Bug #95383 | github mysql-oca-bot asks for contribution even if one exists | ||
Submitted: | 16 May 2019 0:50 | Modified: | 19 May 2019 22:54 |
Reporter: | Daniel Black | Email Updates: | |
Status: | Closed | Impact on me: | |
Category: | Licensing | Severity: | S3 (Non-critical) |
Version: | OS: | Any | |
Assigned to: | Omer Barnir | CPU Architecture: | Any |
[16 May 2019 0:50]
Daniel Black
[16 May 2019 22:22]
Omer Barnir
Hi Daniel, Thanks for your suggestions. #1 and #2 are similar - to have the bot check if a 'confirm' statement was made and if so not to ask for it again - we will implement this change in the next few days. As for #3, I'm afraid it is not feasible as implementing a 'callback' function as it requires a setup on the MySQL side that can be triggered by a call from Github and that presents some challenges from the security aspect (this is one of the reasons this was set as a cronjob on the MySQL side - so all the information can be gathered from / updated to Github) However, we can set the cronjob to run every hour and not once a day - so the feedback about the need for OCA or confirmation will be much faster
[16 May 2019 23:55]
Daniel Black
I suspected security considerations where the reasons for sticking with a cron. Increasing to hourly would solve the issue and I think the guideline should be based on that the user gets the request OCA notice with the same workday. So even up to 4 hrs is ok. Just my opinion. Thanks for listening and committing to fixing items 1 & 2.
[17 May 2019 22:12]
Omer Barnir
Enhancements #1 and #2 are in place - cron should no longer post requests for confirmation if a confirmation notice was posted earlier by the PR owner. Enhancement #3 is not implemented (explained above) but frequency of cron was increased to every four hours so a more immediate response will be provided for needing to sign an OCA or confirm contribution is under it. Thanks again for the suggestions
[19 May 2019 22:54]
Daniel Black
Thanks for the implementation Omer