09:08:55 [INF][ Workbench]: Starting up Workbench 09:08:55 [INF][ WBContext UI]: Initializing workbench context UI with these values: base dir: /Applications/MySQLWorkbench.app/Contents/Resources plugin path: /Applications/MySQLWorkbench.app/Contents/PlugIns struct path: /Applications/MySQLWorkbench.app/Contents/Resources/grt module path: /Applications/MySQLWorkbench.app/Contents/PlugIns:/Applications/MySQLWorkbench.app/Contents/Resources/plugins library path: /Applications/MySQLWorkbench.app/Contents/Resources/libraries user data dir: /Users/mhoma/Library/Application Support/MySQL/Workbench open at start: open type: run at startup: run type: Force SW rendering: No Force OpenGL: No quit when done: No 09:08:55 [INF][ WBContext]: WbContext::init 09:08:55 [INF][ WBA]: Looking for extension modules for WBA... 09:08:55 [INF][ WBA]: 0 extension modules found 09:08:55 [WRN][ grt]: Duplicate plugin name wb.tools.cmdlineClient There is more than one plugin with the name wb.tools.cmdlineClient (in PyWbUtils and PyWbUtils). 09:08:55 [WRN][ grt]: /Users/mhoma/Library/Application Support/MySQL/Workbench/connections.xml:25: link '0F1436A5-2BF8-46B5-9811-5C363D44AF59' key=owner could not be resolved 09:08:55 [WRN][ grt]: Duplicate plugin name wb.tools.cmdlineClient There is more than one plugin with the name wb.tools.cmdlineClient (in PyWbUtils and PyWbUtils). 09:08:55 [INF][ WBContext]: System info: MySQL Workbench Community (GPL) for macOS version 8.0.28 CE build 1474738 (64 bit) Configuration Directory: /Users/mhoma/Library/Application Support/MySQL/Workbench Data Directory: /Applications/MySQLWorkbench.app/Contents/Resources Cairo Version: 1.17.4 OS: macOS 12.x Monterey x86_64 CPU: 4x Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7600K CPU @ 3.80GHz - 16.00GiB RAM No video adapter info available 09:08:55 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_sakila_light@2x.png 09:08:55 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_manage_light@2x.png 09:08:55 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_folder@2x.png 09:08:55 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_network_light@2x.png 09:08:55 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_plus_light@2x.png 09:08:55 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_user_light@2x.png 09:08:55 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_plus_light@2x.png 09:08:55 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_doc_sql@2x.png 09:08:55 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_number_light@2x.png 09:08:55 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_close@2x.png 09:08:55 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_open_light@2x.png 09:08:55 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_more_light@2x.png 09:08:55 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_sakila_light@2x.png 09:08:55 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_manage_light@2x.png 09:08:55 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_folder@2x.png 09:08:55 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_network_light@2x.png 09:08:55 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_plus_light@2x.png 09:08:55 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_user_light@2x.png 09:08:55 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_plus_light@2x.png 09:08:55 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_doc_sql@2x.png 09:08:55 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_number_light@2x.png 09:08:55 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_close@2x.png 09:08:55 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_open_light@2x.png 09:08:55 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_tile_more_light@2x.png 09:10:01 [INF][ Preferences]: Logger set to level 'debug3' in preferences menu 09:10:06 [DB2][ grt]: wb.form.showOptions finished in 61.81s 09:10:15 [DB3][SQL Editor Form]: Creating KeepAliveInterval timer... 09:10:15 [DB1][ mforms backend]: Looking up password for 'root'@'Mysql@' has succeeded 09:10:15 [DB3][ WQE backend]: Connecting SQL editor... 09:10:15 [DB3][ GRT task]: Sending task "execute sql queries" to dispatcher (wait)... 09:10:15 [DB1][ GRTDispatcher]: starting worker thread 09:10:15 [DB1][ GRTDispatcher]: worker thread running 09:10:15 [DB3][ GRTDispatcher]: Running task "execute sql queries" 09:10:15 [DB2][SQL Editor Form]: Notifying server state change of Mysql@ to running 09:10:15 [INF][SQL Editor Form]: Opened connection 'MyConnection' to MySQL Community Server - GPL version 8.0.28 09:10:15 [DB3][ WQE backend]: Connection to SQL editor succeeded 09:10:15 [DB3][ GRTDispatcher]: Task "execute sql queries" finished 09:10:15 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: snippet_sql@2x.png 09:10:15 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:10:15 [DB3][ GRT task]: Sending task "Live Schema Refresh Task" to dispatcher (don't wait)... 09:10:15 [DB1][ GRTDispatcher]: starting worker thread 09:10:15 [DB1][ GRTDispatcher]: worker thread running 09:10:15 [DB3][ GRTDispatcher]: Running task "Live Schema Refresh Task" 09:10:15 [DB2][ column_widths]: Using column width cache file /Users/mhoma/Library/Application Support/MySQL/Workbench/cache/MyConnection.column_widths 09:10:15 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:10:15 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:10:15 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_perform_config@2x.png 09:10:15 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:10:15 [DB1][ WBContext]: Saved connection list (MySQL: 2) 09:10:15 [DB2][SQL Editor Form]: Updating SQL menu and toolbar 09:10:15 [DB2][ Workbench]: Adding new top panel 09:10:15 [DB2][SQL Editor Form]: Updating SQL menu and toolbar 09:10:15 [DB2][SQL Editor Form]: Updating SQL menu and toolbar 09:10:15 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: editor_statement@2x.png 09:10:15 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: editor_error@2x.png 09:10:15 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: editor_breakpoint@2x.png 09:10:15 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: editor_breakpoint_hit@2x.png 09:10:15 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: editor_current_pos@2x.png 09:10:15 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: editor_continue_on_error@2x.png 09:10:15 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: ac_keyword@2x.png 09:10:15 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: ac_schema@2x.png 09:10:15 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: ac_table@2x.png 09:10:15 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: ac_routine@2x.png 09:10:15 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: ac_function@2x.png 09:10:15 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: ac_view@2x.png 09:10:15 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: ac_column@2x.png 09:10:15 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: ac_operator@2x.png 09:10:15 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: ac_engine@2x.png 09:10:15 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: ac_trigger@2x.png 09:10:15 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: ac_logfilegroup@2x.png 09:10:15 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: ac_uservar@2x.png 09:10:15 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: ac_sysvar@2x.png 09:10:15 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: ac_tablespace@2x.png 09:10:15 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: ac_event@2x.png 09:10:15 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: ac_index@2x.png 09:10:15 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: ac_user@2x.png 09:10:15 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: ac_charset@2x.png 09:10:15 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: ac_collation@2x.png 09:10:15 [DB3][ GRTDispatcher]: Task "Live Schema Refresh Task" finished 09:10:15 [DB3][SqlEditorSchemaTree]: Fetch schema contents for sys 09:10:15 [DB3][ GRT task]: Sending task "Live Schema Fetch Task" to dispatcher (don't wait)... 09:10:15 [DB1][ GRTDispatcher]: starting worker thread 09:10:15 [DB1][ GRTDispatcher]: worker thread running 09:10:15 [DB2][SQL Editor Form]: Updating SQL menu and toolbar 09:10:15 [DB3][ GRTDispatcher]: Running task "Live Schema Fetch Task" 09:10:16 [DB3][ GRTDispatcher]: Task "Live Schema Fetch Task" finished 09:10:19 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:10:19 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_perform_config@2x.png 09:10:19 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:10:19 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:10:20 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:10:20 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:10:20 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:10:21 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:10:21 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:10:21 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:10:21 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:10:21 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:10:21 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:10:21 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:10:22 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:10:22 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:10:22 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_perform_config@2x.png 09:10:22 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:10:22 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_perform_config@2x.png 09:10:22 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:10:22 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_perform_config@2x.png 09:10:22 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:10:22 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_perform_config@2x.png 09:10:22 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:10:22 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_perform_config@2x.png 09:10:22 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:10:22 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_perform_config@2x.png 09:10:22 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:10:22 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_perform_config@2x.png 09:10:22 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:10:23 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_perform_config@2x.png 09:10:23 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:10:23 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_perform_config@2x.png 09:10:23 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:10:23 [DB3][wb_admin_control.py:add_event_handler:75]: Added WbAdminControl for event server_started_event 09:10:23 [DB3][wb_admin_control.py:add_event_handler:75]: Added WbAdminControl for event server_stopped_event 09:10:23 [DB3][wb_admin_control.py:add_event_handler:75]: Added WbAdminControl for event server_offline_event 09:10:23 [DB2][wb_admin_control.py:__init__:111]: Constructing SQL query runner, dbconn () 09:10:23 [DB3][wb_admin_control.py:exec_query:133]: Executing query SHOW VARIABLES 09:10:23 [DB3][wb_admin_control.py:exec_query:133]: Executing query SHOW GLOBAL STATUS 09:10:23 [DB3][wb_admin_control.py:exec_query:133]: Executing query SHOW PLUGINS 09:10:24 [DB3][wb_admin_control.py:add_event_handler:75]: Added AdministratorTab for event server_started_event 09:10:24 [DB3][wb_admin_control.py:add_event_handler:75]: Added AdministratorTab for event server_stopped_event 09:10:24 [DB1][wb_admin_main.py:__init__:151]: WBA init complete 09:10:24 [DB1][wb_admin_control.py:server_polling_thread:566]: Monitoring thread running... 09:10:24 [DB1][wb_admin_control.py:get_config_options:747]: Could not open the file "/etc/my.cnf" as the current user. Trying as admin 09:10:24 [DB2][PasswordHandler:get_password_for()]: request password for "file" => "sudo Password Required", "sudo@localhost", "mhoma" 09:10:24 [DB1][ mforms backend]: Looking up password for 'mhoma'@'sudo@localhost' has succeeded 09:10:24 [DB3][wb_server_management.py:local_run_cmd_linux:316]: local_run_cmd_linux(): script="LANG=C /usr/bin/sudo -k -S -p EnterPasswordHere /bin/bash -c "LC_ALL=C cat \"/etc/my.cnf\""", ret=0 09:10:24 [INF][wb_admin_control.py:query_server_installation_info:858]: Currently connected to MySQL server version '8.0.28', conn status = True, active plugins = ['caching_sha2_password', 'INNODB_TABLES', 'INNODB_BUFFER_PAGE', 'PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA', 'TempTable', 'INNODB_FT_CONFIG', 'INNODB_TEMP_TABLE_INFO', 'INNODB_CMP_PER_INDEX_RESET', 'INNODB_FT_INDEX_TABLE', 'INNODB_INDEXES', 'INNODB_CMP', 'INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_STATS', 'CSV', 'binlog', 'INNODB_FT_DEFAULT_STOPWORD', 'INNODB_TRX', 'INNODB_FT_DELETED', 'sha2_cache_cleaner', 'INNODB_BUFFER_PAGE_LRU', 'MEMORY', 'INNODB_COLUMNS', 'INNODB_VIRTUAL', 'INNODB_CACHED_INDEXES', 'ARCHIVE', 'keyring_file', 'MRG_MYISAM', 'sha256_password', 'INNODB_CMP_RESET', 'INNODB_CMP_PER_INDEX', 'INNODB_CMPMEM_RESET', 'INNODB_METRICS', 'INNODB_FT_BEING_DELETED', 'mysqlx_cache_cleaner', 'INNODB_FT_INDEX_CACHE', 'MyISAM', 'INNODB_SESSION_TEMP_TABLESPACES', 'ngram', 'mysqlx', 'INNODB_TABLESPACES', 'BLACKHOLE', 'daemon_keyring_proxy_plugin', 'mysql_native_password', 'InnoDB', 'INNODB_TABLESTATS', 'INNODB_CMPMEM'] 09:10:24 [DB3][wb_server_management.py:local_run_cmd_linux:316]: local_run_cmd_linux(): script="ver", ret=127 09:10:24 [DB3][wb_server_management.py:local_run_cmd_linux:316]: local_run_cmd_linux(): script="uname", ret=0 09:10:24 [DB1][wb_admin_control.py:detect_operating_system_version:900]: uname in remote system returned Darwin 09:10:24 [DB3][wb_server_management.py:local_run_cmd_linux:316]: local_run_cmd_linux(): script="sw_vers", ret=0 09:10:24 [DB1][wb_admin_control.py:acquire_admin_access:281]: Target OS detection returned: os_type=darwin, os_name=macOS, os_variant=macOS, os_version=12.3.1 09:10:24 [DB3][wb_admin_control.py:exec_query:133]: Executing query SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'log_output' 09:10:24 [DB1][wb_admin_logs.py:get_log_destination:637]: WbAdminLogs: log_output = {} 09:10:24 [INF][wb_log_reader.py:__init__:389]: Will use plain file access to get contents of log file /usr/local/mysql/data/mysqld.local.err 09:10:24 [ERR][wb_admin_logs.py:update_ui:270]: Exception creating log reader: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/usr/local/mysql/data/mysqld.local.err' Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Applications/MySQLWorkbench.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/wb_admin_logs.py", line 267, in update_ui self.log_reader = self.BackendLogReaderClass(*self.args) File "/Applications/MySQLWorkbench.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/wb_log_reader.py", line 583, in __init__ super(ErrorLogFileReader, self).__init__(ctrl_be, file_name, pat, chunk_size, truncate_long_lines, append_gaps=False) File "/Applications/MySQLWorkbench.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/wb_log_reader.py", line 390, in __init__ self.log_file = LocalInputFile(self.log_file_name) File "/Applications/MySQLWorkbench.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/wb_server_management.py", line 2023, in __init__ self._f = open(path) PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/usr/local/mysql/data/mysqld.local.err' 09:10:24 [ERR][ LogViewGeneric]: Error creating log reader: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/usr/local/mysql/data/mysqld.local.err' 09:10:24 [DB3][wb_admin_control.py:event:96]: Found event server_started_event in list 09:10:24 [DB3][wb_admin_control.py:event:99]: Passing event server_started_event to WbAdminControl 09:10:24 [DB3][wb_admin_control.py:event:99]: Passing event server_started_event to AdministratorTab 09:10:25 [DB1][ SqlEditor]: Auto saving workspace 09:10:25 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_perform_config@2x.png 09:10:25 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:10:25 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_perform_config@2x.png 09:10:25 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:10:27 [DB3][wb_admin_control.py:server_polling_thread:571]: Poll server status 09:10:30 [DB3][wb_admin_control.py:server_polling_thread:571]: Poll server status 09:10:30 [INF][wb_log_reader.py:__init__:389]: Will use plain file access to get contents of log file /usr/local/mysql/data/mysqld.local.err 09:10:30 [ERR][wb_admin_logs.py:update_ui:270]: Exception creating log reader: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/usr/local/mysql/data/mysqld.local.err' Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Applications/MySQLWorkbench.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/wb_admin_logs.py", line 267, in update_ui self.log_reader = self.BackendLogReaderClass(*self.args) File "/Applications/MySQLWorkbench.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/wb_log_reader.py", line 583, in __init__ super(ErrorLogFileReader, self).__init__(ctrl_be, file_name, pat, chunk_size, truncate_long_lines, append_gaps=False) File "/Applications/MySQLWorkbench.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/wb_log_reader.py", line 390, in __init__ self.log_file = LocalInputFile(self.log_file_name) File "/Applications/MySQLWorkbench.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/wb_server_management.py", line 2023, in __init__ self._f = open(path) PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/usr/local/mysql/data/mysqld.local.err' 09:10:30 [ERR][ LogViewGeneric]: Error creating log reader: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/usr/local/mysql/data/mysqld.local.err' 09:10:33 [DB3][wb_admin_control.py:server_polling_thread:571]: Poll server status 09:10:35 [DB1][ SqlEditor]: Auto saving workspace 09:10:35 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_perform_config@2x.png 09:10:35 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:10:35 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_perform_config@2x.png 09:10:35 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:10:35 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_perform_config@2x.png 09:10:35 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:10:36 [DB3][wb_admin_control.py:server_polling_thread:571]: Poll server status 09:10:36 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_perform_config@2x.png 09:10:36 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:10:36 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_perform_config@2x.png 09:10:36 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:10:37 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_perform_config@2x.png 09:10:37 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:10:38 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:10:39 [DB3][wb_admin_control.py:server_polling_thread:571]: Poll server status 09:10:39 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:10:39 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:10:40 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:10:40 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:10:40 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:10:41 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:10:41 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:10:41 [DB3][wb_admin_control.py:exec_query:133]: Executing query select @@performance_schema 09:10:41 [DB3][wb_admin_control.py:exec_query:133]: Executing query SELECT COUNT(*) FROM performance_schema.threads 09:10:41 [DB3][wb_admin_control.py:exec_query:133]: Executing query SHOW GLOBAL STATUS 09:10:41 [DB3][wb_admin_control.py:exec_query:133]: Executing query SELECT t.PROCESSLIST_ID,IF (NAME = 'thread/sql/event_scheduler','event_scheduler',t.PROCESSLIST_USER) PROCESSLIST_USER,t.PROCESSLIST_HOST,t.PROCESSLIST_DB,t.PROCESSLIST_COMMAND,t.PROCESSLIST_TIME,t.PROCESSLIST_STATE,t.THREAD_ID,t.TYPE,t.NAME,t.PARENT_THREAD_ID,t.INSTRUMENTED,t.PROCESSLIST_INFO,a.ATTR_VALUE FROM performance_schema.threads t LEFT OUTER JOIN performance_schema.session_connect_attrs a ON t.processlist_id = a.processlist_id AND (a.attr_name IS NULL OR a.attr_name = 'program_name') WHERE t.TYPE <> 'BACKGROUND' 09:10:42 [DB3][wb_admin_control.py:server_polling_thread:571]: Poll server status 09:10:43 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:10:43 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:10:45 [DB3][wb_admin_control.py:server_polling_thread:571]: Poll server status 09:10:45 [DB1][ SqlEditor]: Auto saving workspace 09:10:45 [DB1][wb_admin_main.py:handle_on_close:155]: Closing admin 09:10:45 [DB1][wb_admin_main.py:shutdown:223]: shutting down admin 09:10:45 [DB3][wb_admin_control.py:event:102]: Found valid but unrequested event shutdown_event in list 09:10:48 [DB1][wb_admin_control.py:server_polling_thread:583]: Monitoring thread done. 09:10:48 [DB3][ GRT task]: Sending task "execute sql queries" to dispatcher (wait)... 09:10:48 [DB3][ GRTDispatcher]: Running task "execute sql queries" 09:10:48 [DB3][ GRTDispatcher]: Task "execute sql queries" finished 09:10:48 [DB2][ mforms backend]: Forgetting cached password for 'root'@'Mysql@' 09:10:48 [DB2][ GRTDispatcher]: Main thread waiting for background thread to finish 09:10:48 [DB3][ GRTDispatcher]: Running task "Terminate Worker Thread" 09:10:48 [DB3][ GRTDispatcher]: Null task found. Terminating worker thread... 09:10:48 [DB1][ GRTDispatcher]: worker thread exiting... 09:10:48 [DB2][ GRTDispatcher]: Background thread finished 09:10:48 [DB2][ GRTDispatcher]: Main thread waiting for background thread to finish 09:10:48 [DB3][ GRTDispatcher]: Running task "Terminate Worker Thread" 09:10:48 [DB3][ GRTDispatcher]: Null task found. Terminating worker thread... 09:10:48 [DB1][ GRTDispatcher]: worker thread exiting... 09:10:48 [DB2][ GRTDispatcher]: Background thread finished 09:10:48 [DB2][ GRTDispatcher]: Main thread waiting for background thread to finish 09:10:48 [DB3][ GRTDispatcher]: Running task "Terminate Worker Thread" 09:10:48 [DB3][ GRTDispatcher]: Null task found. Terminating worker thread... 09:10:48 [DB2][ GRTDispatcher]: Background thread finished 09:10:48 [DB1][ GRTDispatcher]: worker thread exiting... 09:11:32 [DB1][ mforms backend]: Looking up password for 'root'@'Mysql@' has succeeded 09:11:55 [DB3][ GRTDispatcher]: Running task "wizard task" 09:11:55 [DB1][wb_admin_grt.py:testInstanceSettingByName:691]: Test check_admin_commands/local in 09:11:55 [DB3][ GRTDispatcher]: Task "wizard task" finished 09:11:55 [DB3][ GRTDispatcher]: Running task "wizard task" 09:11:55 [DB1][wb_admin_grt.py:testInstanceSettingByName:691]: Test find_config_file/local in 09:11:55 [DB3][wb_admin_control.py:add_event_handler:75]: Added WbAdminControl for event server_started_event 09:11:55 [DB3][wb_admin_control.py:add_event_handler:75]: Added WbAdminControl for event server_stopped_event 09:11:55 [DB3][wb_admin_control.py:add_event_handler:75]: Added WbAdminControl for event server_offline_event 09:11:55 [DB3][ python context]: Check if /etc/my.cnf can be accessed 09:11:55 [DB3][ python context]: 09:11:55 [DB3][ python context]: File was found at the expected location 09:11:55 [DB3][ python context]: 09:11:55 [DB3][ python context]: Check if section for instance mysqld exists in /etc/my.cnf 09:11:55 [DB3][ python context]: 09:11:55 [ERR][ python]: error calling WbAdmin.testInstanceSettingByName Traceback: File "/Applications/MySQLWorkbench.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/wb_admin_grt.py", line 788, in testInstanceSettingByName if check_if_config_file_has_section(open(config_file, "r"), section): NameError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/etc/my.cnf' 09:11:55 [ERR][ GRTDispatcher]: exception in grt execute_task, continuing: Exception: error calling Python module function WbAdmin.testInstanceSettingByName 09:11:55 [DB3][ GRTDispatcher]: Task "wizard task" finished 09:11:55 [ERR][ GRTDispatcher]: worker: task 'wizard task' has failed with error:.error calling Python module function WbAdmin.testInstanceSettingByName 09:12:15 [DB1][wb_admin_grt.py:testInstanceSettingByName:691]: Test check_config_path/local in 09:12:15 [DB3][wb_admin_control.py:add_event_handler:75]: Added WbAdminControl for event server_started_event 09:12:15 [DB3][wb_admin_control.py:add_event_handler:75]: Added WbAdminControl for event server_stopped_event 09:12:15 [DB3][wb_admin_control.py:add_event_handler:75]: Added WbAdminControl for event server_offline_event 09:12:15 [DB3][ python context]: Check if /etc/my.cnf can be accessed 09:12:15 [DB3][ python context]: 09:12:15 [DB3][ python context]: File was found at the expected location 09:12:15 [DB3][ python context]: 09:12:18 [DB1][wb_admin_grt.py:testInstanceSettingByName:691]: Test check_config_section/local in 09:12:18 [DB3][wb_admin_control.py:add_event_handler:75]: Added WbAdminControl for event server_started_event 09:12:18 [DB3][wb_admin_control.py:add_event_handler:75]: Added WbAdminControl for event server_stopped_event 09:12:18 [DB3][wb_admin_control.py:add_event_handler:75]: Added WbAdminControl for event server_offline_event 09:12:18 [DB3][ python context]: Check if /etc/my.cnf can be accessed 09:12:18 [DB3][ python context]: 09:12:18 [DB3][ python context]: File was found at the expected location 09:12:18 [DB3][ python context]: 09:12:18 [DB3][ python context]: Check if section for instance mysqld exists in /etc/my.cnf 09:12:18 [DB3][ python context]: 09:12:18 [ERR][ python]: error calling WbAdmin.testInstanceSettingByName Traceback: File "/Applications/MySQLWorkbench.app/Contents/Resources/plugins/wb_admin_grt.py", line 788, in testInstanceSettingByName if check_if_config_file_has_section(open(config_file, "r"), section): NameError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/etc/my.cnf' 09:12:27 [DB1][wb_admin_grt.py:testInstanceSettingByName:691]: Test disconnect in 09:26:54 [DB3][SQL Editor Form]: Creating KeepAliveInterval timer... 09:26:54 [DB1][ mforms backend]: Looking up password for 'root'@'Mysql@' has succeeded 09:26:54 [DB3][ WQE backend]: Connecting SQL editor... 09:26:54 [DB3][ GRT task]: Sending task "execute sql queries" to dispatcher (wait)... 09:26:54 [DB1][ GRTDispatcher]: starting worker thread 09:26:54 [DB1][ GRTDispatcher]: worker thread running 09:26:54 [DB3][ GRTDispatcher]: Running task "execute sql queries" 09:26:54 [DB2][SQL Editor Form]: Notifying server state change of Mysql@ to running 09:26:54 [INF][SQL Editor Form]: Opened connection 'MyTestDebugConnection' to MySQL Community Server - GPL version 8.0.28 09:26:54 [DB3][ WQE backend]: Connection to SQL editor succeeded 09:26:54 [DB3][ GRTDispatcher]: Task "execute sql queries" finished 09:26:54 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: snippet_sql@2x.png 09:26:54 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:26:54 [DB3][ GRT task]: Sending task "Live Schema Refresh Task" to dispatcher (don't wait)... 09:26:54 [DB1][ GRTDispatcher]: starting worker thread 09:26:54 [DB1][ GRTDispatcher]: worker thread running 09:26:54 [DB3][ GRTDispatcher]: Running task "Live Schema Refresh Task" 09:26:54 [DB2][ column_widths]: Using column width cache file /Users/mhoma/Library/Application Support/MySQL/Workbench/cache/MyTestDebugConnection.column_widths 09:26:54 [DB3][ column_widths]: Initializing cache 09:26:54 [INF][ column_widths]: Initializing column width cache for MyTestDebugConnection 09:26:54 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:26:54 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:26:54 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_perform_config@2x.png 09:26:54 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:26:54 [DB1][ WBContext]: Saved connection list (MySQL: 3) 09:26:54 [DB2][SQL Editor Form]: Updating SQL menu and toolbar 09:26:54 [DB2][ Workbench]: Adding new top panel 09:26:54 [DB2][SQL Editor Form]: Updating SQL menu and toolbar 09:26:54 [DB2][SQL Editor Form]: Updating SQL menu and toolbar 09:26:54 [DB1][ SqlEditor]: Auto saving workspace 09:26:54 [DB2][SQL Editor Form]: Updating SQL menu and toolbar 09:26:55 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:26:55 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:26:55 [DB3][ GRTDispatcher]: Task "Live Schema Refresh Task" finished 09:26:55 [DB2][SQL Editor Form]: Updating SQL menu and toolbar 09:26:55 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:26:55 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_perform_config@2x.png 09:26:55 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:26:55 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:26:58 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:26:58 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:26:58 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:26:58 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:26:58 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_perform_config@2x.png 09:26:58 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:26:58 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_perform_config@2x.png 09:26:58 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:26:58 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: wb_perform_config@2x.png 09:26:58 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:26:58 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:26:58 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:26:58 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:26:58 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:26:59 [WRN][ mforms]: Resource file not found: busy_sidebar_mac@2x.png 09:27:04 [DB1][ SqlEditor]: Auto saving workspace 09:27:11 [DB2][SQL Editor Form]: Updating SQL menu and toolbar 09:27:12 [DB1][ SqlEditor]: Auto saving workspace 09:27:12 [DB3][ GRT task]: Sending task "execute sql queries" to dispatcher (wait)... 09:27:12 [DB3][ GRTDispatcher]: Running task "execute sql queries" 09:27:12 [DB3][ GRTDispatcher]: Task "execute sql queries" finished 09:27:12 [DB2][ mforms backend]: Forgetting cached password for 'root'@'Mysql@' 09:27:12 [DB2][ GRTDispatcher]: Main thread waiting for background thread to finish 09:27:12 [DB3][ GRTDispatcher]: Running task "Terminate Worker Thread" 09:27:12 [DB3][ GRTDispatcher]: Null task found. Terminating worker thread... 09:27:12 [DB1][ GRTDispatcher]: worker thread exiting... 09:27:12 [DB2][ GRTDispatcher]: Background thread finished 09:27:12 [DB2][ GRTDispatcher]: Main thread waiting for background thread to finish 09:27:12 [DB3][ GRTDispatcher]: Running task "Terminate Worker Thread" 09:27:12 [DB3][ GRTDispatcher]: Null task found. Terminating worker thread... 09:27:12 [DB1][ GRTDispatcher]: worker thread exiting... 09:27:12 [DB2][ GRTDispatcher]: Background thread finished 09:27:19 [INF][ Workbench]: Shutting down Workbench 09:27:19 [DB2][ base library]: Threaded timer shutdown... 09:27:19 [DB2][ base library]: Threaded timer shutdown done 09:27:19 [DB1][ WBContext]: Saved connection list (MySQL: 3) 09:27:19 [DB2][ GRTDispatcher]: Main thread waiting for background thread to finish 09:27:19 [DB3][ GRTDispatcher]: Running task "Terminate Worker Thread" 09:27:19 [DB3][ GRTDispatcher]: Null task found. Terminating worker thread... 09:27:19 [DB1][ GRTDispatcher]: worker thread exiting... 09:27:19 [DB2][ GRTDispatcher]: Background thread finished 09:27:19 [INF][ Workbench]: Workbench shutdown done