Bug #95631 MySQL connector libraries link VS2015 runtime libs, but they are not provided
Submitted: 4 Jun 2019 14:00 Modified: 4 Jun 2019 14:57
Reporter: Vadim Karpenko Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: C API (client library) Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:MySQL Connector C 6.1 OS:Windows (10)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:x86 (64)

[4 Jun 2019 14:00] Vadim Karpenko
I use shared library libmysql.dll and libmysqld.dll in my application, because it consists of several DLLs and they must use the same connection.
I can't use static libraries.

libmysql.dll links to msvcp140.dll and then libmysqld.dll links to msvcp140d.dll  respectively, according to dependency walker. MySQL connector installer doesn't provide microsoft runtime. It is possible to download release version of the VS2015 runtime from Microsoft , but not debug. I use another version of Visual Studio and don't have these DLLs.

How to repeat:
Install MySQL connector, cd to C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Connector C 6.1\lib, ensure, msvcp140 and msvcp140d dlls are not there

Suggested fix:
provide msvcp140.dll and msvcp140d.dll in the installer
[4 Jun 2019 14:57] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report.