Bug #97070 Highlighting / selecting text no longer works properly - no longer visible
Submitted: 1 Oct 2019 7:12 Modified: 26 May 2020 14:39
Reporter: M Croucher Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:8.0.14 - 8.017 OS:Windows (Microsoft Windows 10 Pro)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: WBBugReporter

[1 Oct 2019 7:12] M Croucher
I just upgraded from 8.0.12 to 8.0.17, and the selecting of text to execute it makes it unreadable.  

On the older version of Workbench (8.0.12), when you selected text, the color of the text would change to white; and the highlight is a blue.  The text was very easy to read.

On the new version of Workbench (8.0.17), when you select the text to execute a block, the text color does not change to white.  It actually stays the same color as if the text were not selected.  The blue highlight is the same; so a blue highlight on blue text makes it disappear.

I've marked this as an S2 as there is no workaround to disappearing text.

How to repeat:
(1) Type some text;
(2) Select the block of text that you just typed.
(3) The text disappears.

I decided to find out when this bug was introduced, since I found that someone had logged this issue in the version 8.0.15.  It turns out that text was still readable in version 8.0.13; but the BUG WAS INTRODUCED IN 8.0.14, and has not yet been fixed, as of 8.0.17.  This makes the Workbench completely unusable.  

Please fix as soon as possible so we can be on the latest version.  In the meantime, I'll be using version 8.0.13, since that is the last version where it worked properly.

I also want to note that in version 8.0.17 (and possibly earlier versions), there is also a bug where FUNCTIONS are no longer a pink color, but is the same blue color as the main DML/DDL keywords.  E.G., COUNT(*) is the same color as SELECT.  And, in playing with the "code_editor.xml" (for which there is NO good documentation), it appears that functions were lumped in with KEYWORDS, so if you change the color of KEYWORDS, the color of functions is also changed in the editor.  Changing the color of FUNCTIONS in "code_editor.xml" is completely ignored.

Please fix all of these.  In summary:

(1) selecting/highlighting text in the WorkBench editor makes the text DISAPPEAR
(2) FUNTIONS are now the same color as main keywords, which makes the overall SQL far more difficult to read.


How to repeat:

For the DISAPPEARING text:

(1) Type some text, a DDL and DML;
(2) Select the block of text that you just typed.
(3) The text disappears.

For the FUNCTIONS wrong color:

(1) Type SELECT and COALESCE and COUNT.  Note that COALESCE are the same blue color as SELECT.  

Suggested fix:

Please go back to what was correctly happening in version 8.0.13. so we can see the text.
[1 Oct 2019 7:17] M Croucher
mysql-bug - Disappearing Text in SQL Editor

Attachment: MySQL Workbench-v8.0.14-text disappears.png (image/png, text), 67.35 KiB.

[1 Oct 2019 7:43] MySQL Verification Team
Hello M Croucher,

Thank you for the report and feedback.

[2 Oct 2019 8:45] Mike Lischke
Actually, keeping the highlight colors also for selected text is what is used normally in such controls. However, it's true that the selection color is too dominant. It should be more transparent, like on macOS.
[2 Oct 2019 8:46] Mike Lischke
Selection with highlight colors as seen on macOS

Attachment: selection.png (image/png, text), 130.95 KiB.

[3 Oct 2019 0:19] M Croucher
Prior to v8.0.14 (and since v5.47 and prior), on Windows, the selected text was always turned to white, with blue highlight:

Attachment: MySQL Workbench-v8.0.13-highlight good.png (image/png, text), 52.15 KiB.

[26 May 2020 14:39] Christine Cole
Posted by developer:
Fixed as of the upcoming MySQL Workbench 8.0.21 release, and here's the proposed changelog entry from the documentation team:

Text selected in the SQL editor was blocked by the highlight color.

Thank you for the bug report.