Bug #98903 Delusive example in STR_TO_DATE documentation
Submitted: 11 Mar 2020 8:04 Modified: 11 Jun 2020 17:35
Reporter: Arthur Tokarchuk Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Documentation Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:8.0 OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[11 Mar 2020 8:04] Arthur Tokarchuk
The example is about NO_ZERO_DATE or NO_ZERO_IN_DATE mode usage and located on this page:

It says:

If the NO_ZERO_DATE or NO_ZERO_IN_DATE SQL mode is enabled, zero dates or part of dates are disallowed. In that case, STR_TO_DATE() returns NULL and generates a warning:

mysql> SET sql_mode = '';
mysql> SELECT STR_TO_DATE('15:35:00', '%H:%i:%s');
| STR_TO_DATE('15:35:00', '%H:%i:%s') |
| 15:35:00                            |
mysql> SET sql_mode = 'NO_ZERO_IN_DATE';
mysql> SELECT STR_TO_DATE('15:35:00', '%h:%i:%s');
| STR_TO_DATE('15:35:00', '%h:%i:%s') |
| NULL                                |

This example shows that if you enable sql_mode NO_ZERO_IN_DATE, STR_TO_DATE returns NULL because of this change, but actually in second case it happens because the format is different — 12-hour %h is used instead of 24-hour %H format specifier, 15 is not in range 01..12, hence NULL in the result.

Executing the following statements (using format from first case above) renders valid result:
SET sql_mode = 'NO_ZERO_IN_DATE';
SELECT STR_TO_DATE('15:35:00', '%H:%i:%s');
| STR_TO_DATE('15:35:00', '%H:%i:%s') |
| 15:35:00                            |

How to repeat:

Suggested fix:
An example about DATE part with zero fields might be appropriate.
[11 Mar 2020 9:33] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report.
[11 Jun 2020 17:35] Paul DuBois
Posted by developer:
Fixed using a date (not a time) and a format string with date (not time) specifiers.

If the NO_ZERO_DATE SQL mode is enabled, zero dates are disallowed.
In that case, STR_TO_DATE() returns NULL and generates a warning:

mysql> SET sql_mode = ';
mysql> SELECT STR_TO_DATE('00/00/0000', '%m/%d/%Y');
| STR_TO_DATE('00/00/0000', '%m/%d/%Y') |
| 0000-00-00                            |
mysql> SET sql_mode = 'NO_ZERO_DATE';
mysql> SELECT STR_TO_DATE('00/00/0000', '%m/%d/%Y');
| STR_TO_DATE('00/00/0000', '%m/%d/%Y') |
| NULL                                  |
*************************** 1. row ***************************
  Level: Warning
   Code: 1411
Message: Incorrect datetime value: '00/00/0000' for function str_to_date