Bug #98749 PostgreSQL to Mysql migration crashes after Reverse Engineer schemas completed
Submitted: 26 Feb 2020 15:58 Modified: 20 Mar 2020 10:23
Reporter: M N Email Updates:
Status: Duplicate Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench: Migration Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:8.0 OS:Windows (7 Professionnel SP1)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[26 Feb 2020 15:58] M N
I am trying to migrate PostgreSQL data to MySQL. 
PostgreSQL is PostgreSQL 12
MySQL / Workbench are 8.0.19

I launch the migration wizard and do the first steps. 
Source and target selections are ok.
Fetch schemas list is ok
Schemas selection is ok
Reverse engineer schemas launches. 
>>Connect to source DBMS is ok.
>>Reverse engineer selected schemas runs and completes (see screenshot) but as soon it is completed, I got an error message "MySQL Workbench a cessé de fonctionner (="MySQL Workbench is not working", pardon my French)

I tried to select fewer schemas, or to try a different Schema Name Mapping Method before lauching the reverse engineering, but it made no difference.

How to repeat:
Create a PostgreSQL database and launch the Migration Wizard to migrate data (?)
[26 Feb 2020 15:59] M N
Workbench error message when crashing after reverse engineering schemas

Attachment: Workbenchcrash.png (image/png, text), 92.22 KiB.

[26 Feb 2020 16:34] M N

The crash ONLY HAPPENS with the "Only One Schema : Catalog.Schema.Table -> Catalog.Table' option in the schema selection step.
The two other options work.
[20 Mar 2020 10:23] MySQL Verification Team

Thank you for the bug report.
Imho this is duplicate of Bug #93594, please see Bug #93594.

Ashwini Patil