source include/; source include/; # create a user for replication that requires ssl encryption connection master; grant replication slave on *.* to replssl@localhost require ssl; create table t1 (t int auto_increment, KEY(t)); sync_slave_with_master; # Set slave to use SSL for connection to master stop slave; --replace_result $MYSQL_TEST_DIR MYSQL_TEST_DIR eval change master to master_user='replssl', master_password='', master_ssl=1, master_ssl_ca ='$MYSQL_TEST_DIR/std_data/cacert.pem', master_ssl_cert='$MYSQL_TEST_DIR/std_data/client-cert.pem', master_ssl_key='$MYSQL_TEST_DIR/std_data/client-key.pem'; start slave; # Switch to master and insert one record, then sync it to slave connection master; insert into t1 values(1); sync_slave_with_master; # The record should now be on slave select * from t1; # stop the sql_thread connection slave; slave stop sql_thread; # create procedure to fill binary log and relay log connection master; delimiter |; CREATE PROCEDURE pop_t1 (IN i INT) BEGIN WHILE (i > 0) DO insert into t1 values (NULL); set i = i - 1; END WHILE; END| delimiter ;| call pop_t1(100000); # wait a few minutes for the server to lock up sleep 180; sync_slave_with_master;