# # Bug#40277 SHOW CREATE VIEW returns invalid SQL # Bug#41999 SHOW CREATE VIEW returns invalid SQL if subquery is used in SELECT list # The maximum length of a column identifier is 64. # --echo # 65 characters exceed the maximum length of a column identifier. The system cannot derive the name from the constant. --echo # Therefore it generates the identifier 'Name_exp_1'. let $after_select= '<--- 65 --->'; --source include/bug40277.inc let $after_select= 'A', (SELECT '<--- 65 --->'); --source include/bug40277.inc # --echo # 64 characters do not exceed the maximum length of a column identifier. The system must derive the name from the constant. let $after_select= '<--- 64 --->'; --source include/bug40277.inc let $after_select= 'A', (SELECT '<--- 64 --->'); --source include/bug40277.inc # --echo # Identifiers must not have trailing spaces. The system cannot derive the name from the constant. --echo # Generated identifiers have at their end the position within the select column list. --echo # 'c2 ' -> 'Name_exp_1' , ' c4 ' -> 'Name_exp_2' let $after_select= 'c1', 'c2 ', ' c3', ' c4 '; --source include/bug40277.inc let $after_select= 'A', (SELECT ' c4 '); --source include/bug40277.inc