07:45:39 [INF][ Workbench]: Starting up Workbench 07:45:39 [INF][ WBContext UI]: Initializing workbench context UI with these values: base dir: /Applications/MySQLWorkbench.app/Contents/Resources plugin path: /Applications/MySQLWorkbench.app/Contents/PlugIns struct path: /Applications/MySQLWorkbench.app/Contents/Resources/grt module path: /Applications/MySQLWorkbench.app/Contents/PlugIns:/Applications/MySQLWorkbench.app/Contents/Resources/plugins library path: /Applications/MySQLWorkbench.app/Contents/Resources/libraries user data dir: /Users/mathieu/Library/Application Support/MySQL/Workbench open at start: open type: run at startup: run type: Force SW rendering: No Force OpenGL: No quit when done: No 07:45:39 [INF][ WBContext]: WbContext::init 07:45:39 [INF][ WBA]: Looking for extension modules for WBA... 07:45:39 [INF][ WBA]: 0 extension modules found 07:45:40 [WRN][ grt]: Duplicate plugin name wb.tools.cmdlineClient There is more than one plugin with the name wb.tools.cmdlineClient (in PyWbUtils and PyWbUtils). 07:45:40 [INF][ WBContext]: Log level changed to 'debug3' according to UI option 07:45:40 [DB1][ WBContext]: Cleaning up old options 07:45:40 [WRN][ grt]: /Users/mathieu/Library/Application Support/MySQL/Workbench/connections.xml:27: link '9E185F91-618C-443B-B977-59AE4044E8D9' key=owner could not be resolved 07:45:40 [DB1][component_physical]: Loaded connection list, 8 connections found. 07:45:40 [WRN][ grt]: Duplicate plugin name wb.tools.cmdlineClient There is more than one plugin with the name wb.tools.cmdlineClient (in PyWbUtils and PyWbUtils). 07:45:40 [INF][ WBContext]: System info: MySQL Workbench Community (GPL) for macOS version 8.0.34 CE build 3263449 (64 bit) Configuration Directory: /Users/mathieu/Library/Application Support/MySQL/Workbench Data Directory: /Applications/MySQLWorkbench.app/Contents/Resources Cairo Version: 1.17.6 OS: unknown CPU: 8x Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8279U CPU @ 2.40GHz - 16.00GiB RAM No video adapter info available 07:45:40 [INF][ ModelContext]: Found model auto-save /Users/mathieu/Library/Application Support/MySQL/Workbench/pvsoft.mwbd, but it is empty. Deleting it... 07:45:40 [DB1][ WQE native]: Setting up UI 07:45:40 [DB1][ Workbench]: Setup done 07:45:40 [DB1][ home]: Creating Connections Welcome Screen 07:45:40 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_sakila_dark@2x.png 07:45:40 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_manage_dark@2x.png 07:45:40 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_folder@2x.png 07:45:40 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_network_dark@2x.png 07:45:40 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_plus_dark@2x.png 07:45:40 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_user_dark@2x.png 07:45:40 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_plus_dark@2x.png 07:45:40 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_doc_sql@2x.png 07:45:40 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_number_dark@2x.png 07:45:40 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_close@2x.png 07:45:40 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_open_dark@2x.png 07:45:40 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_more_dark@2x.png 07:45:40 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_sakila_dark@2x.png 07:45:40 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_manage_dark@2x.png 07:45:40 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_folder@2x.png 07:45:40 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_network_dark@2x.png 07:45:40 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_plus_dark@2x.png 07:45:40 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_user_dark@2x.png 07:45:40 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_plus_dark@2x.png 07:45:40 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_doc_sql@2x.png 07:45:40 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_number_dark@2x.png 07:45:40 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_close@2x.png 07:45:40 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_open_dark@2x.png 07:45:40 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_more_dark@2x.png 07:45:40 [DB2][ Workbench]: Adding new top panel 07:45:40 [DB1][ WBContext]: Calling SQLIDEUtils.initialize0()... 07:45:40 [DB1][ WBContext]: Calling WbAdmin.initialize()... 07:45:40 [DB2][ WBContext]: get_local_os_name() returned 'unknown' 07:45:40 [WRN][ WBModule]: OS detection failed, skipping OS support check. OS string: 'unknown' 07:46:07 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: snippet_mwb@2x.png