Bug #98872 Description of Python version is wrong
Submitted: 9 Mar 2020 6:14 Modified: 10 Mar 2020 10:07
Reporter: AKIHIRO IKEZOE Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:Shell AdminAPI InnoDB Cluster / ReplicaSet Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:8.0.19 OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[9 Mar 2020 6:14] AKIHIRO IKEZOE
The following document describes about version of Python for MySQL Shell.
From version 8.0.18, MySQL Shell uses Python 3. 
And I think MySQL Shell need not run on each server instance.


> The provisioning scripts that MySQL Shell uses to configure servers for use in InnoDB cluster require access to Python version 2.7. For a sandbox deployment Python is required on the single machine used for the deployment, production deployments require Python on each server instance which should run MySQL Shell locally, see Persisting Settings.

How to repeat:
See above.

Suggested fix:
Fix the description of Python version.
[9 Mar 2020 13:00] MySQL Verification Team
Hello AKIHIRO-San,

Thank you for the report and feedback.

[10 Mar 2020 10:07] David Moss
Posted by developer:
Thanks for your feedback. The information about supported Python versions has been consolidated here:


The InnoDB cluster docs now link to that information.