SHOW VARS: =========== Variable_name Value auto_increment_increment 1 auto_increment_offset 1 automatic_sp_privileges ON back_log 50 basedir /usr/ binlog_cache_size 32768 bulk_insert_buffer_size 8388608 character_set_client latin1 character_set_connection latin1 character_set_database latin1 character_set_results latin1 character_set_server latin1 character_set_system utf8 character_sets_dir /usr/share/mysql/charsets/ collation_connection latin1_swedish_ci collation_database latin1_swedish_ci collation_server latin1_swedish_ci completion_type 0 concurrent_insert 1 connect_timeout 5 datadir /var/lib/mysql/ date_format %Y-%m-%d datetime_format %Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s default_week_format 0 delay_key_write ON delayed_insert_limit 100 delayed_insert_timeout 300 delayed_queue_size 1000 div_precision_increment 4 engine_condition_pushdown OFF expire_logs_days 3 flush OFF flush_time 0 ft_boolean_syntax + -><()~*:""&| ft_max_word_len 84 ft_min_word_len 4 ft_query_expansion_limit 20 ft_stopword_file (built-in) group_concat_max_len 1024 have_archive NO have_bdb NO have_blackhole_engine NO have_compress YES have_crypt YES have_csv NO have_example_engine NO have_federated_engine NO have_geometry YES have_innodb YES have_isam NO have_ndbcluster NO have_openssl NO have_query_cache YES have_raid NO have_rtree_keys YES have_symlink YES init_connect init_file init_slave innodb_additional_mem_pool_size 16777216 innodb_autoextend_increment 8 innodb_buffer_pool_awe_mem_mb 0 innodb_buffer_pool_size 1572864000 innodb_checksums ON innodb_commit_concurrency 0 innodb_concurrency_tickets 500 innodb_data_file_path ibdata1:25M:autoextend innodb_data_home_dir /var/lib/mysql/ innodb_doublewrite ON innodb_fast_shutdown 1 innodb_file_io_threads 4 innodb_file_per_table OFF innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit 1 innodb_flush_method innodb_force_recovery 0 innodb_lock_wait_timeout 20 innodb_locks_unsafe_for_binlog OFF innodb_log_arch_dir /var/lib/mysql/ innodb_log_archive OFF innodb_log_buffer_size 8388608 innodb_log_file_size 5242880 innodb_log_files_in_group 2 innodb_log_group_home_dir /var/lib/mysql/ innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct 90 innodb_max_purge_lag 0 innodb_mirrored_log_groups 1 innodb_open_files 300 innodb_support_xa ON innodb_sync_spin_loops 20 innodb_table_locks ON innodb_thread_concurrency 20 innodb_thread_sleep_delay 10000 interactive_timeout 345600 join_buffer_size 131072 key_buffer_size 1048576000 key_cache_age_threshold 300 key_cache_block_size 1024 key_cache_division_limit 100 language /usr/share/mysql/english/ large_files_support ON large_page_size 0 large_pages OFF license GPL local_infile ON locked_in_memory OFF log OFF log_bin ON log_bin_trust_function_creators OFF log_error log_slave_updates OFF log_slow_queries OFF log_warnings 1 long_query_time 10 low_priority_updates OFF lower_case_file_system OFF lower_case_table_names 0 max_allowed_packet 1047552 max_binlog_cache_size 4294967295 max_binlog_size 1073741824 max_connect_errors 10 max_connections 500 max_delayed_threads 20 max_error_count 64 max_heap_table_size 16777216 max_insert_delayed_threads 20 max_join_size 4294967295 max_length_for_sort_data 1024 max_relay_log_size 0 max_seeks_for_key 4294967295 max_sort_length 1024 max_sp_recursion_depth 0 max_tmp_tables 32 max_user_connections 0 max_write_lock_count 4294967295 multi_range_count 256 myisam_data_pointer_size 6 myisam_max_sort_file_size 2147483647 myisam_recover_options OFF myisam_repair_threads 1 myisam_sort_buffer_size 8388608 myisam_stats_method nulls_unequal net_buffer_length 8192 net_read_timeout 30 net_retry_count 10 net_write_timeout 60 new OFF old_passwords OFF open_files_limit 2510 optimizer_prune_level 1 optimizer_search_depth 62 pid_file /var/lib/mysql/ port 3306 preload_buffer_size 32768 protocol_version 10 query_alloc_block_size 8192 query_cache_limit 1048576 query_cache_min_res_unit 4096 query_cache_size 0 query_cache_type ON query_cache_wlock_invalidate OFF query_prealloc_size 8192 range_alloc_block_size 2048 read_buffer_size 8200 read_only OFF read_rnd_buffer_size 8200 relay_log_purge ON relay_log_space_limit 0 rpl_recovery_rank 0 secure_auth OFF server_id 1 skip_external_locking ON skip_networking OFF skip_show_database OFF slave_compressed_protocol OFF slave_load_tmpdir /var/lib/mysql/tmp/ slave_net_timeout 3600 slave_skip_errors OFF slave_transaction_retries 10 slow_launch_time 2 socket /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock sort_buffer_size 524280 sql_mode sql_notes ON sql_warnings ON storage_engine MyISAM sync_binlog 0 sync_frm ON sync_replication 0 sync_replication_slave_id 0 sync_replication_timeout 10 system_time_zone CDT table_cache 64 table_lock_wait_timeout 50 table_type MyISAM thread_cache_size 0 thread_stack 196608 time_format %H:%i:%s time_zone SYSTEM timed_mutexes OFF tmp_table_size 33554432 tmpdir transaction_alloc_block_size 8192 transaction_prealloc_size 4096 tx_isolation READ-COMMITTED updatable_views_with_limit YES version 5.0.18-log version_comment SUSE MySQL RPM version_compile_machine i686 version_compile_os suse-linux wait_timeout 345600 SHOW INNODB STATUS (currently,,sorry, not at the time when mysql/innodb locked): ========================================================================== *************************** 1. row *************************** Status: ===================================== 081019 12:19:19 INNODB MONITOR OUTPUT ===================================== Per second averages calculated from the last 21 seconds ---------- SEMAPHORES ---------- OS WAIT ARRAY INFO: reservation count 717019, signal count 695459 Mutex spin waits 505606841, rounds 262029049, OS waits 353770 RW-shared spins 947026, OS waits 79980; RW-excl spins 2596341, OS waits 28876 ------------ TRANSACTIONS ------------ Trx id counter 0 1079652660 Purge done for trx's n:o < 0 1079651530 undo n:o < 0 0 History list length 350 Total number of lock structs in row lock hash table 7 LIST OF TRANSACTIONS FOR EACH SESSION: ---TRANSACTION 0 0, not started, process no 10349, OS thread id 1347554208 MySQL thread id 4214, query id 13707605 localhost mandateIP SHOW INNODB STATUS ---TRANSACTION 0 1079651449, not started, process no 10349, OS thread id 1331243936 MySQL thread id 4210, query id 13705709 mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1079650358, not started, process no 10349, OS thread id 1329269664 MySQL thread id 4201, query id 13704024 dtc-pick-mgr mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1079644361, not started, process no 10349, OS thread id 1329839008 MySQL thread id 4180, query id 13703460 mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1079652640, not started, process no 10349, OS thread id 1347152800 MySQL thread id 4178, query id 13707570 mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1079647643, not started, process no 10349, OS thread id 1330039712 MySQL thread id 4177, query id 13705671 mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1079652654, not started, process no 10349, OS thread id 1329068960 MySQL thread id 4172, query id 13707594 dtc-order-mgr mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1079647218, not started, process no 10349, OS thread id 1332247456 MySQL thread id 4168, query id 13698901 mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1079651357, not started, process no 10349, OS thread id 1329515424 MySQL thread id 4153, query id 13705574 mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1079643284, not started, process no 10349, OS thread id 1337318304 MySQL thread id 4150, query id 13706154 mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1079646581, not started, process no 10349, OS thread id 1327696800 MySQL thread id 4148, query id 13697699 mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1079651364, not started, process no 10349, OS thread id 1332648864 MySQL thread id 4142, query id 13705580 mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1079647006, not started, process no 10349, OS thread id 1331645344 MySQL thread id 4138, query id 13698527 mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1079652187, not started, process no 10349, OS thread id 1345948576 MySQL thread id 4136, query id 13706874 mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1079651506, not started, process no 10349, OS thread id 1328667552 MySQL thread id 4134, query id 13705804 mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1079652007, not started, process no 10349, OS thread id 1332849568 MySQL thread id 4128, query id 13706568 mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1079652464, not started, process no 10349, OS thread id 1345346464 MySQL thread id 4117, query id 13707274 mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1079652351, not started, process no 10349, OS thread id 1328216992 MySQL thread id 4113, query id 13707109 mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1079649368, not started, process no 10349, OS thread id 1330641824 MySQL thread id 4107, query id 13702431 mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1079651325, not started, process no 10349, OS thread id 1334254496 MySQL thread id 4099, query id 13705518 mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1079643517, not started, process no 10349, OS thread id 1337519008 MySQL thread id 4067, query id 13692515 mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1079645452, not started, process no 10349, OS thread id 1332448160 MySQL thread id 4014, query id 13695929 mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1079637988, not started, process no 10349, OS thread id 1345145760 MySQL thread id 3999, query id 13683086 mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1079034447, not started, process no 10349, OS thread id 1344744352 MySQL thread id 3852, query id 12551971 mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1079651962, not started, process no 10349, OS thread id 1335511968 MySQL thread id 3793, query id 13706499 mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1078849221, not started, process no 10349, OS thread id 1328466848 MySQL thread id 3773, query id 12214435 mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1078815362, not started, process no 10349, OS thread id 1335712672 MySQL thread id 3755, query id 12145904 mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1078808603, not started, process no 10349, OS thread id 1335311264 MySQL thread id 3743, query id 12132254 mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1079652655, not started, process no 10349, OS thread id 1334053792 MySQL thread id 3741, query id 13707596 mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1079652470, not started, process no 10349, OS thread id 1334909856 MySQL thread id 3708, query id 13707593 mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1079468731, not started, process no 10349, OS thread id 1328868256 MySQL thread id 3693, query id 13360842 mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1079652552, not started, process no 10349, OS thread id 1346349984 MySQL thread id 3676, query id 13707411 mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1079651526, not started, process no 10349, OS thread id 1330441120 MySQL thread id 3675, query id 13705832 mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1079652547, not started, process no 10349, OS thread id 1333250976 MySQL thread id 3673, query id 13707401 mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1079652521, not started, process no 10349, OS thread id 1353821088 MySQL thread id 3360, query id 13707360 mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1079652525, not started, process no 10349, OS thread id 1343941536 MySQL thread id 3020, query id 13707368 mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1079652533, not started, process no 10349, OS thread id 1333050272 MySQL thread id 3014, query id 13707381 mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1079652086, not started, process no 10349, OS thread id 1334455200 MySQL thread id 2996, query id 13706714 mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1078780625, not started, process no 10349, OS thread id 1348959136 MySQL thread id 49, query id 12047216 dtc-tote-mgr mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1079652602, not started, process no 10349, OS thread id 1350564768 MySQL thread id 30, query id 13707513 dtc-tote-mgr mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1079652454, not started, process no 10349, OS thread id 1336314784 MySQL thread id 211, query id 13707263 dtc-spk-mgr mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1079652619, not started, process no 10349, OS thread id 1339927456 MySQL thread id 174, query id 13707536 dtc-spk-mgr mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1079648151, not started, process no 10349, OS thread id 1344342944 MySQL thread id 124, query id 13700541 dtc-order-mgr mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1079652647, not started, process no 10349, OS thread id 1347353504 MySQL thread id 68, query id 13707582 dtc-sorter-mgr mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1079652576, not started, process no 10349, OS thread id 1350163360 MySQL thread id 32, query id 13707478 dtc-tote-mgr mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1079652658, ACTIVE 0 sec, process no 10349, OS thread id 1344543648 3 lock struct(s), heap size 320, undo log entries 1 MySQL thread id 123, query id 13707604 dtc-order-mgr mandateIP COMMIT ---TRANSACTION 0 1079652656, COMMITTED IN MEMORY, process no 10349, OS thread id 1346550688 committing , undo log entries 1 MySQL thread id 85, query id 13707602 dtc-pick-mgr mandateIP COMMIT ---TRANSACTION 0 1079652459, ACTIVE 2 sec, process no 10349, OS thread id 1336716192 2 lock struct(s), heap size 320 MySQL thread id 209, query id 13707268 dtc-spk-mgr mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1079652414, ACTIVE 2 sec, process no 10349, OS thread id 1350364064 MySQL thread id 31, query id 13707200 dtc-tote-mgr mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1079648495, ACTIVE 43 sec, process no 10349, OS thread id 1335913376 MySQL thread id 2514, query id 13707479 dtc-spk-mgr mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1079646364, ACTIVE 62 sec, process no 10349, OS thread id 1338321824 MySQL thread id 188, query id 13707375 dtc-spk-mgr mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1079646347, ACTIVE 62 sec, process no 10349, OS thread id 1339124640 MySQL thread id 182, query id 13707345 dtc-spk-mgr mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1079585426, ACTIVE 1366 sec, process no 10349, OS thread id 1333451680 MySQL thread id 4190, query id 13588171 dtc-spk-mgr mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1079574603, ACTIVE 1879 sec, process no 10349, OS thread id 1331846048 MySQL thread id 4141, query id 13698223 dtc-order-mgr mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1076992621, ACTIVE 159553 sec, process no 10349, OS thread id 1353218976 MySQL thread id 12, query id 13706217 dtc-tote-mgr mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1073111370, ACTIVE 282938 sec, process no 10349, OS thread id 1351814048 MySQL thread id 29, query id 13707191 dtc-tote-mgr mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1073084227, ACTIVE 288375 sec, process no 10349, OS thread id 1337117600 MySQL thread id 199, query id 20066 dtc-spk-mgr mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1073084152, ACTIVE 288411 sec, process no 10349, OS thread id 1337920416 MySQL thread id 192, query id 19671 dtc-spk-mgr mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1073084141, ACTIVE 288415 sec, process no 10349, OS thread id 1338723232 MySQL thread id 185, query id 19549 dtc-spk-mgr mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1073084134, ACTIVE 288418 sec, process no 10349, OS thread id 1339526048 MySQL thread id 178, query id 19433 dtc-spk-mgr mandateIP MySQL thread id 200, query id 18608 dtc-spk-mgr mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1073083865, ACTIVE 288472 sec, process no 10349, OS thread id 1337719712 MySQL thread id 193, query id 18014 dtc-spk-mgr mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1073083850, ACTIVE 288476 sec, process no 10349, OS thread id 1338522528 MySQL thread id 186, query id 17667 dtc-spk-mgr mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1073083836, ACTIVE 288479 sec, process no 10349, OS thread id 1339325344 MySQL thread id 179, query id 17392 dtc-spk-mgr mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1073083818, ACTIVE 288484 sec, process no 10349, OS thread id 1340128160 MySQL thread id 172, query id 17076 dtc-spk-mgr mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1073083817, ACTIVE 288484 sec, process no 10349, OS thread id 1340328864 MySQL thread id 171, query id 17007 dtc-spk-mgr mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1073083810, ACTIVE 288487 sec, process no 10349, OS thread id 1340730272 MySQL thread id 168, query id 16956 dtc-spk-mgr mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1073083809, ACTIVE 288487 sec, process no 10349, OS thread id 1340930976 MySQL thread id 167, query id 16878 dtc-spk-mgr mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1073083802, ACTIVE 288489 sec, process no 10349, OS thread id 1341332384 MySQL thread id 164, query id 16823 dtc-spk-mgr mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1073083801, ACTIVE 288489 sec, process no 10349, OS thread id 1341533088 MySQL thread id 163, query id 16749 dtc-spk-mgr mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1073083794, ACTIVE 288491 sec, process no 10349, OS thread id 1341934496 MySQL thread id 160, query id 16695 dtc-spk-mgr mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1073083793, ACTIVE 288491 sec, process no 10349, OS thread id 1342135200 MySQL thread id 159, query id 16620 dtc-spk-mgr mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1073083785, ACTIVE 288493 sec, process no 10349, OS thread id 1342536608 MySQL thread id 156, query id 16561 dtc-spk-mgr mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1073083784, ACTIVE 288493 sec, process no 10349, OS thread id 1342737312 MySQL thread id 155, query id 16489 dtc-spk-mgr mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1073083776, ACTIVE 288495 sec, process no 10349, OS thread id 1343138720 MySQL thread id 152, query id 16454 dtc-spk-mgr mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1073083775, ACTIVE 288495 sec, process no 10349, OS thread id 1343339424 MySQL thread id 151, query id 16358 dtc-spk-mgr mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1073083766, ACTIVE 288498 sec, process no 10349, OS thread id 1345747872 MySQL thread id 147, query id 16333 dtc-spk-mgr mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1073083765, ACTIVE 288498 sec, process no 10349, OS thread id 1343740832 MySQL thread id 148, query id 16040 dtc-spk-mgr mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1073083763, ACTIVE 288498 sec, process no 10349, OS thread id 1354439584 MySQL thread id 146, query id 16029 dtc-spk-mgr mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1073083762, ACTIVE 288498 sec, process no 10349, OS thread id 1345547168 MySQL thread id 145, query id 16022 dtc-spk-mgr mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1073083685, ACTIVE 288528 sec, process no 10349, OS thread id 1353620384 MySQL thread id 139, query id 15852 dtc-spk-mgr mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1073083674, ACTIVE 288532 sec, process no 10349, OS thread id 1346751392 5 lock struct(s), heap size 1024 MySQL thread id 136, query id 18805 dtc-spk-mgr mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1073079408, ACTIVE 288646 sec, process no 10349, OS thread id 1346952096 MySQL thread id 74, query id 4540 dtc-sorter-mgr mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1073079377, ACTIVE 288657 sec, process no 10349, OS thread id 1347754912 MySQL thread id 57, query id 3652 dtc-tote-mgr mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1073079376, ACTIVE 288657 sec, process no 10349, OS thread id 1347955616 MySQL thread id 56, query id 3640 dtc-tote-mgr mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1073079375, ACTIVE 288657 sec, process no 10349, OS thread id 1348156320 MySQL thread id 55, query id 3635 dtc-tote-mgr mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1073079370, ACTIVE 288662 sec, process no 10349, OS thread id 1348557728 MySQL thread id 51, query id 2705 dtc-tote-mgr mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1073079369, ACTIVE 288662 sec, process no 10349, OS thread id 1348758432 MySQL thread id 50, query id 2647 dtc-tote-mgr mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1073079367, ACTIVE 288663 sec, process no 10349, OS thread id 1349561248 MySQL thread id 45, query id 4364 dtc-tote-mgr mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1073079366, ACTIVE 288663 sec, process no 10349, OS thread id 1349360544 MySQL thread id 47, query id 2325 dtc-tote-mgr mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1073079365, ACTIVE 288663 sec, process no 10349, OS thread id 1349159840 MySQL thread id 48, query id 2306 dtc-tote-mgr mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1073079358, ACTIVE 288663 sec, process no 10349, OS thread id 1349962656 MySQL thread id 41, query id 2797 dtc-tote-mgr mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1073079357, ACTIVE 288663 sec, process no 10349, OS thread id 1349761952 MySQL thread id 43, query id 1946 dtc-tote-mgr mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1073079334, ACTIVE 288665 sec, process no 10349, OS thread id 1352014752 MySQL thread id 27, query id 323 dtc-tote-mgr mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1073079333, ACTIVE 288665 sec, process no 10349, OS thread id 1352215456 MySQL thread id 26, query id 326 dtc-tote-mgr mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1073079332, ACTIVE 288665 sec, process no 10349, OS thread id 1352416160 MySQL thread id 25, query id 1914 dtc-tote-mgr mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1073079329, ACTIVE 288665 sec, process no 10349, OS thread id 1352616864 MySQL thread id 24, query id 308 dtc-tote-mgr mandateIP ---TRANSACTION 0 1073079321, ACTIVE 288676 sec, process no 10349, OS thread id 1352817568 MySQL thread id 17, query id 269 dtc-tote-mgr mandateIP -------- FILE I/O -------- I/O thread 0 state: waiting for i/o request (insert buffer thread) I/O thread 1 state: waiting for i/o request (log thread) I/O thread 2 state: waiting for i/o request (read thread) I/O thread 3 state: waiting for i/o request (write thread) Pending normal aio reads: 0, aio writes: 0, ibuf aio reads: 0, log i/o's: 0, sync i/o's: 0 Pending flushes (fsync) log: 1; buffer pool: 0 126466 OS file reads, 7985296 OS file writes, 6874596 OS fsyncs 0.00 reads/s, 0 avg bytes/read, 135.76 writes/s, 123.52 fsyncs/s ------------------------------------- INSERT BUFFER AND ADAPTIVE HASH INDEX ------------------------------------- Ibuf for space 0: size 1, free list len 5, seg size 7, is empty Ibuf for space 0: size 1, free list len 5, seg size 7, 87591 inserts, 87591 merged recs, 31648 merges Hash table size 6225619, used cells 3328253, node heap has 4666 buffer(s) 98729.87 hash searches/s, 4597.92 non-hash searches/s --- LOG --- Log sequence number 18 2949190962 Log flushed up to 18 2949189844 Last checkpoint at 18 2943116127 1 pending log writes, 0 pending chkp writes 6797412 log i/o's done, 123.18 log i/o's/second ---------------------- BUFFER POOL AND MEMORY ---------------------- Total memory allocated 1704362910; in additional pool allocated 7397632 Buffer pool size 96000 Free buffers 1 Database pages 91333 Modified db pages 1984 Pending reads 0 Pending writes: LRU 0, flush list 0, single page 0 Pages read 404248, created 34354, written 1613611 0.00 reads/s, 0.71 creates/s, 14.00 writes/s Buffer pool hit rate 1000 / 1000 -------------- ROW OPERATIONS -------------- 0 queries inside InnoDB, 0 queries in queue 1 read views open inside InnoDB Main thread process no. 10349, id 1363032992, state: sleeping Number of rows inserted 1579288, updated 1649819, deleted 577252, read 2244170752 31.67 inserts/s, 29.67 updates/s, 0.00 deletes/s, 155125.37 reads/s ---------------------------- END OF INNODB MONITOR OUTPUT ============================ Please help! If any other info need, please let me know. Any sugg/comments are welcome! Thanks, Hays Pinthapataya