Bug #99793 Prepared stored procedure command doesn't verify parameter types
Submitted: 6 Jun 2020 19:51 Modified: 31 Jul 2020 16:26
Reporter: Bradley Grainger (OCA) Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:Connector / NET Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:8.0.20 OS:Windows (10)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[6 Jun 2020 19:51] Bradley Grainger
When a MySqlCommand for a stored procedure is prepared, parameter types are not checked, and a mismatch can result in garbage data being stored. (If MySqlCommand.Prepare is NOT called, then types will be checked and a FormatException will be thrown.)

How to repeat:
Execute the following C# code, making sure to have "IgnorePrepare=false" in the connection string:

var connection = new MySqlConnection("...;IgnorePrepare=false);

var command = new MySqlCommand(@"DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS out_string;
CREATE PROCEDURE out_string(OUT value VARCHAR(100))
	SELECT 'test value' INTO value;
END;", connection);

command.CommandText = "out_string";
command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
command.Parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter
	ParameterName = "@value",
	DbType = DbType.Int32,
	Direction = ParameterDirection.Output,

command.ExecuteNonQuery(); // this would throw a FormatException if cmd.Prepare() isn't called

// prints "1936028682", which is garbage data

Suggested fix:
MySqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery should throw a FormatException for incorrect parameter types, whether or not Prepare() is called.
[8 Jun 2020 5:31] MySQL Verification Team
Hello Bradley,

Thank you for the report and test case.

[31 Jul 2020 16:26] Christine Cole
Posted by developer:
Fixed as of the upcoming MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.22 release, and here's the proposed changelog entry from the documentation team:

A mismatch of data types between the parameter of a stored procedure and
the corresponding MySqlParameter when the Prepare() method was called did
not generate an exception.

Thank you for the bug report.