Bug #9983 Backup Projects
Submitted: 18 Apr 2005 21:39 Modified: 26 Apr 2005 19:20
Reporter: edward mann Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Administrator Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:1.0.20 OS:Linux (LInux)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[18 Apr 2005 21:39] edward mann
When you go into create a new backup and you select your Database. If you have more than one table, and you deselect the first table in the list the start backup icon will be grayed out. However if you select the first table then it will allow you to run the backup. It seems that you always have to have the first table selected.

How to repeat:
create a database with more than one table.
Go to Backup and select that database
expand the database in the Backup Content window and remove the first object.

The start backup will be grayed out.
[26 Apr 2005 19:20] Michael G. Zinner
The gray checkmark means that not all tables are selected. The backup will be performed as expected.
[26 Apr 2005 20:44] edward mann
Yes i know that the gray check mark box means that the entire database is not selected for backup. What i am seeing is that when you remove the first object in the list the start backup button is grayed out. So i cannot start the backup.