Bug #95967 Backwards ref scan does not perform late NULLs filtering
Submitted: 25 Jun 2019 5:13 Modified: 23 Jul 2019 21:37
Reporter: Manuel Ung Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Optimizer Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:8.0.16 OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[25 Jun 2019 5:13] Manuel Ung
It looks like late NULL filtering is not applied consistently between the forwards/backwards RefIterators. This causes backwards scans to be in some cases much slower for no reason.

The issue is that in RefIterator<false>::Read(), we perform a check on m_ref->impossible_null_ref() whereas we don't for RefIterator<true>::Read().

How to repeat:
create table t (i int primary key auto_increment, j int, key(j));
insert into t values (null, null);
insert into t select null, null from t;
insert into t select null, null from t;
insert into t select null, null from t;
insert into t select null, null from t;
insert into t select null, null from t;
insert into t select null, null from t;
insert into t select null, null from t;
insert into t select null, null from t;
insert into t select null, null from t;
insert into t select null, null from t;
insert into t select null, null from t;
insert into t select null, null from t;

# This is very fast :)
select t1.i as a, (select t2.i from t t2  where t1.j = t2.j  order by j asc, i asc limit 1) as b from t t1;

# This is very slow :(
select t1.i as a, (select t2.i from t t2  where t1.j = t2.j  order by j desc, i desc limit 1) as b from t t1;

Suggested fix:
Add m_ref->impossible_null_ref() check in RefIterator<true>::Read() 

The pre-8.0 version of these functions are called join_read_always_key/join_read_last_key and probably need something similar.
[25 Jun 2019 12:21] MySQL Verification Team
Hello Manuel,

Thank you for the report and test case.
With the provided test case not much difference noticed on 8.0.16 but if I increase rows then noticeable difference observed.

[23 Jul 2019 21:37] Jon Stephens
Documented fix in the MySQL 8.0.18 changelog, as follows:

    Late NULL filtering, to avoid index lookups if the lookup key
    has at least one NULL, was not performed for backwards index
    scans, although it was for forward index scans.
