--source include/have_innodb.inc let $duration= `SELECT 5*60*60`; # run for 5 hrs let $thread_count= 64; let $table_engine= InnoDB; let $table_count=4; let $table_size= 500000; if (`select '$RQG_HOME'=''`) { --skip Could not locate RQG - set RQG_HOME variable. } --echo # --echo # Server started, waiting for jl_start --echo # SET DEBUG_SYNC= 'now WAIT_FOR jl_start'; --echo # Preparing $table_size rows of data for tables. USE test; CREATE TABLE data(k int key auto_increment, i int) ENGINE=myisam; INSERT INTO data(i) VALUES (1),(1); let $pow= $table_size; while ($pow) { # doble the number of rows in data table insert into data(i) select i from data; let $pow= `select round($pow/2-1)`; } CREATE DATABASE db1; USE db1; --echo # Creating $table_count tables. while ($table_count) { eval CREATE TABLE t$table_count (k int primary key, i int) ENGINE=$table_engine; let $size= `SELECT round($table_size*(1+2*rand())/3)`; let $size_list= $size_list $size; eval INSERT INTO t$table_count SELECT * FROM test.data LIMIT $size; dec $table_count; } let TABLE_SIZES= $size_list; --echo # --echo # Tables created, waiting for jl_load --echo # SET DEBUG_SYNC= 'now WAIT_FOR jl_load'; --echo Running Queries against these tables in $thread_count threads for $duration seconds. --disable_query_log --disable_result_log let $DSN= dbi:mysql:host=$MASTER_MYPORT:user=root:database=db1; --exec perl $RQG_HOME/gentest.pl --threads=$thread_count --duration=$duration --queries=1000000 --dsn=$DSN --grammar jl.rqg --echo Done. SET DEBUG_SYNC= 'reset'; DROP DATABASE db1; --exit