 5.1.41-3~bpo50+1-log parses to 005001041 # VersionParser:1630 23166 5.0.13 parses to 005000013 # VersionParser:1641 23166 005001041 ge 5.0.13 : 1 # MySQLDump:2105 23166 /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE := @@SQL_MODE, @@SQL_MODE := REPLACE(REPLACE(@@SQL_MODE, 'ANSI_QUOTES', ''), ',,', ','), @OLD_QUOTE := @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := 1 */ # MySQLDump:2086 23166 SELECT DATABASE() # MySQLDump:2089 23166 Current and new DB are the same # MySQLDump:2110 23166 SHOW CREATE TABLE `Historics`.`his_Event_syncomict` # MySQLDump:2086 23166 SELECT DATABASE() # MySQLDump:2089 23166 Current and new DB are the same # MySQLDump:2120 23166 /*!40101 SET @@SQL_MODE := @OLD_SQL_MODE, @@SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE := @OLD_QUOTE */ # MySQLDump:2124 23166 This table is a base table # TableParser:1097 23166 Storage engine: ARCHIVE # TableParser:921 23166 Columns: record_id, gps_date, imei, switch, event_id, latitude, longtitude, io, raw_data, extra # TableParser:1097 23166 Storage engine: ARCHIVE # mk_archiver:3368 23166 sel cols: 10 # TableParser:979 23166 Indexes sorted best-first: PRIMARY, event_id, gps_date, imei, switch # TableParser:997 23166 Best index found is PRIMARY # TableNibbler:1899 23166 Columns needed for DELETE: record_id # TableNibbler:1909 23166 Ordinals needed for DELETE: 0 # TableNibbler:1763 23166 Will ascend index PRIMARY # TableNibbler:1764 23166 Will ascend columns record_id # TableNibbler:1778 23166 Will ascend, in ordinal position: 0 # VersionParser:1630 23166 4.0.9 parses to 004000009 # VersionParser:1641 23166 005001041 ge 4.0.9 : 1 # mk_archiver:3477 23166 inst stmt: $VAR1 = { # cols => [ # 'record_id', # 'gps_date', # 'imei', # 'switch', # 'event_id', # 'latitude', # 'longtitude', # 'io', # 'raw_data', # 'extra' # ], # slice => [ # 0, # 1, # 2, # 3, # 4, # 5, # 6, # 7, # 8, # 9 # ] # }; # # mk_archiver:3515 23166 get first sql: SELECT /*!40001 SQL_NO_CACHE */ `record_id`,`gps_date`,`imei`,`switch`,`event_id`,`latitude`,`longtitude`,`io`,`raw_data`,`extra` FROM `traceme`.`Event2` FORCE INDEX(`PRIMARY`) WHERE (gps_date BETWEEN '2009-12-01 00:00:00' AND '2009-12-31 00:00:00') AND (`record_id` < 5006415) LIMIT 500 # mk_archiver:3516 23166 get next sql: SELECT /*!40001 SQL_NO_CACHE */ `record_id`,`gps_date`,`imei`,`switch`,`event_id`,`latitude`,`longtitude`,`io`,`raw_data`,`extra` FROM `traceme`.`Event2` FORCE INDEX(`PRIMARY`) WHERE (gps_date BETWEEN '2009-12-01 00:00:00' AND '2009-12-31 00:00:00') AND (`record_id` < 5006415) AND ((`record_id` >= ?)) LIMIT 500 # mk_archiver:3517 23166 del row sql: DELETE FROM `traceme`.`Event2` WHERE (`record_id` = ?) LIMIT 1 # mk_archiver:3518 23166 ins row sql: INSERT INTO `Historics`.`his_Event_syncomict`(`record_id`,`gps_date`,`imei`,`switch`,`event_id`,`latitude`,`longtitude`,`io`,`raw_data`,`extra`) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) # mk_archiver:3571 23166 First row: $VAR1 = [ # '3206033', # '2009-12-01 00:01:31', # '357023006603998', # '5', # '16384', # '30724420', # '2422119', # '0', # 't”^~$õgÔÑD_t៲͒N1@ éÀ', # '' # ]; # # Linux OBOSQL002 2.6.26-1-686-bigmem #1 SMP Thu Oct 9 16:07:43 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux # /usr/bin/mk-archiver Ver 1.0.21 Distrib 5427 Changeset 5425 line 771 # Arguments: _[--source]_ _[h=localhost,P=3330,a=traceme,D=traceme,t=Event2,u=root,p=datacharmer]_ _[--dest]_ _[h=localhost,P=3330,a=Historics,D=Historics,u=root,p=datacharmer,t=his_Event_syncomict]_ _[--safe-auto-increment]_ _[--txn-size]_ _[50]_ _[--where]_ _[gps_date BETWEEN '2009-12-01 00:00:00' AND '2009-12-31 00:00:00']_ _[--statistics]_ _[--progress]_ _[10]_ _[--limit]_ _[500]_ TIME ELAPSED COUNT 2010-01-27T12:40:42 0 0 2010-01-27T12:40:42 0 0 Started at 2010-01-27T12:40:42, ended at 2010-01-27T12:40:42 Source: D=traceme,P=3330,a=traceme,h=localhost,p=...,t=Event2,u=root Dest: D=Historics,P=3330,a=Historics,h=localhost,p=...,t=his_Event_syncomict,u=root SELECT 500 INSERT 0 DELETE 0 Action Count Time Pct select 1 0.1990 99.71 commit 2 0.0002 0.09 other 0 0.0004 0.20