Bug #99619 Getting error for missing libodbcinst.so.2 driver file
Submitted: 18 May 2020 11:32 Modified: 29 May 2020 14:08
Reporter: Tejashree Ksheersagar Email Updates:
Status: Not a Bug Impact on me:
Category:Connector / ODBC Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:mysql-connector-odbc-8.0.20-linux-glibc2 OS:SUSE (Linux 4.4.156-94.64-default)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[18 May 2020 11:32] Tejashree Ksheersagar

is failing to resolve the reference of

When pointing to file unzipped, it is giving error file is too short as below as it is empty. I am not finding the unixOdbc package for redhat linux which contents below file. I have tried with OpenSuse package which gives dependency on other drivers. Please suggest.

My operating system is Linux 4.4.156-94.64-default

/mysql-connector-odbc-8.0.20-linux-glibc2.12-x86-64bit/lib/libodbcinst.so.2: file too short

Other drivers:

 ld-linux-aarch64.so.1()(64bit) is needed by unixODBC-64bit-2.3.6-8.1.aarch64_ilp32
        ld-linux-aarch64.so.1(GLIBC_2.17)(64bit) is needed by unixODBC-64bit-2.3.6-8.1.aarch64_ilp32
        libcrypt.so.1(GLIBC_2.17)(64bit) is needed by unixODBC-64bit-2.3.6-8.1.aarch64_ilp32
        libltdl.so.7()(64bit) is needed by unixODBC-64bit-2.3.6-8.1.aarch64_ilp32
        libm.so.6(GLIBC_2.17)(64bit) is needed by unixODBC-64bit-2.3.6-8.1.aarch64_ilp32
        libpthread.so.0(GLIBC_2.17)(64bit) is needed by unixODBC-64bit-2.3.6-8.1.aarch64_ilp32

How to repeat:
I am trying to setup a MYSQL driver in Kubernetes POD which has IBM ACE installed. I have followed the step to unzip the file and then updated the driver path in application ODBC.ini file. mqsicvp command is failing with file is too short error.
[28 May 2020 20:25] MySQL Verification Team
Please check to install unixODBC.
[29 May 2020 13:55] Tejashree Ksheersagar
I am facing the mentioned error while installing unixODBC. Please help.
[29 May 2020 14:08] MySQL Verification Team
We're sorry, but the bug system is not the appropriate forum for asking help on using MySQL products. Your problem is not the result of a bug.

For details on getting support for MySQL products see http://www.mysql.com/support/
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