Bug #99917 Provide option to restrict number of connection on administrative interface
Submitted: 17 Jun 2020 15:28 Modified: 18 Jun 2020 5:51
Reporter: Chelluru Vidyadhar Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Options Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:8.0.19, 8.0.20 OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[17 Jun 2020 15:28] Chelluru Vidyadhar
The new administrative interface enabled using admin_address and admin_port variables helpful in many scenarios for example "Handling too many connections" issue.

However, as of now there is no limit on number of connections that can be established using administrative interface.

"There is no limit on the number of administrative connections."


It would be really helpful, if we can add another option like max_admin_connections to limit number of connections from admin interface.

How to repeat:
[18 Jun 2020 5:51] MySQL Verification Team
Hello Chelluru,

Thank you for the feature request!
