select subq_0.c7 as c0, subq_0.c7 as c1, subq_0.c7 as c2, subq_0.c7 as c3 from (select ref_3.v58 as c0, ref_1.v6 as c1, ref_5.v55 as c2, (select v107 from test.table97) as c3, ref_6.v91 as c4, ref_5.v27 as c5, ref_1.v35 as c6, ref_2.v46 as c7 from test.table97 as ref_0 inner join test.table97 as ref_1 left join test.table97 as ref_2 inner join test.table97 as ref_3 left join test.table97 as ref_4 on (ref_3.v8 is NULL) left join test.table97 as ref_5 left join test.table97 as ref_6 on ((((((true) and (false)) or (((ref_6.v19 is NULL) or (((select v127 from test.table97) is NULL) or ((false) or ((ref_5.v126 is not NULL) or ((EXISTS ( select (select v51 from test.table97) as c0, ref_7.v103 as c1, ref_6.v23 as c2 from test.table97 as ref_7 where true)) or ((ref_5.v8 is NULL) or (true))))))) and (ref_5.v95 is NULL))) and (false)) and ((true) or ((ref_5.v107 is not NULL) or (true)))) and (true)) on ((true) or ((select v123 from test.table97) is not NULL)) on (false) on (EXISTS ( select ref_1.v5 as c0, ref_5.v29 as c1 from test.table97 as ref_8 where ref_8.v16 is NULL)) on (((EXISTS ( select ref_4.v88 as c0, ref_2.v86 as c1 from test.table97 as ref_9 where true)) or (EXISTS ( select ref_3.v103 as c0, ref_5.v77 as c1, ref_4.v35 as c2, ref_2.v56 as c3 from test.table97 as ref_10 where false))) and (true)) where ((false) or (((((ref_3.v66 is not NULL) or ((EXISTS ( select ref_1.v112 as c0, ref_0.v55 as c1, ref_4.v110 as c2, ref_5.v25 as c3, ref_4.v121 as c4 from test.table97 as ref_11 where ((false) and ((ref_4.v44 is NULL) and (((ref_11.v122 is NULL) and (ref_11.v72 is not NULL)) and (ref_4.v71 is not NULL)))) or (ref_4.v128 is NULL))) and (ref_2.v92 is not NULL))) and (EXISTS ( select (select v95 from test.table97) as c0, ref_4.v47 as c1 from test.table97 as ref_12 where (false) and (ref_1.v96 is not NULL)))) or (ref_4.v75 is NULL)) or ((EXISTS ( select (select v80 from test.table97) as c0, ref_13.v112 as c1, ref_4.v88 as c2, ref_5.v115 as c3, ref_4.v35 as c4, ref_2.v114 as c5 from test.table97 as ref_13 where EXISTS ( select ref_3.v30 as c0, ref_3.v13 as c1, ref_13.v57 as c2 from test.table97 as ref_14 where true))) or ((ref_1.v43 is NULL) or (ref_0.v107 is not NULL))))) and (EXISTS ( select ref_6.v109 as c0, ref_5.v78 as c1, ref_15.v48 as c2, ref_0.v1 as c3, ref_5.v125 as c4, ref_4.v94 as c5, ref_2.v109 as c6, 42 as c7, ref_5.v117 as c8, ref_5.v33 as c9, ref_5.v99 as c10 from test.table97 as ref_15 where EXISTS ( select ref_16.v90 as c0, ref_0.v46 as c1, (select v43 from test.table97) as c2, ref_0.v49 as c3 from test.table97 as ref_16 where (((true) and ((ref_2.v85 is not NULL) or (ref_15.v133 is NULL))) or ((((false) or ((false) or ((((false) and (true)) or (((true) and ((true) and (ref_1.v84 is not NULL))) and ((false) or ((true) or (ref_2.v73 is not NULL))))) and (EXISTS ( select ref_5.v65 as c0, 12 as c1, ref_16.v100 as c2, ref_2.v87 as c3, ref_5.v4 as c4, ref_17.v40 as c5, ref_17.v10 as c6, ref_6.v96 as c7, ref_16.v74 as c8, ref_5.v84 as c9, ref_1.v135 as c10, ref_2.v47 as c11, ref_5.v90 as c12, ref_4.v75 as c13, ref_5.v24 as c14, ref_5.v78 as c15, ref_0.v38 as c16 from test.table97 as ref_17 where (true) or (ref_5.v49 is not NULL)))))) or (((EXISTS ( select (select v51 from test.table97) as c0, ref_2.v82 as c1, ref_15.v106 as c2, ref_18.v35 as c3 from test.table97 as ref_18 where EXISTS ( select (select v105 from test.table97) as c0, ref_3.v56 as c1, ref_4.v98 as c2, ref_4.v46 as c3, ref_4.v1 as c4, ref_5.v57 as c5, ref_16.v118 as c6, 92 as c7, ref_3.v0 as c8, ref_1.v130 as c9, ref_0.v76 as c10, (select v69 from test.table97) as c11 from test.table97 as ref_19 where (((true) or ((EXISTS ( select ref_6.v100 as c0, ref_1.v30 as c1, (select v81 from test.table97) as c2, ref_18.v43 as c3 from test.table97 as ref_20 where ((EXISTS ( select ref_4.v12 as c0, ref_0.v24 as c1, ref_3.v105 as c2, ref_15.v128 as c3, ref_2.v21 as c4, ref_19.v105 as c5, ref_15.v59 as c6, ref_1.v76 as c7, ref_15.v67 as c8, 100 as c9, ref_1.v32 as c10 from test.table97 as ref_21 where ref_4.v62 is NULL)) and ((((true) and ((ref_2.v81 is not NULL) and (false))) and (true)) and (true))) and (false))) and (ref_16.v74 is NULL))) or ((true) and (false))) and (false)))) and (EXISTS ( select ref_0.v45 as c0, ref_15.v119 as c1, ref_4.v52 as c2, ref_4.v20 as c3 from test.table97 as ref_22 where EXISTS ( select ref_6.v113 as c0, ref_2.v12 as c1, ref_0.v84 as c2, ref_23.v112 as c3, ref_4.v66 as c4, ref_0.v102 as c5, ref_4.v56 as c6, (select v103 from test.table97) as c7, ref_16.v27 as c8, ref_1.v137 as c9, ref_2.v105 as c10, ref_6.v31 as c11, (select v3 from test.table97) as c12, ref_16.v112 as c13, ref_6.v14 as c14, ref_6.v61 as c15, ref_2.v28 as c16 from test.table97 as ref_23 where false)))) or ((EXISTS ( select ref_6.v14 as c0, ref_16.v62 as c1, 2 as c2, ref_6.v35 as c3 from test.table97 as ref_24 where ref_15.v27 is not NULL)) or (true)))) and (true))) and (true))))) as subq_0 where (EXISTS ( select ref_25.v58 as c0, subq_0.c0 as c1, ref_25.v46 as c2, ref_25.v22 as c3, ref_25.v13 as c4, ref_25.v90 as c5, subq_0.c4 as c6 from test.table97 as ref_25 where (EXISTS ( select subq_0.c0 as c0 from test.table97 as ref_26 where ref_26.v34 is not NULL)) or ((ref_25.v88 is not NULL) or (true)))) and (true);