Bug #97567 Mysql workbench Loadlibrary failed with error 126
Submitted: 9 Nov 2019 8:55 Modified: 24 Sep 2020 16:52
Reporter: yoohyun jeong Email Updates:
Status: Can't repeat Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench: Modeling Severity:S7 (Test Cases)
Version: OS:Windows (10)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[9 Nov 2019 8:55] yoohyun jeong
Hi , Recently I used MySQL Workbench final version for my work.
and Suddenly I got this error below.
"LoadLibrary failed with error 126: The module could not be found"
I don't know what is wrong, Before I got this error I just did to copy the some tables on Schema1 to Schema2.
and then I got this error after restart the MySQL Workbench.
If you know the solutions, Please help m.
Thanks ! 

How to repeat:
You can copy the some tables on Schema1 to Schema2 , and then restart the MyworkBench.
But i think this step is not the point for this problem !
Thanks .
[9 Nov 2019 8:57] yoohyun jeong
error message when i click the diagram

Attachment: problem.png (image/png, text), 20.34 KiB.

[9 Nov 2019 9:40] yoohyun jeong
Additional comment : Before I did that work I already have some diagram for each Schema
[14 Nov 2019 14:39] yoohyun jeong
I met this error when I connected my PC by remotely
[24 Sep 2020 16:52] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report. I couldn't repeat with WorkBench 8.0.21.