MySQL Repository Configuration Report ===================================== This report documents the difference between your existing MySQL configuration file (my.cnf/my.ini) as migrated from your previous Enterprise Monitor installation and our recommended configuration file, which is based on our "Minimum System Requirements" shown at The following files were compared: Recommended: my-default.ini Your file: my.ini WARNING: Updating your configuration file per our recommendations can help you improve the performance of the Enterprise Monitor, however, much depends on the specifics of your environment (e.g. OS, memory, disk, whether the machine is dedicated to the Monitor or shared with other applications, etc). Please do NOT update your Monitor's configuration file until you thoroughly understand each change and have tested it on a non-production machine. Use the following URL as a starting point to learn more about each parameter: Parameter: tmp_table_size Recommended: 32M Your Value: Missing from my.cnf/my.ini Comment: ??? Parameter: innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct Recommended: 20 Your Value: Missing from my.cnf/my.ini Comment: ??? Parameter: innodb_log_file_size Recommended: 256M Your Value: 32M Comment: Increase for improved performance (reduces the frequency at which the buffer pool is flushed to disk). WARNING: If you change this value, make sure you archive off the current log files and do a clean shutdown. Parameter: innodb_file_per_table Recommended: Your Value: Missing from my.cnf/my.ini Comment: Add so that InnoDB will use one tablespace for each new table - can improve performance. Parameter: innodb_buffer_pool_size Recommended: 512M Your Value: 64M Comment: Increase for improved performance (can reduce disk usage for accessing table data and indexes). Parameter: innodb_locks_unsafe_for_binlog Recommended: 1 Your Value: Missing from my.cnf/my.ini Comment: Add for improved performance (reduces the likelihood of deadlocks). Parameter: lower_case_table_names Recommended: 1 Your Value: Missing from my.cnf/my.ini Comment: A value of 1 is recommended when InnoDB is used. Parameter: max_heap_table_size Recommended: 32M Your Value: Missing from my.cnf/my.ini Comment: Add for improved performance (can help prevent the server from using too much memory). Parameter: thread_cache_size Recommended: 16 Your Value: Missing from my.cnf/my.ini Comment: Add for improved performance (enables mysqld to reuse more cached threads rather than creating new ones. Parameter: read_buffer_size Recommended: 512K Your Value: 256K Comment: Parameter: table_cache Recommended: 256 Your Value: 64 Comment: