Bug #9408 editing table abends with 'access violation in module libmysqlx.ddl
Submitted: 25 Mar 2005 23:39 Modified: 4 Feb 2011 13:23
Reporter: Nahid dayani Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Administrator Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:1.0.19 OS:Windows (windows xp)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[25 Mar 2005 23:39] Nahid dayani
The administrator tool is on window xp version 1.0.19 and the server 5.0.2 alpha is installed on Linex suse .

When I edit any table,  I receive ' Access violation at address 0034c1bo in module libmysqlx.ddl read of addess 00000000.
This used to work in prior release of adminstrator. I see similar problem has been posted but no solution. Please advice.

How to repeat:
It repeat since the new version of administrator.
[26 Mar 2005 12:28] MySQL Verification Team

Thank you for the report, but your explanation it's detailed enough to reproduce this behavior.
Please write exact set of actions that lead to "Access violation".
[28 Mar 2005 19:45] Nahid dayani
There are number of sites are having similar problem. Please see forums. We are getting this error when we are editing a table that has column with integer data type. Any idea?
[1 Apr 2005 17:33] Rikardo Carvajal
hi victoria.
The problem is with the 5.0.3 or 5.0.1 release the server database and mysql administrator 1.0.19, when i try to edit a table in linux the program crash and in windows say a problem Access violation at address 0039C1B0 in module ´libmysqlx.dll´.Read of address 00000000 and i cant edit tables
[7 Apr 2005 15:21] Timofey Shor
Hi, all 
I am experiencing the same issue with MySQL administrator and it is happening when a Int, BIGINT and DOUBLE datatypes exist in the table.

This issue is also seen when trying to edit table from SQL Browser.

NOTE: Could that be a problem with converting numerical datatypes when UNICODE is used as a Collation?

Good luck.

Tim Shor
[18 Apr 2005 21:48] Nahid dayani
I just down loaded the server 5.0.4 and adminstrator 1.0.20 and this problem has been resolved.  Thank you.
[18 May 2005 23:00] Bugs System
No feedback was provided for this bug for over a month, so it is
being suspended automatically. If you are able to provide the
information that was originally requested, please do so and change
the status of the bug back to "Open".
[4 Feb 2011 13:23] Valeriy Kravchuk
Solved long time ago.
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