Latest MySQL version compiled with openssl-0.9.7.
openssl_1 and rpl_openssl failed due to results difference:
--- openssl_1.result 2005-03-31 15:53:51 +0500
+++ openssl_1.reject 2005-03-31 16:37:47 +0500
@@ -10,22 +10,22 @@
delete from t1;
-ERROR 42000: Access denied for user 'ssl_user1'@'localhost' to database 'test'
+ERROR 42000: DELETE command denied to user 'ssl_user1'@'localhost' for table 't1'
select * from t1;
delete from t1;
-ERROR 42000: Access denied for user 'ssl_user2'@'localhost' to database 'test'
+ERROR 42000: DELETE command denied to user 'ssl_user2'@'localhost' for table 't1'
select * from t1;
delete from t1;
-ERROR 42000: Access denied for user 'ssl_user3'@'localhost' to database 'test'
+ERROR 42000: DELETE command denied to user 'ssl_user3'@'localhost' for table 't1'
select * from t1;
delete from t1;
-ERROR 42000: Access denied for user 'ssl_user4'@'localhost' to database 'test'
+ERROR 42000: DELETE command denied to user 'ssl_user4'@'localhost' for table 't1'
delete from mysql.user where user='ssl_user%';
delete from mysql.db where user='ssl_user%';
flush privileges;
--- rpl_openssl.result 2005-03-31 15:53:52 +0500
+++ rpl_openssl.reject 2005-03-31 16:44:49 +0500
@@ -20,11 +20,11 @@
show slave status;
Slave_IO_State Master_Host Master_User Master_Port Connect_Retry Master_Log_File Read_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_File Relay_Log_Pos Relay_Master_Log_File Slave_IO_Running Slave_SQL_Running Replicate_Do_DB Replicate_Ignore_DB Replicate_Do_Table Replicate_Ignore_Table Replicate_Wild_Do_Table Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table Last_Errno Last_ErrorSkip_Counter Exec_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_Space Until_Condition Until_Log_File Until_Log_Pos Master_SSL_Allowed Master_SSL_CA_File Master_SSL_CA_Path Master_SSL_Cert Master_SSL_Cipher Master_SSL_Key Seconds_Behind_Master
-# replssl MASTER_MYPORT 1 master-bin.000001 289 slave-relay-bin.000001 108 master-bin.000001 Yes Yes 00 289 108 None 0 Yes MYSQL_TEST_DIR/std_data/cacert.pem MYSQL_TEST_DIR/std_data/client-cert.pem MYSQL_TEST_DIR/std_data/client-key.pem #
+# replssl MASTER_MYPORT 1 master-bin.000001 392 # # master-bin.000001 Yes Yes 0 0392 # None 0 Yes MYSQL_TEST_DIR/std_data/cacert.pem MYSQL_TEST_DIR/std_data/client-cert.pem MYSQL_TEST_DIR/std_data/client-key.pem #
stop slave;
change master to master_user='root',master_password='', master_ssl=0;
start slave;
drop table t1;
show slave status;
Slave_IO_State Master_Host Master_User Master_Port Connect_Retry Master_Log_File Read_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_File Relay_Log_Pos Relay_Master_Log_File Slave_IO_Running Slave_SQL_Running Replicate_Do_DB Replicate_Ignore_DB Replicate_Do_Table Replicate_Ignore_Table Replicate_Wild_Do_Table Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table Last_Errno Last_ErrorSkip_Counter Exec_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_Space Until_Condition Until_Log_File Until_Log_Pos Master_SSL_Allowed Master_SSL_CA_File Master_SSL_CA_Path Master_SSL_Cert Master_SSL_Cipher Master_SSL_Key Seconds_Behind_Master
-# root MASTER_MYPORT 1 master-bin.000001 337 slave-relay-bin.000001 96 master-bin.000001 Yes Yes 00 337 96 None 0 No MYSQL_TEST_DIR/std_data/cacert.pem MYSQL_TEST_DIR/std_data/client-cert.pem MYSQL_TEST_DIR/std_data/client-key.pem #
+# root MASTER_MYPORT 1 master-bin.000001 468 # # master-bin.000001 Yes Yes 0 0468 # None 0 No MYSQL_TEST_DIR/std_data/cacert.pem MYSQL_TEST_DIR/std_data/client-cert.pem MYSQL_TEST_DIR/std_data/client-key.pem #
Errors are (from /home/svoj/devel/mysql/mysql-5.0/mysql-test/var/log/mysqltest-time) :
/home/svoj/devel/mysql/mysql-5.0/client/.libs/mysqltest: At line 24: query 'delete from t1' failed with wrong errno 1142 instead of 1044...
/home/svoj/devel/mysql/mysql-5.0/client/.libs/mysqltest: At line 29: query 'delete from t1' failed with wrong errno 1142 instead of 1044...
/home/svoj/devel/mysql/mysql-5.0/client/.libs/mysqltest: At line 34: query 'delete from t1' failed with wrong errno 1142 instead of 1044...
/home/svoj/devel/mysql/mysql-5.0/client/.libs/mysqltest: At line 39: query 'delete from t1' failed with wrong errno 1142 instead of 1044...
How to repeat:
mysql-test-run --with-openssl openssl_1
mysql-test-run --with-openssl rpl_openssl