mysqld.exe!mtr_set_log_mode(mtr_struct * mtr=0x00000000, unsigned long mode=22) Line 203 + 0xb bytes C mysqld.exe!page_zip_reorganize(buf_block_struct * block=0x0578cba0, dict_index_struct * index=0x05426c80, mtr_struct * mtr=0x00000000) Line 4247 C mysqld.exe!page_cur_insert_rec_zip_reorg(unsigned char * * current_rec=0x0e27e338, buf_block_struct * block=0x0578cba0, dict_index_struct * index=0x05426c80, unsigned char * rec=0x00000000, unsigned char * page=0x00000000, page_zip_des_struct * page_zip=0x0578cbac, mtr_struct * mtr=0x00000000) Line 1132 + 0xe bytes C mysqld.exe!page_cur_insert_rec_zip(unsigned char * * current_rec=0x0e27e338, buf_block_struct * block=0x0578cba0, dict_index_struct * index=0x05426c80, const unsigned char * rec=0x0d6c7ae2, unsigned long * offsets=0x0d6c7e18, mtr_struct * mtr=0x00000000) Line 1232 + 0x17 bytes C mysqld.exe!page_cur_tuple_insert(page_cur_struct * cursor=0x0e27e338, const dtuple_struct * tuple=0x0bf87068, dict_index_struct * index=0x05426c80, unsigned long n_ext=16, mtr_struct * mtr=0x00000000) Line 249 + 0xf bytes C mysqld.exe!btr_cur_pessimistic_insert(unsigned long flags=0, btr_cur_struct * cursor=0x0d685fb0, dtuple_struct * entry=0x0bf87068, unsigned char * * rec=0x0e27e384, big_rec_struct * * big_rec=0x0e27e374, unsigned long n_ext=16, que_thr_struct * thr=0x0bf9be90, mtr_struct * mtr=0x0e27e3c4) Line 1351 C mysqld.exe!row_ins_index_entry_low(unsigned long mode=33, dict_index_struct * index=0x00000000, dtuple_struct * entry=0x0bf87068, unsigned long n_ext=0, que_thr_struct * thr=0x00000000) Line 2127 + 0x24 bytes C mysqld.exe!row_ins(ins_node_struct * node=0x00000000, que_thr_struct * thr=0x00000000) Line 2411 + 0x59 bytes C mysqld.exe!row_ins_step(que_thr_struct * thr=0x00000000) Line 2526 C mysqld.exe!row_insert_for_mysql(unsigned char * mysql_rec=0x0bf88fa8, row_prebuilt_struct * prebuilt=0x0bf9b078) Line 1110 C mysqld.exe!ha_innobase::write_row(unsigned char * record=0x0bf88fa8) Line 3851 + 0xd bytes C++ mysqld.exe!handler::ha_write_row(unsigned char * buf=0x0bf88fa8) Line 4519 + 0x11 bytes C++ mysqld.exe!write_record(THD * thd=0x0d5f5008, st_table * table=0x0c05b008, st_copy_info * info=0x0e27e948) Line 1557 + 0xc bytes C++ mysqld.exe!mysql_insert(THD * thd=0x0d5f5008, TABLE_LIST * table_list=0x0d675aa0, List & fields={...}, List > & values_list={...}, List & update_fields={...}, List & update_values={...}, enum_duplicates duplic=DUP_ERROR, bool ignore=true) Line 812 + 0xc bytes C++ mysqld.exe!mysql_execute_command(THD * thd=0x0d5f5008) Line 2934 + 0x36 bytes C++ ntdll.dll!RtlFreeActivationContextStack() + 0x43f bytes insert ignore into `table0` set `col0` = if(rand()*100<20,null,-8), `col1` = if(rand()*100<20,null,-6), `col2` = if(rand()*100<20,null,112), `col3` = '92102567', `col4` = '7990983', `col5` = if(rand()*100<20,null,substring('49940',1,17)), `col6` = '6015526', `col7` = if(rand()*100<20,null,substring('c1L,IWj9TVvRRKrBC,QXQ 4aQZOEZMd2zOAOlqx64vTi MN4b k .; meN7gPUaaiR9R689V:xU3 Tp ejqaQBrjZW.,v5b;htqAG gXwP0HEg',1,65535)), `col8` = if(rand()*100<20,null,4290440011.8805809000), `col9` = if(rand()*100<20,null,substring('25727',1,17)), `col10` = if(rand()*100<20,null,1984957.0653706472), `col11` = if(rand()*100<20,null,4292070317.4665365000), `col12` = round(65535*rand())%2, `col13` = if(rand()*100<20,null,substring('D¼}-?¥é) O<<.?2Sx!çæ 3Aù(U-9ç"?_Tñ±o??I?Q9-<>A¶7Ö?²ù? # Generating 10 tables # Creating a table with 94 columns and 24 indexes DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `table0`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `table0` (`col0` BOOL, `col1` BOOL, `col2` TINYINT, `col3` DATE, `col4` TIME, `col5` SET ('test1','test2','test3'), `col6` TIME, `col7` TEXT, `col8` DECIMAL, `col9` SET ('test1','test2','test3'), `col10` FLOAT, `col11` DOUBLE PRECISION, `col12` ENUM ('test1','test2','test3'), `col13` TINYBLOB, `col14` YEAR, `col15` SET ('test1','test2','test3'), `col16` NUMERIC, `col17` NUMERIC, `col18` BLOB, `col19` DATETIME, `col20` DOUBLE PRECISION, `col21` DECIMAL, `col22` DATETIME, `col23` NUMERIC, `col24` NUMERIC, `col25` LONGTEXT, `col26` TINYBLOB, `col27` TIME, `col28` TINYBLOB, `col29` ENUM ('test1','test2','test3'), `col30` SMALLINT, `col31` REAL, `col32` FLOAT, `col33` CHAR (175), `col34` TINYTEXT, `col35` TINYTEXT, `col36` TINYBLOB, `col37` TINYBLOB, `col38` TINYTEXT, `col39` MEDIUMBLOB, `col40` TIMESTAMP, `col41` DOUBLE, `col42` SMALLINT, `col43` LONGBLOB, `col44` VARCHAR (80), `col45` MEDIUMTEXT, `col46` NUMERIC, `col47` BIGINT, `col48` DATE, `col49` TINYBLOB, `col50` DATE, `col51` BOOL, `col52` MEDIUMINT, `col53` FLOAT, `col54` TINYBLOB, `col55` LONGTEXT, `col56` SMALLINT, `col57` ENUM ('test1','test2','test3'), `col58` DATETIME, `col59` MEDIUMTEXT, `col60` VARCHAR (232), `col61` NUMERIC, `col62` YEAR, `col63` SMALLINT, `col64` TIMESTAMP, `col65` BLOB, `col66` LONGBLOB, `col67` INT, `col68` LONGTEXT, `col69` ENUM ('test1','test2','test3'), `col70` INT, `col71` TIME, `col72` TIMESTAMP, `col73` TIMESTAMP, `col74` VARCHAR (170), `col75` SET ('test1','test2','test3'), `col76` TINYBLOB, `col77` BIGINT, `col78` NUMERIC, `col79` DATETIME, `col80` YEAR, `col81` NUMERIC, `col82` LONGBLOB, `col83` TEXT, `col84` CHAR (83), `col85` DECIMAL, `col86` FLOAT, `col87` INT, `col88` VARCHAR (145), `col89` DATE, `col90` DECIMAL, `col91` DECIMAL, `col92` MEDIUMBLOB, `col93` TIME, KEY `idx0` (`col69`,`col90`,`col8`), KEY `idx1` (`col60`), KEY `idx2` (`col60`,`col70`,`col74`), KEY `idx3` (`col22`,`col32`,`col72`,`col30`), KEY `idx4` (`col29`), KEY `idx5` (`col19`,`col45`(143)), KEY `idx6` (`col46`,`col48`,`col5`,`col39`(118)), KEY `idx7` (`col48`,`col61`), KEY `idx8` (`col93`), KEY `idx9` (`col31`), KEY `idx10` (`col30`,`col21`), KEY `idx11` (`col67`), KEY `idx12` (`col44`,`col6`,`col8`,`col38`(226)), KEY `idx13` (`col71`,`col41`,`col15`,`col49`(88)), KEY `idx14` (`col78`), KEY `idx15` (`col63`,`col67`,`col64`), KEY `idx16` (`col17`,`col86`), KEY `idx17` (`col77`,`col56`,`col10`,`col55`(24)), KEY `idx18` (`col62`), KEY `idx19` (`col31`,`col57`,`col56`,`col53`), KEY `idx20` (`col46`), KEY `idx21` (`col83`(54)), KEY `idx22` (`col51`,`col7`(120)), KEY `idx23` (`col7`(163),`col31`,`col71`,`col14`) )engine=innodb ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED KEY_BLOCK_SIZE=1;