# 19:08:19 Starting # 19:08:19 gentest.pl \ # 19:08:19 --grammar=conf/bug49398.yy \ # 19:08:19 --queries=100K \ # 19:08:19 --gendata=conf/WL5004_data.zz \ # 19:08:19 --threads=2 \ # 19:08:19 --dsn=dbi:mysql:host= # 19:08:19 ------------------------------- # 19:08:19 Configuration # 19:08:19 dsn => ['dbi:mysql:host='] # 19:08:19 duration => 3600 # 19:08:19 gendata => conf/WL5004_data.zz # 19:08:19 grammar => conf/bug49398.yy # 19:08:19 queries => 100K # 19:08:19 reporters => [''] # 19:08:19 seed => 1 # 19:08:19 threads => 2 # 19:08:19 validators => [''] # 19:08:19 Default schema: test # 19:08:19 # Creating MySQL table test.table0_int_autoinc . # 19:08:19 # Creating MySQL table test.table1_int_autoinc . # 19:08:19 # Creating MySQL table test.table10_int_autoinc . # 19:08:20 Reporters: ErrorLog, Backtrace # 19:08:20 Validators: ErrorMessageCorruption # 19:08:20 Starting 2 processes, 100K queries each, duration 3600 seconds. # 19:08:20 Default schema: test # 19:08:20 Caching metadata for dbi:mysql:host= # 19:08:20 Default schema: test # 19:08:20 Caching metadata for dbi:mysql:host= # 19:08:20 Query: CREATE USER otto@localhost failed: 1396 Operation CREATE USER failed for 'otto'@'localhost'. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 19:08:20 Query: SELECT HIGH_PRIORITY `pk` , `int` , `int_key` FROM testdb_S . t1_base3_N A NATURAL JOIN testdb_S . t1_temp13_N B WHERE `pk` BETWEEN 4 AND 4 + 1 failed: 1146 Table '%s' doesn't exist. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 19:08:20 Query: RELEASE SAVEPOINT A failed: 1305 SAVEPOINT %s does not exist. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 19:08:20 Query: BACKUP DATABASE testdb_S TO '/tmp/gentest11588.tmp' failed: 1049 Unknown database '%s'. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 19:08:20 Query: CREATE USER otto@localhost failed: 1396 Operation CREATE USER failed for 'otto'@'localhost'. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 19:08:20 Query: DELETE FROM testdb_S . t1_base9_N WHERE `pk` + SLEEP( 0.5 * 0.68 * 1 ) = 1 failed: 1146 Table '%s' doesn't exist. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 19:08:20 Started periodic reporting process... # 19:08:20 Query: RESTORE FROM '/tmp/gentest11588.tmp' OVERWRITE failed: 1651 Can't execute this command because another BACKUP/RESTORE operation is in progress. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 19:08:20 Query: EXECUTE st1 failed: 1243 Unknown prepared statement handler (%s) given to EXECUTE. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 19:08:20 Query: DEALLOCATE PREPARE st1 failed: 1243 Unknown prepared statement handler (%s) given to DEALLOCATE PREPARE. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 19:08:20 Query: RESTORE FROM '/tmp/gentest11590.tmp' OVERWRITE failed: 1651 Can't execute this command because another BACKUP/RESTORE operation is in progress. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 19:08:20 Query: SHOW CREATE TRIGGER testdb_S . tr1_4_S failed: 1360 Trigger does not exist. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 19:08:21 Query: RESTORE FROM '/tmp/gentest11590.tmp' OVERWRITE failed: 29 File '/tmp/gentest11590.tmp' not found (Errcode: 2) # 19:08:21 Query: RESTORE FROM '/tmp/gentest11590.tmp' OVERWRITE failed: 29 File '/tmp/gentest11590.tmp' not found (Errcode: 2) # 19:08:21 Query: EXECUTE st1 failed: 1243 Unknown prepared statement handler (%s) given to EXECUTE. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 19:08:21 Query: DEALLOCATE PREPARE st1 failed: 1243 Unknown prepared statement handler (%s) given to DEALLOCATE PREPARE. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 19:08:21 Query: RESTORE FROM '/tmp/gentest11588.tmp' OVERWRITE failed: 29 File '/tmp/gentest11588.tmp' not found (Errcode: 2) # 19:08:21 Query: ALTER PROCEDURE testdb_S . p1_4_N COMMENT 'UPDATED NOW()' failed: 1305 PROCEDURE %s does not exist. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 19:08:21 Query: DROP VIEW testdb_N . t1_view5_N failed: 1051 Unknown table '%s'. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 19:08:21 Query: BACKUP DATABASE testdb_S TO '/tmp/gentest11590.tmp' failed: 1049 Unknown database '%s'. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 19:08:21 Query: RESTORE FROM '/tmp/gentest11590.tmp' OVERWRITE failed: 29 File '/tmp/gentest11590.tmp' not found (Errcode: 2) # 19:08:21 Query: RESTORE FROM '/tmp/gentest11588.tmp' OVERWRITE failed: 29 File '/tmp/gentest11588.tmp' not found (Errcode: 2) # 19:08:21 Query: RESTORE FROM '/tmp/gentest11590.tmp' OVERWRITE failed: 29 File '/tmp/gentest11590.tmp' not found (Errcode: 2) # 19:08:21 Query: ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT B failed: 1305 SAVEPOINT %s does not exist. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 19:08:21 Query: RESTORE FROM '/tmp/gentest11588.tmp' OVERWRITE failed: 29 File '/tmp/gentest11588.tmp' not found (Errcode: 2) # 19:08:21 Query: ALTER ALGORITHM = UNDEFINED VIEW testdb_S . t1_view17_N AS SELECT `pk` , `int` , `int_key` FROM ( SELECT `pk` , `int_key` , `pk` FROM testdb_S . t1_view19_S ) AS A WHERE `pk` BETWEEN 3 AND 3 + 1 failed: 1349 View's SELECT contains a subquery in the FROM clause. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 19:08:21 Query: RESTORE FROM '/tmp/gentest11590.tmp' OVERWRITE failed: 29 File '/tmp/gentest11590.tmp' not found (Errcode: 2) # 19:08:21 Query: RESTORE FROM '/tmp/gentest11588.tmp' OVERWRITE failed: 29 File '/tmp/gentest11588.tmp' not found (Errcode: 2) # 19:08:21 Query: RENAME TABLE testdb_S . t1_temp2_N TO testdb_S . t1_temp6_N , testdb_N . t1_temp19_N TO testdb_N . t1_temp16_N failed: 1017 Can't find file: '%s' (errno: %d). Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 19:08:22 Query: RESTORE FROM '/tmp/gentest11590.tmp' OVERWRITE failed: 29 File '/tmp/gentest11590.tmp' not found (Errcode: 2) # 19:08:22 Query: RESTORE FROM '/tmp/gentest11590.tmp' OVERWRITE failed: 29 File '/tmp/gentest11590.tmp' not found (Errcode: 2) # 19:08:22 Query: RESTORE FROM '/tmp/gentest11588.tmp' OVERWRITE failed: 29 File '/tmp/gentest11588.tmp' not found (Errcode: 2) # 19:08:22 Query: RESTORE FROM '/tmp/gentest11588.tmp' OVERWRITE failed: 29 File '/tmp/gentest11588.tmp' not found (Errcode: 2) # 19:08:22 Query: CALL testdb_S . p1_13_S failed: 1305 PROCEDURE %s does not exist. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 19:08:22 Query: RESTORE FROM '/tmp/gentest11590.tmp' OVERWRITE failed: 29 File '/tmp/gentest11590.tmp' not found (Errcode: 2) # 19:08:22 Query: ALTER FUNCTION testdb_S . f1_9_N COMMENT 'UPDATED NOW()' failed: 1305 FUNCTION %s does not exist. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 19:08:23 Query: RESTORE FROM '/tmp/gentest11588.tmp' OVERWRITE failed: 29 File '/tmp/gentest11588.tmp' not found (Errcode: 2) # 19:08:25 Query: RESTORE FROM '/tmp/gentest11588.tmp' OVERWRITE failed: 29 File '/tmp/gentest11588.tmp' not found (Errcode: 2) # 19:08:25 Query: RESTORE FROM '/tmp/gentest11588.tmp' OVERWRITE failed: 29 File '/tmp/gentest11588.tmp' not found (Errcode: 2) # 19:08:25 Query: RESTORE FROM '/tmp/gentest11588.tmp' OVERWRITE failed: 29 File '/tmp/gentest11588.tmp' not found (Errcode: 2) # 19:08:25 Query: RESTORE FROM '/tmp/gentest11590.tmp' OVERWRITE failed: 29 File '/tmp/gentest11590.tmp' not found (Errcode: 2) # 19:08:26 Query: CALL testdb_N . p1_11_N failed: 1436 Thread stack overrun: 7588 bytes used of a 131072 byte stack, and 128000 bytes needed. Use 'mysqld -O thread_stack=#' to specify a bigger stack. # 19:08:26 Query: RESTORE FROM '/tmp/gentest11588.tmp' OVERWRITE failed: 29 File '/tmp/gentest11588.tmp' not found (Errcode: 2) # 19:08:28 Query: RESTORE FROM '/tmp/gentest11590.tmp' OVERWRITE failed: 29 File '/tmp/gentest11590.tmp' not found (Errcode: 2) # 19:08:28 Query: RESTORE FROM '/tmp/gentest11588.tmp' OVERWRITE failed: 29 File '/tmp/gentest11588.tmp' not found (Errcode: 2) # 19:08:28 Query: SHOW CREATE FUNCTION testdb_S . f1_6_N failed: 1305 FUNCTION %s does not exist. Further errors of this kind will be suppressed. # 19:08:28 Query: RESTORE FROM '/tmp/gentest11588.tmp' OVERWRITE failed: 29 File '/tmp/gentest11588.tmp' not found (Errcode: 2) # 19:08:28 Query: RESTORE FROM '/tmp/gentest11590.tmp' OVERWRITE failed: 29 File '/tmp/gentest11590.tmp' not found (Errcode: 2) # 19:08:28 Query: RESTORE FROM '/tmp/gentest11588.tmp' OVERWRITE failed: 29 File '/tmp/gentest11588.tmp' not found (Errcode: 2) # 19:08:28 Query: FLUSH TABLE testdb_S . t1_base6_S failed: 1100 Table 't1_base6_S' was not locked with LOCK TABLES # 19:08:28 Query: REPLACE INTO testdb_S . t1_merge10_S ( `int_key` , `pk` , `int` ) SELECT `pk` , `int_key` , `pk` FROM testdb_S . t1_base18_N AS A UNION SELECT * FROM testdb_S . t1_temp15_S AS B WHERE `pk` BETWEEN 5 AND 5 + 1 LIMIT 1 failed: 1100 Table 't1_merge10_S' was not locked with LOCK TABLES # 19:08:28 Query: CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testdb_N . t1_temp11_N AS SELECT SQL_CACHE `pk` , `int_key` , `pk` FROM testdb_S . t1_view13_S AS A WHERE `pk` BETWEEN 5 AND 5 + 1 failed: 1100 Table 'A' was not locked with LOCK TABLES # 19:08:28 Query: FLUSH TABLE testdb_S . t1_base14_S failed: 1100 Table 't1_base14_S' was not locked with LOCK TABLES # 19:08:28 Query: SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE * FROM testdb_S . t1_merge3_S A NATURAL JOIN testdb_N . t1_temp18_N B WHERE `pk` BETWEEN 7 AND 7 + 1 PROCEDURE ANALYSE( 10 , 2000 ) failed: 1100 Table 'A' was not locked with LOCK TABLES # 19:08:28 Query: INSERT INTO testdb_S . t1_part20_S ( `pk` ) VALUES ( 5 ) failed: 1100 Table 't1_part20_S' was not locked with LOCK TABLES # 19:08:28 Query: DELETE FROM testdb_S . t1_merge19_S WHERE `pk` + SLEEP( 0.5 * 0.92 * 1 ) = 7 failed: 1100 Table 't1_merge19_S' was not locked with LOCK TABLES # 19:08:28 Query: DO ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM testdb_S . t1_part14_N WHERE `pk` BETWEEN 1 AND 1 + 20 ) failed: 1100 Table 't1_part14_N' was not locked with LOCK TABLES # 19:08:28 Query: FLUSH TABLE testdb_S . t1_view11_S failed: 1100 Table 't1_view11_S' was not locked with LOCK TABLES # 19:08:28 Query: RENAME TABLE testdb_N . t1_temp7_N TO testdb_S . t1_temp7_N failed: 1192 Can't execute the given command because you have active locked tables or an active transaction # 19:08:28 Query: FLUSH TABLE testdb_S . t1_view8_S failed: 1100 Table 't1_view8_S' was not locked with LOCK TABLES # 19:08:28 Query: BACKUP DATABASE testdb_N TO '/tmp/gentest11588.tmp' failed: 1691 Can't open the backup logs as tables. Check 'mysql.backup_history' and 'mysql.backup_progress' or run mysql_upgrade to repair. # 19:08:28 Query: RESTORE FROM '/tmp/gentest11590.tmp' OVERWRITE failed: 29 File '/tmp/gentest11590.tmp' not found (Errcode: 2) # 19:08:28 Query: RESTORE FROM '/tmp/gentest11588.tmp' OVERWRITE failed: 1691 Can't open the backup logs as tables. Check 'mysql.backup_history' and 'mysql.backup_progress' or run mysql_upgrade to repair. # 19:08:28 Killing child process with pid 11590... # 19:08:29 Killing periodic reporting process with pid 11587... # 19:08:29 Test completed with failure status 107.