//built using: // gcc bug20540.c -o bug20540 -L/home/sbester/servers/5.0-bk/lib -I/home/sbester/servers/5.0-bk/include -lmysqlclient_r -lz -lpthread //run using: // ./bug20540 200 300 10 1 "call p1()" 3306 test root //try maintain 200 threads for 300 seconds, each thread running the specified SQL 10 times. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mysql.h" char query[4096]={0}; char db[128]={0}; char host[128]={0}; char user[128]={0}; char pass[128]={0}; int port=3306; int thrd=0; int numb=0; int leng=0; int mssleep=0; sem_t hSemaphore; int dwWaitResult; int num_threads=0; pthread_mutex_t num_threads_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; //sem_t num_threads_mutex; time_t timestart=0; void thread_counter(signed int diff) { //sem_wait(&num_threads_mutex); pthread_mutex_lock(&num_threads_mutex); num_threads+=diff; pthread_mutex_unlock(&num_threads_mutex); //sem_post(&num_threads_mutex); } void* thread_function(void* arg) { int retval=0; MYSQL *m; MYSQL_RES *r; MYSQL_ROW w; int res=0,i=0,f=0,numfields; mysql_thread_init(); m=mysql_init(NULL); thread_counter(1); if(!mysql_real_connect(m, host, user, pass,NULL, port, NULL, CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS|CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS)) { printf("cannot connect (%d - %s)\n",mysql_errno(m),mysql_error(m)); thread_counter(-1); pthread_exit(NULL); } mysql_select_db(m,db); for(i=0;i0) { printf("No results for %s. (%d) - %s\n",query,mysql_errno(m),mysql_error(m)); } } } while (!mysql_next_result(m)); //usleep(1000*mssleep);//sleep inbetween repetitions. } mysql_close(m); thread_counter(-1); mysql_thread_end(); sem_post(&hSemaphore); pthread_exit(NULL); } void help() { printf("Query load tester for MySQL - Written by Shane Bester (MySQL inc.)\n\n"); printf("Usage: Run as follows:\n"); printf("test1.exe [num threads] [run for x seconds] [loops per thread] [ms to sleep between queries] [\"query\"] [host] [port] [database] [user] \n"); printf("example:\n"); printf("test1.exe 50 300 5 1 \"call p1()\" 3306 test root 12345\n"); printf("The above will run 50 concurrent threads, The test will last 300 seconds.\n"); printf("Enjoy!\n"); exit(1); } int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) { int nRetCode = 0,j=0,res=0; int a_threadId; unsigned long i=0; unsigned long oldi=0; pthread_t a_thread; if(argc!=10 && argc!=11) help(); timestart=time(NULL);; thrd=atoi(argv[1]); leng=atoi(argv[2]); numb=atoi(argv[3]); mssleep=atoi(argv[4]); strncpy(query,argv[5],sizeof(query)); strncpy(host,argv[6],sizeof(host)); port=atoi(argv[7]); strncpy(db,argv[8],sizeof(db)); strncpy(user,argv[9],sizeof(user)); if(argc==11) strncpy(pass,argv[10],sizeof(pass)); i = sem_init(&hSemaphore,0,thrd); if (i != 0) { perror("Semaphore initialization failed for hSemaphore"); exit(1); } MYSQL *m; printf("Testing DB connection before spawning threads....\n"); m=mysql_init(NULL); if(!mysql_real_connect(m, host, user, pass,NULL, port, NULL, CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS|CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS)) { printf("cannot connect (%d - %s)\n",mysql_errno(m),mysql_error(m)); perror("Please fix connectivity problems :-0\n"); exit(1); } printf("Connected....\n"); if (!mysql_thread_safe()) fprintf(stderr, "Thread Safe OFF\n"); else fprintf(stderr, "Thread Safe ON\n"); if(mysql_select_db(m,db)) { printf("unable to select '%s' db. Does it exist and user have permissions?\n",db); mysql_close(m); exit(1); } mysql_close(m); printf("Spawning %d new threads\n",thrd); for(i=0;(time(NULL)-timestart) < leng;) { if(i>oldi) printf("Current Threads: %u Total Created: %d \r",num_threads,i); usleep(1000 * 1);//fire threads off at a rate of one per 10 milliseconds. //must be quick enough otherwise you'll never get up to thread_count sem_wait(&hSemaphore); oldi=i; i++; res = pthread_create(&a_thread, NULL, thread_function, (void*)NULL); if(res!=0) { printf("Thread creation failed (errno: %d)\n",res); printf("Better check ulimit settings. Perhaps lower stack size!!\n"); exit(1); } pthread_detach(a_thread); } for(j=0;j<600;j++) { printf("\nWaiting for %d threads to die now...\n",num_threads); if(num_threads<1) { goto done; } usleep(1000 * 500); } done: printf("\n\nFinished. A total of %u threads got launched\n",i); printf("Start time: %u \n",timestart); printf("End time: %u \n",time(NULL)); printf("Time taken: %u \n",time(NULL)-timestart); sem_destroy(&hSemaphore); //sem_destroy(&num_threads_mutex); return nRetCode; }