Bug #98821 Vertical scrollbar in the results grid doesn't always show up
Submitted: 3 Mar 2020 23:46 Modified: 5 Mar 2020 23:52
Reporter: Alan Stewart Email Updates:
Status: Can't repeat Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:8.0.17 OS:Windows (10)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: results grid, scrollbar

[3 Mar 2020 23:46] Alan Stewart
For certain queries, despite there being 1000 results, there is no vertical scrollbar showing up.  For most queries, there is a scrollbar and everything works great.  But every now and then I'll get a queries where it just up and disappears.  Fortunately I have finally found an easy-to-replicate query that causes the problem.

How to repeat:
I have a table with a LOT of entries.  I run this query:

FROM log lg
   INNER JOIN other ot USING(otherId);

And the results set (limited to 1000) is good.  Scrollbar and everything.

I then change the query to:

FROM log lg;

And there is no vertical scrollbar in the result set.  I can page up and down but I really want to use my scrollbar.

Suggested fix:
Please make sure that there is ALWAYS a scrollbar.
[4 Mar 2020 4:48] MySQL Verification Team
Hello Alan,

Thank you for the report and feedback.
I'm not seeing this issue with latest WB 8.0.19. Please could you upgrade to WB 8.0.19 and report us back if you are still seeing the issue? Thank you.

[4 Mar 2020 4:49] MySQL Verification Team
Test results - 8.0.19

Attachment: 98821.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, text), 128.59 KiB.

[4 Mar 2020 4:54] MySQL Verification Team
Tried even with the community edition and no issues there too.
[5 Mar 2020 23:22] Alan Stewart
Just want you to know that 8.0.19 doesn't launch on my machine.  No idea why.  No error message, nothing pops up, no idea where to find any logs.  Just doesn't launch.
[5 Mar 2020 23:52] Alan Stewart
8.0.18 works just fine.  Even remembered my tabs and opened them right up!

Same problem though.


This is a different query.

I'm not sure how to add images, but I will note that the problem seems to occur when the Edit: menu (Edit, Insert, Delete) shows up.  It pushes things too far to the right.


Oh.  Okay THERE's your problem!  I'm using my portrait monitor for MySQL workbench.  When I move it over to the landscape monitor THEN it makes things wide enough that the scrollbar shows up.  So now you need to find a way to detach the scrollbar from the window width and ALWAYS make sure that it's ALWAYS there, wherever the right side of the scrollable lines are, NOT the right side of the "menu bar".

The next time you are testing, un-maximize the Workbench window and pull the right side edge in until the scrollbar disappears.  Then you'll see what the problem is and then you'll be able to decide how to fix it so that the scrollbar is always there.