10:14:57 [ERR][ Workbench]: Console redirection failed. 10:14:57 [INF][ Workbench]: Starting up Workbench 10:14:57 [INF][ Workbench]: Current environment: Command line: "C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Workbench 8.0 CE\MySQLWorkbench.exe" CurrentDirectory: C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Workbench 8.0 CE HasShutdownStarted: False OSVersion: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0 SystemDirectory: C:\WINDOWS\system32 TickCount: 9869234 UserInteractive: True Version: 4.0.30319.42000 WorkingSet: 44597248 10:14:57 [INF][ Workbench]: Environment variables: SystemDrive = C: ProgramFiles(x86) = C:\Program Files (x86) ProgramW6432 = C:\Program Files ChocolateyInstall = C:\ProgramData\chocolatey PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER = Intel64 Family 6 Model 142 Stepping 12, GenuineIntel TMP = Y:\Johannes\Temp PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE = AMD64 Path = C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\WINDOWS\System32\OpenSSH\;C:\Program Files\Intel\WiFi\bin\;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\WirelessCommon\;C:\Program Files\Git\cmd;C:\Program Files\nodejs\;C:\Program Files\PuTTY\;C:\Program Files\dotnet\;C:\wamp64\bin\php\php7.4.9;C:\ProgramData\ComposerSetup\bin;C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\dotnet\;C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps;C:\Users\Johannes\.dotnet\tools;C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\bin;C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\npm;C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Local\GitHubDesktop\bin;C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Local\atom\bin;C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\Composer\vendor\bin;C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\cabal\bin;C:\tools\ghc-9.0.1\bin;C:\tools\msys64;;C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps;C:\Users\Johannes\.dotnet\tools _MSYS2_PREFIX = x86_64 USERPROFILE = C:\Users\Johannes PROCESSOR_REVISION = 8e0c TEMP = Y:\Johannes\Temp FPS_BROWSER_APP_PROFILE_STRING = Internet Explorer FPS_BROWSER_USER_PROFILE_STRING = Default LOGONSERVER = \\RHNMNB13269 USERNAME = Johannes SystemRoot = C:\WINDOWS OneDrive = C:\Users\Johannes\OneDrive - SBW Haus des Lernens _MSYS2_BASH = C:\tools\msys64\usr\bin\bash.exe CommonProgramFiles = C:\Program Files\Common Files ZES_ENABLE_SYSMAN = 1 __COMPAT_LAYER = DetectorsShimLog ProgramData = C:\ProgramData HOMEPATH = \Users\Johannes OneDriveConsumer = C:\Users\Johannes\OneDrive COMPUTERNAME = RHNMNB13269 CommonProgramFiles(x86) = C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files ALLUSERSPROFILE = C:\ProgramData CommonProgramW6432 = C:\Program Files\Common Files OneDriveCommercial = C:\Users\Johannes\OneDrive - SBW Haus des Lernens SESSIONNAME = Console LIBJABRA_TRACE_LEVEL = debug DriverData = C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\DriverData HOMEDRIVE = C: windir = C:\WINDOWS NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS = 8 OS = Windows_NT ProgramFiles = C:\Program Files ComSpec = C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe PATHEXT = .COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH;.MSC PSModulePath = C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules;C:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules ChocolateyToolsLocation = C:\tools APPDATA = C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming USERDOMAIN = RHNMNB13269 PROCESSOR_LEVEL = 6 LOCALAPPDATA = C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Local ChocolateyLastPathUpdate = 132696265516009117 USERDOMAIN_ROAMINGPROFILE = RHNMNB13269 PUBLIC = C:\Users\Public 10:14:57 [INF][ Workbench]: Current version given by meta info is: 8.0.23 10:14:57 [INF][ Workbench]: Setting PATH to: C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\WINDOWS\System32\OpenSSH\;C:\Program Files\Intel\WiFi\bin\;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\WirelessCommon\;C:\Program Files\Git\cmd;C:\Program Files\nodejs\;C:\Program Files\PuTTY\;C:\Program Files\dotnet\;C:\wamp64\bin\php\php7.4.9;C:\ProgramData\ComposerSetup\bin;C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\dotnet\;C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps;C:\Users\Johannes\.dotnet\tools;C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\bin;C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\npm;C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Local\GitHubDesktop\bin;C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Local\atom\bin;C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\Composer\vendor\bin;C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\cabal\bin;C:\tools\ghc-9.0.1\bin;C:\tools\msys64;;C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps;C:\Users\Johannes\.dotnet\tools 10:14:57 [INF][ mforms managed]: Initializing mforms wrapper 10:14:57 [INF][ WBContext UI]: Initializing workbench context UI with these values: base dir: C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Workbench 8.0 CE plugin path: C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Workbench 8.0 CE struct path: module path: C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Workbench 8.0 CE/modules library path: C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Workbench 8.0 CE user data dir: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench open at start: open type: run at startup: run type: Force SW rendering: No Force OpenGL: No quit when done: No 10:14:57 [INF][ WBContext]: WbContext::init 10:14:57 [INF][ WBA]: Looking for extension modules for WBA... 10:14:57 [INF][ WBA]: 0 extension modules found 10:14:57 [WRN][ grt]: Duplicate plugin name wb.tools.cmdlineClient There is more than one plugin with the name wb.tools.cmdlineClient (in PyWbUtils and PyWbUtils). 10:14:57 [WRN][ grt]: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\connections.xml:25: link '{9A60BCC5-CF3E-447A-8F22-5B19D1F76E39}' key=owner could not be resolved 10:14:57 [WRN][ grt]: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\server_instances.xml:49: link '{9A60BCC5-CF3E-447A-8F22-5B19D1F76E39}' key=owner could not be resolved 10:14:57 [WRN][ grt]: Duplicate plugin name wb.tools.cmdlineClient There is more than one plugin with the name wb.tools.cmdlineClient (in PyWbUtils and PyWbUtils). 10:14:57 [INF][ WBContext]: System info: MySQL Workbench Community (GPL) for Windows version 8.0.23 CE build 365764 (64 bit) Configuration Directory: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench Data Directory: C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Workbench 8.0 CE Cairo Version: 1.10.2 OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro CPU: 8x Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8265U CPU @ 1.60GHz, 15.8 GiB RAM Active video adapter Intel(R) UHD Graphics 620 Installed video RAM: 1024 MB Current video mode: 1920 x 1080 x 4294967296 Farben Used bit depth: 32 Driver version: Installed display drivers: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\87_lenovo_whl_cml_iigd_dch.inf_amd64_b2818fd9d72d8bb9\igdumdim64.dll,C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\87_lenovo_whl_cml_iigd_dch.inf_amd64_b2818fd9d72d8bb9\igd10iumd64.dll,C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\87_lenovo_whl_cml_iigd_dch.inf_amd64_b2818fd9d72d8bb9\igd10iumd64.dll,C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\87_lenovo_whl_cml_iigd_dch.inf_amd64_b2818fd9d72d8bb9\igd12umd64.dll Current user language: Deutsch (Schweiz) 10:14:57 [INF][ WQE backend]: Found auto-save workspace C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_workspaces\Local_instance_wampmysqld64-1.autosave 10:14:57 [INF][ Workbench]: UI is up 10:14:58 [INF][ Workbench]: Running the application 10:15:07 [INF][SQL Editor Form]: Opened connection 'local' to mariadb.org binary distribution version 10.4.20-MariaDB 10:15:08 [ERR][SQL Editor Form]: Unable to create db_mgmt_SSHConnectionRef object 10:15:08 [ERR][SQL Editor Form]: Unable to create db_mgmt_SSHConnectionRef object 10:15:08 [ERR][ WBContext]: Unsupported server version: mariadb.org binary distribution 10.4.20-MariaDB 10:15:08 [INF][ WQE.net]: Launching SQL IDE 10:15:08 [INF][ WQE.net]: SQL IDE UI is ready 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'Aring' not defined 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: mp='~'>DELETE FROM `zeugnis-nm`.`absenzen_import` WHERE (`lp_vorname` = 'Å 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'nbsp' not defined 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: >DELETE FROM `zeugnis-nm`.`absenzen_import` WHERE (`lp_vorname` = 'Å  10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'Aring' not defined 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: import` WHERE (`lp_vorname` = 'Å imon') and (`lp_nachname` = 'Å 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'nbsp' not defined 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ` WHERE (`lp_vorname` = 'Å imon') and (`lp_nachname` = 'Å  10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:35 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse DELETE FROM `zeugnis-nm`.`absenzen_import` WHERE (`lp_vorname` = 'Å imon') and (`lp_nachname` = 'Å arek'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'Atilde' not defined 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: absenzen_import` WHERE (`lp_vorname` = 'Sandro') and (`lp_nachname` = 'Là 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'copy' not defined 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: en_import` WHERE (`lp_vorname` = 'Sandro') and (`lp_nachname` = 'Lé 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:35 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse DELETE FROM `zeugnis-nm`.`absenzen_import` WHERE (`lp_vorname` = 'Sandro') and (`lp_nachname` = 'Léchenne'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'Atilde' not defined 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: .`absenzen_import` WHERE (`lp_vorname` = 'Gian') and (`lp_nachname` = 'Jà 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'curren' not defined 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: en_import` WHERE (`lp_vorname` = 'Gian') and (`lp_nachname` = 'Jä 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:35 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse DELETE FROM `zeugnis-nm`.`absenzen_import` WHERE (`lp_vorname` = 'Gian') and (`lp_nachname` = 'Jäger'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'Atilde' not defined 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: .`absenzen_import` WHERE (`lp_vorname` = 'Finn') and (`lp_nachname` = 'Hà 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'para' not defined 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: nzen_import` WHERE (`lp_vorname` = 'Finn') and (`lp_nachname` = 'Hö 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:35 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse DELETE FROM `zeugnis-nm`.`absenzen_import` WHERE (`lp_vorname` = 'Finn') and (`lp_nachname` = 'Hönemann'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'Atilde' not defined 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: '~'>DELETE FROM `zeugnis-nm`.`absenzen_import` WHERE (`lp_vorname` = 'Noà 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'copy' not defined 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: LETE FROM `zeugnis-nm`.`absenzen_import` WHERE (`lp_vorname` = 'Noé 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:35 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse DELETE FROM `zeugnis-nm`.`absenzen_import` WHERE (`lp_vorname` = 'Noé') and (`lp_nachname` = 'Gerber'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'Atilde' not defined 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: absenzen_import` WHERE (`lp_vorname` = 'Jasmin') and (`lp_nachname` = 'Fà 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'curren' not defined 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: _import` WHERE (`lp_vorname` = 'Jasmin') and (`lp_nachname` = 'Fä 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:35 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse DELETE FROM `zeugnis-nm`.`absenzen_import` WHERE (`lp_vorname` = 'Jasmin') and (`lp_nachname` = 'Fässler'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'Atilde' not defined 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: `absenzen_import` WHERE (`lp_vorname` = 'Simon') and (`lp_nachname` = 'Bà 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'para' not defined 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: zen_import` WHERE (`lp_vorname` = 'Simon') and (`lp_nachname` = 'Bö 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:35 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse DELETE FROM `zeugnis-nm`.`absenzen_import` WHERE (`lp_vorname` = 'Simon') and (`lp_nachname` = 'Böni'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'iuml' not defined 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: .`absenzen_import` WHERE (`lp_vorname` = 'Vorname') and (`lp_nachname` = 'ï 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'raquo' not defined 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: zen_import` WHERE (`lp_vorname` = 'Vorname') and (`lp_nachname` = 'ï» 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'iquest' not defined 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: rt` WHERE (`lp_vorname` = 'Vorname') and (`lp_nachname` = ' 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:35 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse DELETE FROM `zeugnis-nm`.`absenzen_import` WHERE (`lp_vorname` = 'Vorname') and (`lp_nachname` = 'Name'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'Ouml' not defined 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: INTO `project`.`country` (`CountryISO`, `CountryGerman`) VALUES ('AUT', 'Ö 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:35 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`country` (`CountryISO`, `CountryGerman`) VALUES ('AUT', 'Österreich'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'ouml' not defined 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: (`TeacherID`, `TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('DEFAULT', 'Taxbö 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:35 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherID`, `TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('DEFAULT', 'Taxböck', 'Lukas'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'nbsp' not defined 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: cherID`, `TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('DEFAULT', 'Skiff-Bade  10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:35 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherID`, `TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('DEFAULT', 'Skiff-Bade ', 'Stephanie'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'ouml' not defined 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ` (`TeacherID`, `TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('DEFAULT', 'Schö 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'eacute' not defined 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: `TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('DEFAULT', 'Schölly', 'Gé 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:35 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherID`, `TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('DEFAULT', 'Schölly', 'Géraldine'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: (`TeacherID`, `TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('DEFAULT', 'Schlä 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:35 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherID`, `TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('DEFAULT', 'Schläpfer', 'Urs'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'nbsp' not defined 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: `TeacherID`, `TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('DEFAULT', 'Rotach  10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:35 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherID`, `TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('DEFAULT', 'Rotach ', 'Rolf'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'nbsp' not defined 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: (`TeacherID`, `TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('DEFAULT', 'Meyer  10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:35 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherID`, `TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('DEFAULT', 'Meyer ', 'Sacha'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: er` (`TeacherID`, `TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('DEFAULT', 'Mä 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:35 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherID`, `TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('DEFAULT', 'Märkli', 'Roger'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: er` (`TeacherID`, `TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('DEFAULT', 'Lü 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:35 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherID`, `TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('DEFAULT', 'Lüthi', 'Harry'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'ouml' not defined 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: er` (`TeacherID`, `TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('DEFAULT', 'Hö 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:35 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherID`, `TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('DEFAULT', 'Höneisen', 'Angela'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: er` (`TeacherID`, `TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('DEFAULT', 'Fü 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:35 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherID`, `TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('DEFAULT', 'Füglistaller', 'Peer'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'ouml' not defined 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: er` (`TeacherID`, `TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('DEFAULT', 'Dö 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:35 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherID`, `TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('DEFAULT', 'Dörig', 'Simon'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: er` (`TeacherID`, `TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('DEFAULT', 'Bü 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:35 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherID`, `TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('DEFAULT', 'Bühler', 'Rahel'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'nbsp' not defined 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: (`TeacherID`, `TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('DEFAULT', 'Aubry  10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:35 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherID`, `TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('DEFAULT', 'Aubry ', 'Pascal'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'ouml' not defined 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: INTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('Taxbö 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:35 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('Taxböck', 'Lukas'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'nbsp' not defined 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: project`.`teacher` (`TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('Skiff-Bade  10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:35 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('Skiff-Bade ', 'Stephanie'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'ouml' not defined 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: INTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('Schö 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'eacute' not defined 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: `teacher` (`TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('Schölly', 'Gé 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:35 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('Schölly', 'Géraldine'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: INTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('Schlä 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:35 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('Schläpfer', 'Urs'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'nbsp' not defined 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: TO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('Rotach  10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:35 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('Rotach ', 'Rolf'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'nbsp' not defined 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: NTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('Meyer  10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:35 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('Meyer ', 'Sacha'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: RT INTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('Mä 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:35 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('Märkli', 'Roger'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: RT INTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('Lü 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:35 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('Lüthi', 'Harry'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'ouml' not defined 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: RT INTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('Hö 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:35 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('Höneisen', 'Angela'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: RT INTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('Fü 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:35 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('Füglistaller', 'Peer'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'ouml' not defined 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: RT INTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('Dö 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:35 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('Dörig', 'Simon'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: RT INTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('Bü 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:35 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('Bühler', 'Rahel'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'nbsp' not defined 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: NTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('Aubry  10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:35 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('Aubry ', 'Pascal'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: nt` (`StudentName`, `StudentFirstname`, `LernpartnerStart`) VALUES ('Zurbrü 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:35 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`student` (`StudentName`, `StudentFirstname`, `LernpartnerStart`) VALUES ('Zurbrügg', 'Samantha', '2020'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'ouml' not defined 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: udentName`, `StudentFirstname`, `LernpartnerStart`) VALUES ('Felgner', 'Bjö 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:35 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`student` (`StudentName`, `StudentFirstname`, `LernpartnerStart`) VALUES ('Felgner', 'Björn', '2020'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: tudent` (`StudentName`, `StudentFirstname`, `LernpartnerStart`) VALUES ('Bü 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:35 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`student` (`StudentName`, `StudentFirstname`, `LernpartnerStart`) VALUES ('Büchler', 'Silas', '2020'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'ouml' not defined 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: tudent` (`StudentName`, `StudentFirstname`, `LernpartnerStart`) VALUES ('Hö 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:35 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`student` (`StudentName`, `StudentFirstname`, `LernpartnerStart`) VALUES ('Höfs', 'Jan', '2019'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'ouml' not defined 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: tudent` (`StudentName`, `StudentFirstname`, `LernpartnerStart`) VALUES ('Hö 10:20:35 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:35 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`student` (`StudentName`, `StudentFirstname`, `LernpartnerStart`) VALUES ('Höfs', 'Jan', '2019'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: nt` (`StudentName`, `StudentFirstname`, `LernpartnerStart`) VALUES ('Zurbrü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`student` (`StudentName`, `StudentFirstname`, `LernpartnerStart`) VALUES ('Zurbrügg', 'Samantha', '2020'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'ouml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: udentName`, `StudentFirstname`, `LernpartnerStart`) VALUES ('Felgner', 'Bjö 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`student` (`StudentName`, `StudentFirstname`, `LernpartnerStart`) VALUES ('Felgner', 'Björn', '2020'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: tudent` (`StudentName`, `StudentFirstname`, `LernpartnerStart`) VALUES ('Bü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`student` (`StudentName`, `StudentFirstname`, `LernpartnerStart`) VALUES ('Büchler', 'Silas', '2020'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'ouml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: INTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('Taxbö 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('Taxböck', 'Lukas'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'nbsp' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: project`.`teacher` (`TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('Skiff-Bade  10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('Skiff-Bade ', 'Stephanie'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'ouml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: INTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('Schö 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'eacute' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: `teacher` (`TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('Schölly', 'Gé 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('Schölly', 'Géraldine'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: INTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('Schlä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('Schläpfer', 'Urs'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'nbsp' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: TO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('Rotach  10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('Rotach ', 'Rolf'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'nbsp' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: NTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('Meyer  10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('Meyer ', 'Sacha'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: RT INTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('Mä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('Märkli', 'Roger'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: RT INTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('Lü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('Lüthi', 'Harry'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'ouml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: RT INTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('Hö 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('Höneisen', 'Angela'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: RT INTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('Fü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('Füglistaller', 'Peer'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'ouml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: RT INTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('Dö 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('Dörig', 'Simon'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: RT INTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('Bü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('Bühler', 'Rahel'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'nbsp' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: NTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('Aubry  10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('Aubry ', 'Pascal'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'Ouml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: INTO `project`.`country` (`CountryISO`, `CountryGerman`) VALUES ('AUS', 'Ö 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`country` (`CountryISO`, `CountryGerman`) VALUES ('AUS', 'Österreich'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: r` (`TeacherAbbr`, `TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('USc', 'Schlä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherAbbr`, `TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('USc', 'Schläpfer', 'Urs'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: `.`teacher` (`TeacherAbbr`, `TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('HLü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: (`TeacherAbbr`, `TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('HLü', 'Lü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherAbbr`, `TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('HLü', 'Lüthi', 'Harry'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: `.`teacher` (`TeacherAbbr`, `TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('RBü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: (`TeacherAbbr`, `TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('RBü', 'Bü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`teacher` (`TeacherAbbr`, `TeacherName`, `TeacherFirstname`) VALUES ('RBü', 'Bühler', 'Rahel'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'ouml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: tudent` (`StudentName`, `StudentFirstname`, `LernpartnerStart`) VALUES ('Hö 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`student` (`StudentName`, `StudentFirstname`, `LernpartnerStart`) VALUES ('Höfs', 'Jan', '2019'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: nt` (`StudentName`, `StudentFirstname`, `LernpartnerStart`) VALUES ('Zurbrü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`student` (`StudentName`, `StudentFirstname`, `LernpartnerStart`) VALUES ('Zurbrügg', 'Samantha', '2020'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'ouml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: udentName`, `StudentFirstname`, `LernpartnerStart`) VALUES ('Felgner', 'Bjö 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`student` (`StudentName`, `StudentFirstname`, `LernpartnerStart`) VALUES ('Felgner', 'Björn', '2020'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: tudent` (`StudentName`, `StudentFirstname`, `LernpartnerStart`) VALUES ('Bü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`student` (`StudentName`, `StudentFirstname`, `LernpartnerStart`) VALUES ('Büchler', 'Silas', '2020'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: oach`) VALUES ('pn202139', 'Raumgestaltung H46', 'Raumgestaltung H46', 'HLü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202139', 'Raumgestaltung H46', 'Raumgestaltung H46', 'HLü'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: e`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202138', 'Animation fü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: oach`) VALUES ('pn202138', 'Animation für Jugendkredit', 'Animation fü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202138', 'Animation für Jugendkredit', 'Animation für Jugendkredit', 'USc'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'laquo' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ctName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202132', 'TIL (« 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'raquo' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: iption`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202132', 'TIL («Today I Learned» 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'laquo' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: UES ('pn202132', 'TIL («Today I Learned») Kurzvideos', 'TIL (« 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'raquo' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: («Today I Learned») Kurzvideos', 'TIL («Today I Learned» 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202132', 'TIL («Today I Learned») Kurzvideos', 'TIL («Today I Learned») Kurzvideos', 'FGl'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'deg' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: escription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202130', 'Selbsthilfe SG-AR-AI: 360° 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'deg' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: 130', 'Selbsthilfe SG-AR-AI: 360°-Rundgang', 'Selbsthilfe SG-AR-AI: 360° 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202130', 'Selbsthilfe SG-AR-AI: 360°-Rundgang', 'Selbsthilfe SG-AR-AI: 360°-Rundgang', 'FGl'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: tCoach`) VALUES ('pn202122', 'Studienreise LG19', 'Studienreise LG19', 'RBü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202122', 'Studienreise LG19', 'Studienreise LG19', 'RBü'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: tDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202121', 'BFS (Videoscribe) Erklä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: 'pn202121', 'BFS (Videoscribe) Erklärvideos', 'BFS (Videoscribe) Erklä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202121', 'BFS (Videoscribe) Erklärvideos', 'BFS (Videoscribe) Erklärvideos', 'SRy'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: escription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202112', 'Lernbar', 'Lernbar', 'RBü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202112', 'Lernbar', 'Lernbar', 'RBü'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ctDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202109', 'WertSein - Pferdegestü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: 2109', 'WertSein - Pferdegestütztes coaching', 'WertSein - Pferdegestü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202109', 'WertSein - Pferdegestütztes coaching', 'WertSein - Pferdegestütztes coaching', 'USc'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: VALUES ('pn202108', 'OneLine SBW Marketing', 'OneLine SBW Marketing', 'HLü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202108', 'OneLine SBW Marketing', 'OneLine SBW Marketing', 'HLü'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ctName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202106', 'Gmd. Mä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: rojectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202106', 'Gmd. Märwil / maerwil.ch', 'Gmd. Mä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202106', 'Gmd. Märwil / maerwil.ch', 'Gmd. Märwil / maerwil.ch', 'JKi'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'eacute' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: jectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202102', 'Cré 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'eacute' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: `, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202102', 'CréActiva Inf+ / BA', 'Cré 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202102', 'CréActiva Inf+ / BA', 'CréActiva Inf+ / BA', 'SRy'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'eacute' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: jectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202101', 'Cré 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'eacute' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ption`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202101', 'CréActiva NSSG', 'Cré 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202101', 'CréActiva NSSG', 'CréActiva NSSG', 'RIb'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'eacute' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: rojectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn19xx', 'Cré 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn19xx', 'CréActiva Hä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'eacute' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ojectCoach`) VALUES ('pn19xx', 'CréActiva Häggenschwil', 'Cré 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ALUES ('pn19xx', 'CréActiva Häggenschwil', 'CréActiva Hä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn19xx', 'CréActiva Häggenschwil', 'CréActiva Häggenschwil', 'FGl'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: jectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn192053', 'Erklä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: VALUES ('pn192053', 'Erklärfilm (Animation) Gesuche KT TG/SG', 'Erklä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn192053', 'Erklärfilm (Animation) Gesuche KT TG/SG', 'Erklärfilm (Animation) Gesuche KT TG/SG', 'USc'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn192020', 'ARA Mü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn192020', 'ARA Münsterlingen (Web)', 'ARA Mü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: 2020', 'ARA Münsterlingen (Web)', 'ARA Münsterlingen (Web)', 'HLü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn192020', 'ARA Münsterlingen (Web)', 'ARA Münsterlingen (Web)', 'HLü'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn192020', 'ARA Mü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: tion`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn192020', 'ARA Münsterlingen (Broschü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ch`) VALUES ('pn192020', 'ARA Münsterlingen (Broschüre)', 'ARA Mü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: 'ARA Münsterlingen (Broschüre)', 'ARA Münsterlingen (Broschü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn192020', 'ARA Münsterlingen (Broschüre)', 'ARA Münsterlingen (Broschüre)', 'KAl'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: oach`) VALUES ('pn202139', 'Raumgestaltung H46', 'Raumgestaltung H46', 'HLü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202139', 'Raumgestaltung H46', 'Raumgestaltung H46', 'HLü'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: e`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202138', 'Animation fü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: oach`) VALUES ('pn202138', 'Animation für Jugendkredit', 'Animation fü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202138', 'Animation für Jugendkredit', 'Animation für Jugendkredit', 'USc'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'laquo' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ctName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202132', 'TIL (« 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'raquo' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: iption`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202132', 'TIL («Today I Learned» 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'laquo' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: UES ('pn202132', 'TIL («Today I Learned») Kurzvideos', 'TIL (« 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'raquo' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: («Today I Learned») Kurzvideos', 'TIL («Today I Learned» 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202132', 'TIL («Today I Learned») Kurzvideos', 'TIL («Today I Learned») Kurzvideos', 'FGl'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'deg' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: escription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202130', 'Selbsthilfe SG-AR-AI: 360° 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'deg' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: 130', 'Selbsthilfe SG-AR-AI: 360°-Rundgang', 'Selbsthilfe SG-AR-AI: 360° 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202130', 'Selbsthilfe SG-AR-AI: 360°-Rundgang', 'Selbsthilfe SG-AR-AI: 360°-Rundgang', 'FGl'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: tCoach`) VALUES ('pn202122', 'Studienreise LG19', 'Studienreise LG19', 'RBü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202122', 'Studienreise LG19', 'Studienreise LG19', 'RBü'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: tDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202121', 'BFS (Videoscribe) Erklä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: 'pn202121', 'BFS (Videoscribe) Erklärvideos', 'BFS (Videoscribe) Erklä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202121', 'BFS (Videoscribe) Erklärvideos', 'BFS (Videoscribe) Erklärvideos', 'SRy'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: escription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202112', 'Lernbar', 'Lernbar', 'RBü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202112', 'Lernbar', 'Lernbar', 'RBü'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ctDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202109', 'WertSein - Pferdegestü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: 2109', 'WertSein - Pferdegestütztes coaching', 'WertSein - Pferdegestü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202109', 'WertSein - Pferdegestütztes coaching', 'WertSein - Pferdegestütztes coaching', 'USc'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: VALUES ('pn202108', 'OneLine SBW Marketing', 'OneLine SBW Marketing', 'HLü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202108', 'OneLine SBW Marketing', 'OneLine SBW Marketing', 'HLü'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ctName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202106', 'Gmd. Mä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: rojectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202106', 'Gmd. Märwil / maerwil.ch', 'Gmd. Mä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202106', 'Gmd. Märwil / maerwil.ch', 'Gmd. Märwil / maerwil.ch', 'JKi'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'eacute' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: jectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202102', 'Cré 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'eacute' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: `, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202102', 'CréActiva Inf+ / BA', 'Cré 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202102', 'CréActiva Inf+ / BA', 'CréActiva Inf+ / BA', 'SRy'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'eacute' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: jectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202101', 'Cré 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'eacute' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ption`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202101', 'CréActiva NSSG', 'Cré 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202101', 'CréActiva NSSG', 'CréActiva NSSG', 'RIb'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'eacute' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: rojectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn19xx', 'Cré 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn19xx', 'CréActiva Hä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'eacute' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ojectCoach`) VALUES ('pn19xx', 'CréActiva Häggenschwil', 'Cré 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ALUES ('pn19xx', 'CréActiva Häggenschwil', 'CréActiva Hä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn19xx', 'CréActiva Häggenschwil', 'CréActiva Häggenschwil', 'FGl'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: jectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn192053', 'Erklä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: VALUES ('pn192053', 'Erklärfilm (Animation) Gesuche KT TG/SG', 'Erklä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn192053', 'Erklärfilm (Animation) Gesuche KT TG/SG', 'Erklärfilm (Animation) Gesuche KT TG/SG', 'USc'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn192020', 'ARA Mü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn192020', 'ARA Münsterlingen (Web)', 'ARA Mü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: 2020', 'ARA Münsterlingen (Web)', 'ARA Münsterlingen (Web)', 'HLü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn192020', 'ARA Münsterlingen (Web)', 'ARA Münsterlingen (Web)', 'HLü'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn192020', 'ARA Mü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: tion`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn192020', 'ARA Münsterlingen (Broschü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ch`) VALUES ('pn192020', 'ARA Münsterlingen (Broschüre)', 'ARA Mü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: 'ARA Münsterlingen (Broschüre)', 'ARA Münsterlingen (Broschü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn192020', 'ARA Münsterlingen (Broschüre)', 'ARA Münsterlingen (Broschüre)', 'KAl'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ) VALUES ('pn202139', 'Raumgestaltung H46', 'Raumgestaltung H46', '0', 'HLü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectTypeID`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202139', 'Raumgestaltung H46', 'Raumgestaltung H46', '0', 'HLü'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: iption`, `ProjectTypeID`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202138', 'Animation fü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: oach`) VALUES ('pn202138', 'Animation für Jugendkredit', 'Animation fü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectTypeID`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202138', 'Animation für Jugendkredit', 'Animation für Jugendkredit', '0', 'USc'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'laquo' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Description`, `ProjectTypeID`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202132', 'TIL (« 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'raquo' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: TypeID`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202132', 'TIL («Today I Learned» 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'laquo' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: UES ('pn202132', 'TIL («Today I Learned») Kurzvideos', 'TIL (« 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'raquo' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: («Today I Learned») Kurzvideos', 'TIL («Today I Learned» 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectTypeID`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202132', 'TIL («Today I Learned») Kurzvideos', 'TIL («Today I Learned») Kurzvideos', '0', 'FGl'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'deg' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: jectTypeID`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202130', 'Selbsthilfe SG-AR-AI: 360° 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'deg' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: 130', 'Selbsthilfe SG-AR-AI: 360°-Rundgang', 'Selbsthilfe SG-AR-AI: 360° 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectTypeID`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202130', 'Selbsthilfe SG-AR-AI: 360°-Rundgang', 'Selbsthilfe SG-AR-AI: 360°-Rundgang', '0', 'FGl'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: h`) VALUES ('pn202122', 'Studienreise LG19', 'Studienreise LG19', '0', 'RBü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectTypeID`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202122', 'Studienreise LG19', 'Studienreise LG19', '0', 'RBü'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: rojectTypeID`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202121', 'BFS (Videoscribe) Erklä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: 'pn202121', 'BFS (Videoscribe) Erklärvideos', 'BFS (Videoscribe) Erklä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectTypeID`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202121', 'BFS (Videoscribe) Erklärvideos', 'BFS (Videoscribe) Erklärvideos', '0', 'SRy'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ypeID`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202112', 'Lernbar', 'Lernbar', '0', 'RBü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectTypeID`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202112', 'Lernbar', 'Lernbar', '0', 'RBü'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ProjectTypeID`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202109', 'WertSein - Pferdegestü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: 2109', 'WertSein - Pferdegestütztes coaching', 'WertSein - Pferdegestü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectTypeID`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202109', 'WertSein - Pferdegestütztes coaching', 'WertSein - Pferdegestütztes coaching', '0', 'USc'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ES ('pn202108', 'OneLine SBW Marketing', 'OneLine SBW Marketing', '0', 'HLü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectTypeID`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202108', 'OneLine SBW Marketing', 'OneLine SBW Marketing', '0', 'HLü'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Description`, `ProjectTypeID`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202106', 'Gmd. Mä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: rojectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202106', 'Gmd. Märwil / maerwil.ch', 'Gmd. Mä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectTypeID`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202106', 'Gmd. Märwil / maerwil.ch', 'Gmd. Märwil / maerwil.ch', '0', 'JKi'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'eacute' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ctDescription`, `ProjectTypeID`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202102', 'Cré 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'eacute' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: `, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202102', 'CréActiva Inf+ / BA', 'Cré 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectTypeID`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202102', 'CréActiva Inf+ / BA', 'CréActiva Inf+ / BA', '0', 'SRy'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'eacute' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ctDescription`, `ProjectTypeID`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202101', 'Cré 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'eacute' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ypeID`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202101', 'CréActiva NSSG', 'Cré 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectTypeID`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202101', 'CréActiva NSSG', 'CréActiva NSSG', '0', 'RIb'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'eacute' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: jectDescription`, `ProjectTypeID`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn19xx', 'Cré 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: n`, `ProjectTypeID`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn19xx', 'CréActiva Hä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'eacute' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ojectCoach`) VALUES ('pn19xx', 'CréActiva Häggenschwil', 'Cré 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ALUES ('pn19xx', 'CréActiva Häggenschwil', 'CréActiva Hä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectTypeID`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn19xx', 'CréActiva Häggenschwil', 'CréActiva Häggenschwil', '0', 'FGl'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ctDescription`, `ProjectTypeID`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn192053', 'Erklä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: VALUES ('pn192053', 'Erklärfilm (Animation) Gesuche KT TG/SG', 'Erklä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectTypeID`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn192053', 'Erklärfilm (Animation) Gesuche KT TG/SG', 'Erklärfilm (Animation) Gesuche KT TG/SG', '0', 'USc'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: tDescription`, `ProjectTypeID`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn192020', 'ARA Mü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn192020', 'ARA Münsterlingen (Web)', 'ARA Mü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: , 'ARA Münsterlingen (Web)', 'ARA Münsterlingen (Web)', '0', 'HLü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectTypeID`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn192020', 'ARA Münsterlingen (Web)', 'ARA Münsterlingen (Web)', '0', 'HLü'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: tDescription`, `ProjectTypeID`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn192020', 'ARA Mü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: peID`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn192020', 'ARA Münsterlingen (Broschü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ch`) VALUES ('pn192020', 'ARA Münsterlingen (Broschüre)', 'ARA Mü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: 'ARA Münsterlingen (Broschüre)', 'ARA Münsterlingen (Broschü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectTypeID`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn192020', 'ARA Münsterlingen (Broschüre)', 'ARA Münsterlingen (Broschüre)', '0', 'KAl'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: oach`) VALUES ('pn202139', 'Raumgestaltung H46', 'Raumgestaltung H46', 'HLü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202139', 'Raumgestaltung H46', 'Raumgestaltung H46', 'HLü'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: e`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202138', 'Animation fü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: oach`) VALUES ('pn202138', 'Animation für Jugendkredit', 'Animation fü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202138', 'Animation für Jugendkredit', 'Animation für Jugendkredit', 'USc'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'laquo' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ctName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202132', 'TIL (« 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'raquo' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: iption`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202132', 'TIL («Today I Learned» 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'laquo' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: UES ('pn202132', 'TIL («Today I Learned») Kurzvideos', 'TIL (« 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'raquo' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: («Today I Learned») Kurzvideos', 'TIL («Today I Learned» 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202132', 'TIL («Today I Learned») Kurzvideos', 'TIL («Today I Learned») Kurzvideos', 'FGl'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'deg' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: escription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202130', 'Selbsthilfe SG-AR-AI: 360° 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'deg' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: 130', 'Selbsthilfe SG-AR-AI: 360°-Rundgang', 'Selbsthilfe SG-AR-AI: 360° 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202130', 'Selbsthilfe SG-AR-AI: 360°-Rundgang', 'Selbsthilfe SG-AR-AI: 360°-Rundgang', 'FGl'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: tCoach`) VALUES ('pn202122', 'Studienreise LG19', 'Studienreise LG19', 'RBü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202122', 'Studienreise LG19', 'Studienreise LG19', 'RBü'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: tDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202121', 'BFS (Videoscribe) Erklä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: 'pn202121', 'BFS (Videoscribe) Erklärvideos', 'BFS (Videoscribe) Erklä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202121', 'BFS (Videoscribe) Erklärvideos', 'BFS (Videoscribe) Erklärvideos', 'SRy'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: escription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202112', 'Lernbar', 'Lernbar', 'RBü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202112', 'Lernbar', 'Lernbar', 'RBü'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ctDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202109', 'WertSein - Pferdegestü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: 2109', 'WertSein - Pferdegestütztes coaching', 'WertSein - Pferdegestü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202109', 'WertSein - Pferdegestütztes coaching', 'WertSein - Pferdegestütztes coaching', 'USc'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: VALUES ('pn202108', 'OneLine SBW Marketing', 'OneLine SBW Marketing', 'HLü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202108', 'OneLine SBW Marketing', 'OneLine SBW Marketing', 'HLü'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ctName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202106', 'Gmd. Mä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: rojectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202106', 'Gmd. Märwil / maerwil.ch', 'Gmd. Mä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202106', 'Gmd. Märwil / maerwil.ch', 'Gmd. Märwil / maerwil.ch', 'JKi'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'eacute' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: jectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202102', 'Cré 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'eacute' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: `, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202102', 'CréActiva Inf+ / BA', 'Cré 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202102', 'CréActiva Inf+ / BA', 'CréActiva Inf+ / BA', 'SRy'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'eacute' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: jectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202101', 'Cré 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'eacute' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ption`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202101', 'CréActiva NSSG', 'Cré 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202101', 'CréActiva NSSG', 'CréActiva NSSG', 'RIb'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'eacute' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: rojectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn19xx', 'Cré 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn19xx', 'CréActiva Hä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'eacute' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ojectCoach`) VALUES ('pn19xx', 'CréActiva Häggenschwil', 'Cré 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ALUES ('pn19xx', 'CréActiva Häggenschwil', 'CréActiva Hä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn19xx', 'CréActiva Häggenschwil', 'CréActiva Häggenschwil', 'FGl'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: jectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn192053', 'Erklä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: VALUES ('pn192053', 'Erklärfilm (Animation) Gesuche KT TG/SG', 'Erklä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn192053', 'Erklärfilm (Animation) Gesuche KT TG/SG', 'Erklärfilm (Animation) Gesuche KT TG/SG', 'USc'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn192020', 'ARA Mü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn192020', 'ARA Münsterlingen (Web)', 'ARA Mü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: 2020', 'ARA Münsterlingen (Web)', 'ARA Münsterlingen (Web)', 'HLü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn192020', 'ARA Münsterlingen (Web)', 'ARA Münsterlingen (Web)', 'HLü'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn192020', 'ARA Mü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: tion`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn192020', 'ARA Münsterlingen (Broschü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ch`) VALUES ('pn192020', 'ARA Münsterlingen (Broschüre)', 'ARA Mü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: 'ARA Münsterlingen (Broschüre)', 'ARA Münsterlingen (Broschü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn192020', 'ARA Münsterlingen (Broschüre)', 'ARA Münsterlingen (Broschüre)', 'KAl'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: oach`) VALUES ('pn202139', 'Raumgestaltung H46', 'Raumgestaltung H46', 'HLü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202139', 'Raumgestaltung H46', 'Raumgestaltung H46', 'HLü'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: e`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202138', 'Animation fü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: oach`) VALUES ('pn202138', 'Animation für Jugendkredit', 'Animation fü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202138', 'Animation für Jugendkredit', 'Animation für Jugendkredit', 'USc'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'laquo' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ctName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202132', 'TIL (« 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'raquo' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: iption`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202132', 'TIL («Today I Learned» 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'laquo' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: UES ('pn202132', 'TIL («Today I Learned») Kurzvideos', 'TIL (« 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'raquo' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: («Today I Learned») Kurzvideos', 'TIL («Today I Learned» 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202132', 'TIL («Today I Learned») Kurzvideos', 'TIL («Today I Learned») Kurzvideos', 'FGl'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'deg' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: escription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202130', 'Selbsthilfe SG-AR-AI: 360° 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'deg' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: 130', 'Selbsthilfe SG-AR-AI: 360°-Rundgang', 'Selbsthilfe SG-AR-AI: 360° 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202130', 'Selbsthilfe SG-AR-AI: 360°-Rundgang', 'Selbsthilfe SG-AR-AI: 360°-Rundgang', 'FGl'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: tCoach`) VALUES ('pn202122', 'Studienreise LG19', 'Studienreise LG19', 'RBü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202122', 'Studienreise LG19', 'Studienreise LG19', 'RBü'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: tDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202121', 'BFS (Videoscribe) Erklä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: 'pn202121', 'BFS (Videoscribe) Erklärvideos', 'BFS (Videoscribe) Erklä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202121', 'BFS (Videoscribe) Erklärvideos', 'BFS (Videoscribe) Erklärvideos', 'SRy'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: escription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202112', 'Lernbar', 'Lernbar', 'RBü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202112', 'Lernbar', 'Lernbar', 'RBü'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ctDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202109', 'WertSein - Pferdegestü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: 2109', 'WertSein - Pferdegestütztes coaching', 'WertSein - Pferdegestü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202109', 'WertSein - Pferdegestütztes coaching', 'WertSein - Pferdegestütztes coaching', 'USc'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: VALUES ('pn202108', 'OneLine SBW Marketing', 'OneLine SBW Marketing', 'HLü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202108', 'OneLine SBW Marketing', 'OneLine SBW Marketing', 'HLü'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ctName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202106', 'Gmd. Mä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: rojectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202106', 'Gmd. Märwil / maerwil.ch', 'Gmd. Mä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202106', 'Gmd. Märwil / maerwil.ch', 'Gmd. Märwil / maerwil.ch', 'JKi'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'eacute' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: jectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202102', 'Cré 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'eacute' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: `, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202102', 'CréActiva Inf+ / BA', 'Cré 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202102', 'CréActiva Inf+ / BA', 'CréActiva Inf+ / BA', 'SRy'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'eacute' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: jectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202101', 'Cré 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'eacute' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ption`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202101', 'CréActiva NSSG', 'Cré 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202101', 'CréActiva NSSG', 'CréActiva NSSG', 'RIb'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'eacute' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: rojectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn19xx', 'Cré 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn19xx', 'CréActiva Hä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'eacute' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ojectCoach`) VALUES ('pn19xx', 'CréActiva Häggenschwil', 'Cré 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ALUES ('pn19xx', 'CréActiva Häggenschwil', 'CréActiva Hä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn19xx', 'CréActiva Häggenschwil', 'CréActiva Häggenschwil', 'FGl'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: jectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn192053', 'Erklä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: VALUES ('pn192053', 'Erklärfilm (Animation) Gesuche KT TG/SG', 'Erklä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn192053', 'Erklärfilm (Animation) Gesuche KT TG/SG', 'Erklärfilm (Animation) Gesuche KT TG/SG', 'USc'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn192020', 'ARA Mü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn192020', 'ARA Münsterlingen (Web)', 'ARA Mü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: 2020', 'ARA Münsterlingen (Web)', 'ARA Münsterlingen (Web)', 'HLü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn192020', 'ARA Münsterlingen (Web)', 'ARA Münsterlingen (Web)', 'HLü'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn192020', 'ARA Mü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: tion`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn192020', 'ARA Münsterlingen (Broschü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ch`) VALUES ('pn192020', 'ARA Münsterlingen (Broschüre)', 'ARA Mü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: 'ARA Münsterlingen (Broschüre)', 'ARA Münsterlingen (Broschü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn192020', 'ARA Münsterlingen (Broschüre)', 'ARA Münsterlingen (Broschüre)', 'KAl'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: oach`) VALUES ('pn202139', 'Raumgestaltung H46', 'Raumgestaltung H46', 'HLü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202139', 'Raumgestaltung H46', 'Raumgestaltung H46', 'HLü'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: e`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202138', 'Animation fü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: oach`) VALUES ('pn202138', 'Animation für Jugendkredit', 'Animation fü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202138', 'Animation für Jugendkredit', 'Animation für Jugendkredit', 'USc'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'laquo' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ctName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202132', 'TIL (« 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'raquo' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: iption`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202132', 'TIL («Today I Learned» 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'laquo' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: UES ('pn202132', 'TIL («Today I Learned») Kurzvideos', 'TIL (« 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'raquo' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: («Today I Learned») Kurzvideos', 'TIL («Today I Learned» 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202132', 'TIL («Today I Learned») Kurzvideos', 'TIL («Today I Learned») Kurzvideos', 'FGl'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'deg' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: escription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202130', 'Selbsthilfe SG-AR-AI: 360° 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'deg' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: 130', 'Selbsthilfe SG-AR-AI: 360°-Rundgang', 'Selbsthilfe SG-AR-AI: 360° 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202130', 'Selbsthilfe SG-AR-AI: 360°-Rundgang', 'Selbsthilfe SG-AR-AI: 360°-Rundgang', 'FGl'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: tCoach`) VALUES ('pn202122', 'Studienreise LG19', 'Studienreise LG19', 'RBü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202122', 'Studienreise LG19', 'Studienreise LG19', 'RBü'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: tDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202121', 'BFS (Videoscribe) Erklä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: 'pn202121', 'BFS (Videoscribe) Erklärvideos', 'BFS (Videoscribe) Erklä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202121', 'BFS (Videoscribe) Erklärvideos', 'BFS (Videoscribe) Erklärvideos', 'SRy'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: escription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202112', 'Lernbar', 'Lernbar', 'RBü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202112', 'Lernbar', 'Lernbar', 'RBü'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ctDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202109', 'WertSein - Pferdegestü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: 2109', 'WertSein - Pferdegestütztes coaching', 'WertSein - Pferdegestü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202109', 'WertSein - Pferdegestütztes coaching', 'WertSein - Pferdegestütztes coaching', 'USc'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: VALUES ('pn202108', 'OneLine SBW Marketing', 'OneLine SBW Marketing', 'HLü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202108', 'OneLine SBW Marketing', 'OneLine SBW Marketing', 'HLü'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ctName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202106', 'Gmd. Mä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: rojectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202106', 'Gmd. Märwil / maerwil.ch', 'Gmd. Mä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202106', 'Gmd. Märwil / maerwil.ch', 'Gmd. Märwil / maerwil.ch', 'JKi'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'eacute' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: jectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202102', 'Cré 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'eacute' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: `, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202102', 'CréActiva Inf+ / BA', 'Cré 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202102', 'CréActiva Inf+ / BA', 'CréActiva Inf+ / BA', 'SRy'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'eacute' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: jectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202101', 'Cré 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'eacute' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ption`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202101', 'CréActiva NSSG', 'Cré 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn202101', 'CréActiva NSSG', 'CréActiva NSSG', 'RIb'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'eacute' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: rojectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn19xx', 'Cré 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn19xx', 'CréActiva Hä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'eacute' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ojectCoach`) VALUES ('pn19xx', 'CréActiva Häggenschwil', 'Cré 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ALUES ('pn19xx', 'CréActiva Häggenschwil', 'CréActiva Hä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn19xx', 'CréActiva Häggenschwil', 'CréActiva Häggenschwil', 'FGl'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: jectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn192053', 'Erklä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: VALUES ('pn192053', 'Erklärfilm (Animation) Gesuche KT TG/SG', 'Erklä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn192053', 'Erklärfilm (Animation) Gesuche KT TG/SG', 'Erklärfilm (Animation) Gesuche KT TG/SG', 'USc'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn192020', 'ARA Mü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn192020', 'ARA Münsterlingen (Web)', 'ARA Mü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: 2020', 'ARA Münsterlingen (Web)', 'ARA Münsterlingen (Web)', 'HLü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn192020', 'ARA Münsterlingen (Web)', 'ARA Münsterlingen (Web)', 'HLü'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn192020', 'ARA Mü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: tion`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn192020', 'ARA Münsterlingen (Broschü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ch`) VALUES ('pn192020', 'ARA Münsterlingen (Broschüre)', 'ARA Mü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: 'ARA Münsterlingen (Broschüre)', 'ARA Münsterlingen (Broschü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn192020', 'ARA Münsterlingen (Broschüre)', 'ARA Münsterlingen (Broschüre)', 'KAl'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ectDescription`, `ProjectTypeID`, `CustomerID`) VALUES ('pn192020', 'ARA Mü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectTypeID`, `CustomerID`) VALUES ('pn192020', 'ARA Münsterlingen', 'Haupte', '0', 'NULL'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: `ProjectTypeID`, `CustomerID`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn192020', 'ARA Mü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectTypeID`, `CustomerID`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn192020', 'ARA Münsterlingen', 'Haupt', '0', 'NULL', 'JKi'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: `ProjectTypeID`, `CustomerID`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn192020', 'ARA Mü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectTypeID`, `CustomerID`, `ProjectCoach`) VALUES ('pn192020', 'ARA Münsterlingen', 'Haupt', '0', '', 'JKi'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: tDescription`, `ProjectCoach`, `ProjectStatus`) VALUES ('pn192020', 'ARA Mü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ProjectStatus`) VALUES ('pn192020', 'ARA Münsterlingen', 'Haupt', 'HLü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `project`.`project` (`ProjectNr`, `ProjectName`, `ProjectDescription`, `ProjectCoach`, `ProjectStatus`) VALUES ('pn192020', 'ARA Münsterlingen', 'Haupt', 'HLü', '0'), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: CREATE TABLE `m290-data`.`Bürgerorte` ( 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: imestamp='07:28:21'>CREATE TABLE `m290-data`.`Bürgerorte` ( `Bü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: gerorte` ( `Bürgenort` Date() NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`Bü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse CREATE TABLE `m290-data`.`Bürgerorte` ( `Bürgenort` Date() NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`Bürgerort`)), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: CREATE TABLE `m290-data`.`Bürgerorte` ( 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: imestamp='07:28:35'>CREATE TABLE `m290-data`.`Bürgerorte` ( `Bü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: te` ( `Bürgenort` varchar(50) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`Bü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse CREATE TABLE `m290-data`.`Bürgerorte` ( `Bürgenort` varchar(50) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`Bürgerort`)), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: CREATE TABLE `m290-data`.`Bürgerorte` ( 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: imestamp='07:28:43'>CREATE TABLE `m290-data`.`Bürgerorte` ( `Bü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: te` ( `Bürgerort` varchar(50) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`Bü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse CREATE TABLE `m290-data`.`Bürgerorte` ( `Bürgerort` varchar(50) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`Bürgerort`)), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: eplazes', 'Rheineckerstrasse', '9326', 'Horn', '2001-07-20 00:00:00', 'Schü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: '2002-06-04 00:00:00', 'Sceut (JU)', 2018), (8, 'Herr', 'Sandro', 'Fä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'eacute' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: 5-06-30 00:00:00', 'Appenzell (AI)', 2018), (9, 'Herr', 'Edgar', 'Lé 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'eacute' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: :00:00', 'Slowakei, Bewilligung C', 2018), (10, 'Frau', 'Alisa', 'Lé 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ewilligung C', 2018), (10, 'Frau', 'Alisa', 'Léchenne', 'Buchrü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: e', 'Buchrütiweg ', '8254', 'Basadingen', '2002-11-25 00:00:00', 'Schü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'ouml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: -25 00:00:00', 'Schüpfheim (LU)', 2018), (11, 'Herr', 'Luca', 'Kö 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: :00', 'Wattwil (SG)', 2018), (12, 'Herr', 'Lino', 'Eisenring', 'Neugrü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'ouml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: oll', 'Eschlenstrasse', '8259', 'Wagenhausen', '1998-09-04 00:00:00', 'Schö 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'Scaron' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: 6 00:00:00', 'Vila Real (Portugal)', 2018), (15, 'Herr', 'Alain', 'Š 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'ouml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: '2004-02-04 00:00:00', 'Mollis (GL)', 2018), (17, 'Frau', 'Olga', 'Bö 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: 00:00:00', 'Mollis (GL)', 2018), (17, 'Frau', 'Olga', 'Böni', 'Hü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: 'Lorenz', 'Oberer Deutweg', '9403', 'Goldach', '2005-07-28 00:00:00', 'Urnä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: hofer', 'Bahnhofstrasse', '8259', 'Wagenhausen', '2005-09-10 00:00:00', 'Tä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: 2019), (23, 'Herr', 'Andrin', 'Schweizer', 'Tellstrasse', '8560', 'Mä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: acher', 'Wiesenstrasse', '9016', 'St. Gallen', '2003-06-18 00:00:00', 'Schü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'ouml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: 0:00:00', 'Sennwald (SG)', 2019), (29, 'Herr', 'Calvin', 'Filter', 'Fö 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ), (29, 'Herr', 'Calvin', 'Filter', 'Föhrenstrasse ', '9562', 'Mä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'Scaron' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: 4-19 00:00:00', 'Basadingen (TG)', 2019), (31, 'Herr', 'Dominic', 'Š 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: n;arek', 'Fliegaufstrasse', '8370', 'Sirnach', '2004-08-01 00:00:00', 'Schü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: 0:00:00', 'Schüpfheim (LU)', 2019), (32, 'Herr', 'Micha', 'Zurbrü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: u', 2019), (33, 'Herr', 'Joel', 'Schubnell', 'Rietwiesen', '9542', 'Mü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'ouml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: 1999-10-08 00:00:00', 'Nesslau (SG)', 2019), (34, 'Herr', 'Jonas', 'Rö 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'ouml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: 0-08 00:00:00', 'Nesslau (SG)', 2019), (34, 'Herr', 'Jonas', 'Röö 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: 5-14 00:00:00', 'Mollis (GL)', 2019), (39, 'Herr', 'Philippe', 'Zurbrü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: 'Matej', 'Haltiner', 'Aeuliweg', '8572', 'Berg', '2005-10-09 00:00:00', 'Tä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: des', 'Pfannackerstrasse', '8444', 'Henggart', '2001-04-30 00:00:00', 'Urnä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: , (50, 'Frau', 'Tabea', 'Hegi', 'St. Gallerstrasse', '9246', 'Niederbü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ner', 'Heiniswingerten', '8590', 'Romanshorn', '2001-07-14 00:00:00', 'Urnä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ner', 'Risegg', '8556', 'Wigoltingen', '2000-09-13 00:00:00', 'Sennwald-Frü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'ouml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: 004-06-12 00:00:00', 'Ossingen (ZH)', 2020), (65, 'Herr', 'Yanik', 'Hö 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: 00:00:00', 'Wynigen (BE)', 2020), (66, 'Herr', 'Yanik', 'Hochuli', 'Hü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'ouml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: 'St. Gallen (SG)', 2020), (67, 'Frau', 'Tatiana', 'Costa', 'Oberer Bö 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: 20), (67, 'Frau', 'Tatiana', 'Costa', 'Oberer Böhl ', '8274', 'Tä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: rin', 'Ayad', 'St. Gallerstr.', '9320', 'Arbon', '2004-12-05 00:00:00', 'Kü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: , Bewilligung C', 2021), (70, 'Herr', 'Yannis Joshua', 'Utzinger', 'Hü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: 0:00:00', 'Muttenz (BL)', 2021), (71, 'Frau', 'Tatiana', 'Gerber', 'Rä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ', 'Muttenz (BL)', 2021), (71, 'Frau', 'Tatiana', 'Gerber', 'Rägä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'Scaron' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: , '2005-04-23 00:00:00', 'Wald (BE)', 2021), (73, 'Frau', 'Olga', 'Š 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: 02-11-18 00:00:00', 'Sennwald (SG)', 2021), (80, 'Frau', 'Leonie', 'Fä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: 0', 'Sennwald (SG)', 2021), (80, 'Frau', 'Leonie', 'Fässler', 'Rü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'auml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: l)', 2021), (83, 'Frau', 'Chiara', 'Rohner', 'Risegg', '9450', 'Altstä 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: 'Rohner', 'Risegg', '9450', 'Altstätten', '1995-08-30 00:00:00', 'Schü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'ouml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: :00', 'Deutschland / C-Bewilligung', 2021), (85, 'Frau', 'Marina', 'Rö 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'ouml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: 'Deutschland / C-Bewilligung', 2021), (85, 'Frau', 'Marina', 'Röö 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'uuml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: C-Bewilligung', 2021), (85, 'Frau', 'Marina', 'Röösli', 'Zü 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity: line 1: 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: parser 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: error : 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: Entity 'ouml' not defined 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: 00:00', 'Amden (SG)', 2021), (93, 'Herr', 'Nicolas', 'Filippone', 'Stö 10:20:36 [ERR][ XML Functions]: LibXml: ^ 10:20:36 [ERR][ sqlide-history]: Can't parse INSERT INTO `lp` (`lpID`, `lpanrede`, `lpvorname`, `lpnachname`, `lpadresse`, `lpplz`, `lport`, `lpgeburtsdatum`, `lpbuergerort`, `lplehrbeginn`) VALUES (1, 'Frau', 'Lara', 'Deplazes', 'Rheineckerstrasse', '9326', 'Horn', '2001-07-20 00:00:00', 'Schüpfen (BE)', 2018), (2, 'Herr', 'Efekan', 'Barna', 'Unterholzstrasse', '8444', 'Henggart', '2002-03-11 00:00:00', 'Sceut (JU)', 2018), (3, 'Frau', 'Carlotta', 'Kind', 'Winterthurerstrasse ', '8360', 'Eschlikon', '2004-08-01 00:00:00', 'Muttenz (BL)', 2018), (4, 'Frau', 'Carlotta', 'Capaul', 'Rietwiesen', '8259', 'Wagenhausen', '2003-06-18 00:00:00', 'Adlikon (ZH)', 2018), (5, 'Herr', 'Yannis Joshua', 'Hubrath', 'Sonnenstrasse', '9320', 'Stachen', '2002-02-06 00:00:00', 'Reinach (AG)', 2018), (6, 'Herr', 'Gian', 'Maze', 'Norenbergstrasse', '9220', 'Bischofszell', '2003-02-06 00:00:00', 'Luzern (LU)', 2018), (7, 'Frau', 'Alina', 'Fuchs', 'Ribistrasse', '8360', 'Eschlikon', '2002-06-04 00:00:00', 'Sceut (JU)', 2018), (8, 'Herr', 'Sandro', 'Fässler', 'Lindenweg', '9220', 'Bischofszell', '2005-06-30 00:00:00', 'Appenzell (AI)', 2018), (9, 'Herr', 'Edgar', 'Léchenne', 'Castellstrasse', '9404', 'Rorschacherberg', '2000-12-02 00:00:00', 'Slowakei, Bewilligung C', 2018), (10, 'Frau', 'Alisa', 'Léchenne', 'Buchrütiweg ', '8254', 'Basadingen', '2002-11-25 00:00:00', 'Schüpfheim (LU)', 2018), (11, 'Herr', 'Luca', 'König', 'Bachtobelstrasse', '9200', 'Gossau', '1995-04-03 00:00:00', 'Wattwil (SG)', 2018), (12, 'Herr', 'Lino', 'Eisenring', 'Neugrütstrasse ', '8500', 'Frauenfeld', '2004-06-24 00:00:00', 'Adlikon (ZH)', 2018), (13, 'Frau', 'Emily', 'Knoll', 'Eschlenstrasse', '8259', 'Wagenhausen', '1998-09-04 00:00:00', 'Schöftland (AG)', 2018), (14, 'Herr', 'Thilo', 'Lang', 'Unterdorfstrasse', '8543', 'Bertschikon', '2006-02-16 00:00:00', 'Vila Real (Portugal)', 2018), (15, 'Herr', 'Alain', 'Šarek', 'Im Baumgarten', '8370', 'Sirnach', '2001-07-04 00:00:00', 'Pfaffnau (LU)', 2018), (16, 'Herr', 'Lukas', 'Senn', 'Seeblickstrasse', '6386', 'Wolfenschiessen', '2004-02-04 00:00:00', 'Mollis (GL)', 2018), (17, 'Frau', 'Olga', 'Böni', 'Hüsliweg ', '8400', 'Winterthur', '2004-12-19 00:00:00', 'Deutschland, Bewilligung C', 2018), (18, 'Herr', 'Lukas', 'Wackernagel', 'Zentralstrasse', '9326', 'Horn', '2001-07-04 00:00:00', 'Wald (BE)', 2018), (19, 'Herr', 'Andrin', 'Lorenz', 'Oberer Deutweg', '9403', 'Goldach', '2005-07-28 00:00:00', 'Urnäsch (AR)', 2018), (20, 'Herr', 'Thilo', 'Kind', 'Hertenstrasse', '9314', 'Steinebrunn', '2002-03-11 00:00:00', 'Grabs (SG)', 2018), (21, 'Herr', 'Gian', 'Hubrath', 'St. Gallerstr.', '9502', 'Braunau', '2002-02-14 00:00:00', 'Sennwald-Sax (SG)', 2018), (22, 'Herr', 'Alain', 'Schranzhofer', 'Bahnhofstrasse', '8259', 'Wagenhausen', '2005-09-10 00:00:00', 'Tägerig (AG)', 2019), (23, 'Herr', 'Andrin', 'Schweizer', 'Tellstrasse', '8560', 'Märstetten', '2003-01-23 00:00:00', 'Mollis (GL)', 2019), (24, 'Frau', 'Luana', 'Glogg', 'Norenbergstrasse', '9422', 'Staad', '2002-12-27 00:00:00', 'Reitnach (AG)', 2019), (25, 'Herr', 'Julian', 'Schumacher', 'Wiesenstrasse', '9016', 'St. Gallen', '2003-06-18 00:00:00', 'Schüpfheim (LU)', 2019), (26, 'Herr', 'Yanik', 'Capaul', 'Sonnenstrasse', '8400', 'Winterthur', '2002-05-15 00:00:00', 'Mazedonien', 2019), (27, 'Herr', 'Luca', 'Dumlu', 'Hurnen', '8580', 'Hefenhofen', '2004-12-08 00:00:00', 'Stettfurt (TG)', 2019), (28, 'Herr', 'Nico', 'Deplazes', 'Heiniswingerten', '9506', 'Lommis', '2001-04-30 00:00:00', 'Sennwald (SG)', 2019), (29, 'Herr', 'Calvin', 'Filter', 'Föhrenstrasse ', '9562', 'Märwil', '2003-08-29 00:00:00', 'Slowakei, Bewilligung C', 2019), (30, 'Frau', 'Anaja', 'Balsamo', 'Schwantlen', '6386', 'Wolfenschiessen', '2005-04-19 00:00:00', 'Basadingen (TG)', 2019), (31, 'Herr', 'Dominic', 'Šarek', 'Fliegaufstrasse', '8370', 'Sirnach', '2004-08-01 00:00:00', 'Schüpfheim (LU)', 2019), (32, 'Herr', 'Micha', 'Zurbrügg', 'Boppartshofweg', '8413', 'Neftenbach', '2001-01-26 00:00:00', 'Russland, Moskau', 2019), (33, 'Herr', 'Joel', 'Schubnell', 'Rietwiesen', '9542', 'Münchwilen', '1999-10-08 00:00:00', 'Nesslau (SG)', 2019), (34, 'Herr', 'Jonas', 'Röösli', 'Amriswilerstrasse', '9555', 'Tobel', '2001-07-19 00:00:00', 'Fischingen (TG)', 2019), (35, 'Frau', 'Nina', 'Anderes', 'Castellstrasse', '9500', 'Wil', '2002-02-22 00:00:00', 'Vilters-Wangs (SG)', 2019), (36, 'Herr', 'Andrin', 'Gaberdiel', 'Aeuliweg', '9320', 'Arbon', '2002-02-22 00:00:00', 'Vila Real (Portugal)', 2019), (37, 'Herr', 'Andrin', 'Fuchs', 'Unterholzstrasse', '8561', 'Ottoberg', '2001-09-29 00:00:00', 'Sennwald (SG)', 2019), (38, 'Herr', 'Nicola', 'Flury', 'Rothen', '8524', 'Uesslingen', '2004-05-14 00:00:00', 'Mollis (GL)', 2019), (39, 'Herr', 'Philippe', 'Zurbrügg', 'Martinsbruggstrasse', '9404', 'Rorschacherberg', '2005-01-25 00:00:00', 'Mazedonien', 2019), (40, 'Herr', 'Alain', 'Siwog', 'Wiesentalstrasse', '8543', 'Bertschikon', '2002-05-04 00:00:00', 'Wachseldorn (BE)', 2019), (41, 'Frau', 'Mia', 'Haltiner', 'Aeuliweg', '9220', 'Bischofszell', '2000-12-23 00:00:00', 'Kemmental (TG)', 2019), (42, 'Herr', 'Matej', 'Haltiner', 'Aeuliweg', '8572', 'Berg', '2005-10-09 00:00:00', 'Tägerig (AG)', 2020), (43, 'Herr', 'Frederik', 'Albrecht', 'Weinfelderstrasse', '8280', 'Kreuzlingen', '2004-07-11 00:00:00', 'Reitnach (AG)', 2020), (44, 'Herr', 'Laurin', 'Deplazes', 'Im Bartledura', '8355', 'Aadorf', '2004-05-21 00:00:00', 'Wachseldorn (BE)', 2020), (45, 'Herr', 'Dominic', 'Geiger', 'Taggenbergstrasse', '8535', 'Herdern', '2002-02-15 00:00:00', 'Vechigen (BE)', 2020), (46, 'Herr', 'Nico', 'Mettler', 'St. Gallerstr.', '9507', 'Stettfurt', '2004-05-21 00:00:00', 'Sumvitg (GR)', 2020), (47, 'Herr', 'Sven', 'Lima', 'Aeuliweg', '8404', 'Winterthur', '2000-12-30 00:00:00', 'Alt St. Johann (SG)', 2020), (48, 'Herr', 'Yanik', 'Caminades', 'Pfannackerstrasse', '8444', 'Henggart', '2001-04-30 00:00:00', 'Urnäsch (AR)', 2020), (49, 'Herr', 'Edgar', 'Knoll', 'Rheineckerstrasse', '8357', 'Guntershausen', '2005-10-09 00:00:00', 'Vechigen (BE)', 2020), (50, 'Frau', 'Tabea', 'Hegi', 'St. Gallerstrasse', '9246', 'Niederbüren', '2005-01-16 00:00:00', 'Ermatingen (TG)', 2020), (51, 'Herr', 'Lukas', 'Hochuli', 'Boppartshofweg', '6386', 'Wolfenschiessen', '2001-01-05 00:00:00', 'Zug (ZG)', 2020), (52, 'Herr', 'Micha', 'Okbi', 'Bannhaldenstrasse', '8585', 'Langrickenbach', '2001-09-01 00:00:00', 'Hitzkirch (LU)', 2020), (53, 'Herr', 'Jan', 'Dumlu', 'Wieshaldenstrasse', '8572', 'Berg', '2001-03-20 00:00:00', 'Kreuzlingen (TG)', 2020), (54, 'Frau', 'Gaia', 'Ott', 'Fleubenstrasse', '8535', 'Herdern', '2002-02-15 00:00:00', 'Trstena, Slowakei', 2020), (55, 'Herr', 'Jonas', 'Hubrath', 'Kornfeldstrasse', '7203', 'Trimmis', '2003-07-13 00:00:00', 'Klosters (GR)', 2020), (56, 'Herr', 'Luca', 'Buck', 'Martinsbruggstrasse', '8585', 'Langrickenbach', '2003-02-06 00:00:00', 'Thundorf (TG)', 2020), (57, 'Herr', 'Keenan', 'Wickart', 'Seeblickstrasse', '9314', 'Steinebrunn', '2002-06-10 00:00:00', 'Sumvitg (GR)', 2020), (58, 'Frau', 'Nina', 'Felgner', 'Heiniswingerten', '8590', 'Romanshorn', '2001-07-14 00:00:00', 'Urnäsch (AR)', 2020), (59, 'Herr', 'Simon', 'Gaberdiel', 'Unterdorfstrasse', '8444', 'Henggart', '2002-02-14 00:00:00', 'Mazedonien', 2020), (60, 'Frau', 'Anaja', 'Haldner', 'Risegg', '8556', 'Wigoltingen', '2000-09-13 00:00:00', 'Sennwald-Frümsen (SG)', 2020), (61, 'Frau', 'Lara', 'Schmid', 'Fliegaufstrasse', '9000', 'St. Gallen', '2003-07-27 00:00:00', 'Nesslau (SG)', 2020), (62, 'Herr', 'Edgar', 'Gallo', 'Belzstadel', '9300', 'Wittenbach', '2002-02-22 00:00:00', 'Wil (TG)', 2020), (63, 'Frau', 'Stella', 'Felgner', 'Rheineckerstrasse', '9038', 'Rehetobel', '2002-12-30 00:00:00', 'Unteriberg (SZ)', 2020), (64, 'Herr', 'Calvin', 'Siwog', 'Frohmattstrasse', '9016', 'St. Gallen', '2004-06-12 00:00:00', 'Ossingen (ZH)', 2020), (65, 'Herr', 'Yanik', 'Höfs', 'Ebnetstrasse', '9507', 'Stettfurt', '2006-02-06 00:00:00', 'Wynigen (BE)', 2020), (66, 'Herr', 'Yanik', 'Hochuli', 'Hüsliweg ', '9320', 'Frasnacht', '2002-02-22 00:00:00', 'St. Gallen (SG)', 2020), (67, 'Frau', 'Tatiana', 'Costa', 'Oberer Böhl ', '8274', 'Tägerwilen', '2004-05-21 00:00:00', 'Basadingen (TG)', 2020), (68, 'Herr', 'Florin', 'Ayad', 'St. Gallerstr.', '9320', 'Arbon', '2004-12-05 00:00:00', 'Küsnacht (ZH)', 2021), (69, 'Herr', 'Calvin', 'Reinhard', 'Kirchstrasse', '8512', 'Thundorf', '2000-12-02 00:00:00', 'Slowakei, Bewilligung C', 2021), (70, 'Herr', 'Yannis Joshua', 'Utzinger', 'Hüsliweg ', '8272', 'Ermatingen', '2002-07-27 00:00:00', 'Muttenz (BL)', 2021), (71, 'Frau', 'Tatiana', 'Gerber', 'Rägätestrasse 2', '9403', 'Goldach', '2000-12-30 00:00:00', 'Mosnang (SG)', 2021), (72, 'Frau', 'Khadija', 'Filippone', 'Hurnen', '9326', 'Horn', '2005-04-23 00:00:00', 'Wald (BE)', 2021), (73, 'Frau', 'Olga', 'Šarek', 'Eichholzstrasse', '8259', 'Wagenhausen', '2002-03-15 00:00:00', 'Kreuzlingen (TG)', 2021), (74, 'Herr', 'Joel', 'Spring', 'Wiesentalweg', '9403', 'Goldach', '2000-03-07 00:00:00', 'Mollis (GL)', 2021), (75, 'Herr', 'Silas', 'Achermann', 'Weststrasse', '8357', 'Guntershausen', '2003-06-18 00:00:00', 'Deitingen (SO)', 2021), (76, 'Herr', 'Silas', 'Filter', 'Taggenbergstrasse', '9052', 'Niederteufen', '2000-12-30 00:00:00', 'Lumbrein (GR)', 2021), (77, 'Herr', 'Frederik', 'Senn', 'Unterholzstrasse', '9016', 'St. Gallen', '2000-03-07 00:00:00', 'Deutschland, Augsburg, Bewilligung C', 2021), (78, 'Herr', 'Silas', 'Heim', 'Rebhofweg', '9494', 'Schaan (FL)', '2003-09-03 00:00:00', 'Mollis (GL)', 2021), (79, 'Frau', 'Alisa', 'Felgner', 'Bachtobel', '8259', 'Wagenhausen', '2002-11-18 00:00:00', 'Sennwald (SG)', 2021), (80, 'Frau', 'Leonie', 'Fässler', 'Rütistrasse ', '8259', 'Wagenhausen', '2002-05-04 00:00:00', 'Neuwied (TG)', 2021), (81, 'Herr', 'Roman', 'Matthey', 'Schwantlen', '8598', 'Bottighofen', '2002-05-04 00:00:00', 'Winterthur (ZH)', 2021), (82, 'Herr', 'Andrin', 'Fuchs', 'Flurstrasse', '8524', 'Uesslingen', '2001-04-09 00:00:00', 'Vila Real (Portugal)', 2021), (83, 'Frau', 'Chiara', 'Rohner', 'Risegg', '9450', 'Altstätten', '1995-08-30 00:00:00', 'Schüpfen (BE)', 2021), (84, 'Herr', 'Andrin', 'Ribi', 'Schlossstrasse', '9052', 'Niederteufen', '2003-07-13 00:00:00', 'Deutschland / C-Bewilligung', 2021), (85, 'Frau', 'Marina', 'Röösli', 'Zürcherstrasse ', '8408', 'Winterthur', '2002-12-27 00:00:00', 'Fischingen (TG)', 2021), (86, 'Frau', 'Giuliana', 'Carrera', 'Carausch', '9032', 'Engelburg', '2001-01-26 00:00:00', 'Winterthur (ZH)', 2021), (87, 'Herr', 'Simon', 'Schatz', 'Bachwiesstrasse', '9535', 'Wilen bei Wil', '2004-04-30 00:00:00', 'Flums (SG)', 2021), (88, 'Herr', 'Lino', 'Schatz', 'Wilenstrasse', '8355', 'Aadorf', '2002-02-14 00:00:00', 'Portugal, Braga', 2021), (89, 'Frau', 'Fernanda', 'Albert', 'Bachtobelstrasse', '8259', 'Wagenhausen', '2001-08-15 00:00:00', 'Kemmental (TG)', 2021), (90, 'Herr', 'Nikola', 'Hegi', 'Im Risi', '9104', 'Waldstatt', '2004-07-24 00:00:00', 'Oberdiessbach (BE)', 2021), (91, 'Herr', 'Julian', 'Haderer', 'Risegg', '8268', 'Salenstein', '2003-07-27 00:00:00', 'Reinach (AG)', 2021), (92, 'Frau', 'Fernanda', 'Caminades', 'Zentralstrasse', '9217', 'Neukirch a. d. Thur', '2004-12-08 00:00:00', 'Amden (SG)', 2021), (93, 'Herr', 'Nicolas', 'Filippone', 'Störchelstrasse ', '9100', 'Herisau', '2003-01-03 00:00:00', 'Sennwald-Sax (SG)', 2021), of file: C:\Users\Johannes\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\sql_history\2021-02-05