GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO testuser17@localhost WITH MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR 3; FLUSH USER_RESOURCES; # Establish connection testuser17 (user=testuser17) connect(localhost,testuser17,,test,MYSQL_PORT,MYSQL_SOCK); # Switch to connection testuser17 SELECT 'First', USER(); First USER() First testuser17@localhost SELECT 'Second', USER(); Second USER() Second testuser17@localhost SELECT 'Third', USER(); Third USER() Third testuser17@localhost # ---- Expect here 'max_questions' limit exceeded ----------- SELECT 'Forth', USER(); ERROR 42000: User 'testuser17' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 3) # Switch to connection default FLUSH USER_RESOURCES; # Establish connection testuser17_1 (user=testuser17) connect(localhost,testuser17,,test,MYSQL_PORT,MYSQL_SOCK); # Switch to connection testuser17_1 SELECT 'First', USER(); First USER() First testuser17@localhost SELECT 'Second', USER(); Second USER() Second testuser17@localhost SELECT 'Third', USER(); Third USER() Third testuser17@localhost # ---- Expect here 'max_questions' limit exceeded ----------- SELECT 'Forth', USER(); ERROR 42000: User 'testuser17' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 3) # Switch to connection default DROP USER testuser17@localhost; GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO testuser18@localhost WITH MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR 3; FLUSH USER_RESOURCES; # Establish connection testuser18 (user=testuser18) connect(localhost,testuser18,,test,MYSQL_PORT,MYSQL_SOCK); # Switch to connection testuser18 SELECT 'First', USER(); First USER() First testuser18@localhost SELECT 'Second', USER(); Second USER() Second testuser18@localhost SELECT 'Third', USER(); Third USER() Third testuser18@localhost # ---- Expect here 'max_questions' limit exceeded ----------- SELECT 'Forth', USER(); ERROR 42000: User 'testuser18' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 3) # Switch to connection default FLUSH USER_RESOURCES; # With additional connection for testuser18 # Establish connection testuser18_1 (user=testuser18) connect(localhost,testuser18,,test,MYSQL_PORT,MYSQL_SOCK); # Switch to connection testuser18_1 SELECT 'First', USER(); First USER() First testuser18@localhost SELECT 'Second', USER(); Second USER() Second testuser18@localhost SELECT 'Third', USER(); Third USER() Third testuser18@localhost # ---- Expect here 'max_questions' limit exceeded ----------- SELECT 'Forth', USER(); ERROR 42000: User 'testuser18' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 3) # Switch to connection default DROP USER testuser18@localhost; GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO testuser19@localhost WITH MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR 3; FLUSH USER_RESOURCES; # Establish connection testuser19 (user=testuser19) connect(localhost,testuser19,,test,MYSQL_PORT,MYSQL_SOCK); # Switch to connection default FLUSH USER_RESOURCES; # Switch to connection testuser19 SELECT 'First', USER(); First USER() First testuser19@localhost SELECT 'Second', USER(); Second USER() Second testuser19@localhost SELECT 'Third', USER(); Third USER() Third testuser19@localhost # ---- Expect here 'max_questions' limit exceeded ----------- SELECT 'Forth', USER(); ERROR 42000: User 'testuser19' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 3) # Switch to connection default DROP USER testuser19@localhost; GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO testuser21@localhost WITH MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR 3; FLUSH USER_RESOURCES; # Establish connection testuser21 (user=testuser21) connect(localhost,testuser21,,test,MYSQL_PORT,MYSQL_SOCK); SELECT 'Zero', USER(); Zero USER() Zero testuser21@localhost # Switch to connection default FLUSH USER_RESOURCES; # Switch to connection testuser21 SELECT 'First', USER(); First USER() First testuser21@localhost SELECT 'Second', USER(); Second USER() Second testuser21@localhost SELECT 'Third', USER(); Third USER() Third testuser21@localhost # ---- Expect here 'max_questions' limit exceeded ----------- SELECT 'Forth', USER(); ERROR 42000: User 'testuser21' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 3) # Switch to connection default DROP USER testuser21@localhost; FLUSH USER_RESOURCES; GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO testuser20@localhost WITH MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR 3; # Establish connection testuser20 (user=testuser20) connect(localhost,testuser20,,test,MYSQL_PORT,MYSQL_SOCK); # Switch to connection testuser20 USE information_schema; # Establish connection testuser20 (user=testuser20) connect(localhost,testuser20,,test,MYSQL_PORT,MYSQL_SOCK); # Switch to connection testuser20 SELECT 'First', USER(); First USER() First testuser20@localhost SELECT 'Second', USER(); Second USER() Second testuser20@localhost SELECT 'Third', USER(); ERROR 42000: User 'testuser20' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 3) # ---- Expect here 'max_questions' limit exceeded ----------- SELECT 'Forth', USER(); ERROR 42000: User 'testuser20' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 3) # Switch to connection default DROP USER testuser20@localhost;