option explicit ' Test case for bug#30520 ' ' Copyright 2007 - MySQL AB ' VBS doesn't have an "include" mechanism, and ' ScriptUnit doesn't like WSH files, so we're left with this ' hack for now... Dim fso: Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Dim f: Set f = fso.OpenTextFile("../common/adovbs.inc", 1) Dim s: s = f.ReadAll() ExecuteGlobal s f.Close Set f = Nothing Set f = fso.OpenTextFile("../common/mysql-common.inc", 1) s = f.ReadAll() ExecuteGlobal s f.Close Set f = Nothing Sub setup() Dim connection1, strSQL Set connection1 = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") ' get rid of test table if it's there strSQL = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ado_test" connection1.ConnectionString = connstr connection1.Open connection1.Execute(strSQL) ' Create new test table strSQL = "CREATE TABLE ado_test (test_int int, test_text text)" connection1.Execute(strSQL) ' Add records to table strSQL = "INSERT INTO ado_test (test_int, test_text) VALUES ('42', 'test text')" connection1.Execute(strSQL) connection1.Close Set connection1 = Nothing End Sub Sub teardown() Dim connection1, strSQL Set connection1 = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") ' get rid of test table strSQL = "DROP TABLE ado_test" connection1.ConnectionString = connstr connection1.Open connection1.Execute(strSQL) connection1.Close Set connection1 = Nothing End Sub Sub Cleanup(conn, recset) recset.Close Set recset = Nothing conn.Close Set conn = Nothing End Sub Sub TestExecuteValid() 'On Error Resume Next Dim connection1, recset1, strSQL, lock, iTemp Set connection1 = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Set recset1 = CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") strSQL = "SELECT * FROM ado_test" connection1.ConnectionString = connstr ' open connection connection1.Open ' create the recordset Set recset1 = connection1.Execute(strSQL) while not recset1.eof If strComp(recset1("test_int"), "42") <> 0 Then On Error Goto 0 Assert.Failure "Result wanished first read of int" end if If strComp(recset1("test_text"), "test text") <> 0 Then On Error Goto 0 Assert.Failure "Result wanished first read of text" end if If strComp(recset1("test_int"), "42") <> 0 Then On Error Goto 0 Assert.Failure "Result wanished second read of int" end if If strComp(recset1("test_text"), "test text") <> 0 Then On Error Goto 0 Assert.Failure "Result wanished second read of text" end if recset1.movenext wend connection1.Close f.close End Sub