Bug #98027 Template table not work
Submitted: 18 Dec 2019 15:28 Modified: 20 Dec 2019 10:51
Reporter: Felipe Parente Email Updates:
Status: Can't repeat Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version: OS:MacOS
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[18 Dec 2019 15:28] Felipe Parente
Table template functionality does not work.
It does not allow to change the name of the columns, it does not allow to enter the type of the column, not even to change the name of the template.

How to repeat:
Just go to the template creation area, and try to create a real template.
[19 Dec 2019 6:17] MySQL Verification Team
Hello Felipe Parente,

Thank you for the report.
To investigate further this issue at our end, may I kindly request you to launch workbench under debug mode (--log-level=debug3) and provide unaltered workbench log file(more details about log are explained here - https://dev.mysql.com/doc/workbench/en/workbench-reporting-bugs.html). Thank you.

Ashwini Patil
[19 Dec 2019 13:23] Felipe Parente
But this is very simple.
Just try using the "Templates" feature.
Cannot define name or data type of columns created in a template ... Not even the name of the new template can be changed.

PS: I could not activate debug3 on my Mac, as shown in the link sent.
[20 Dec 2019 10:51] MySQL Verification Team
Hello Felipe Parente,

Thank you for the report.
I tried to reproduce your issue on workbench 8.0.18 and followed exact mentioned steps but I am not seeing any issues at my end.
IMHO single click on the column to edit the template.

Ashwini Patil