Bug #94473 Cann't Create/Design Table by Visual Studio 2017
Submitted: 26 Feb 2019 10:31 Modified: 14 Mar 2019 6:43
Reporter: gao aaron Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Visual Studio Integration Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version: OS:Windows
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[26 Feb 2019 10:31] gao aaron
when I want to open design view of table in visual studio 2017 by connecting MySQL database, It every time throws error.

error msg: "cannot create a design windows for the selected object";

using visual studio 2017, I can view data, edit data, manage data but can't edit table definition. I use Visual Studio 2017

my dev environment version:
MySql Server 8.0;
MySql for Visual Studio 1.2.8;
MySql Connecttor Net 8.0.15;
MySql Connecttor/ODBC Net 8.0;

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017  version 15.9.7

How to repeat:
my dev environment version:
MySql Server 8.0;
MySql for Visual Studio 1.2.8;
MySql Connecttor Net 8.0.15;
MySql Connecttor/ODBC Net 8.0;

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017  version 15.9.7
[26 Feb 2019 12:28] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report.
[7 Mar 2019 8:02] gao aaron
Who can have a look and fix it?
[11 Mar 2019 16:52] Jose Ramirez Ruiz
Verified the behavior. This issue is being caused by an incompatibility between MySQL for Visual Studio and recent versions of Connector/NET, we'll begin to review it asap.
[14 Mar 2019 6:43] gao aaron
Thank you jose, it's really a difficulty for us, hope it can be fixed ASAP, thanks your team.