Bug #9339 Updating a column does not work if the table has a UTF-8 VARCHAR primary key
Submitted: 22 Mar 2005 15:18 Modified: 22 Mar 2005 19:22
Reporter: Vesa Halttunen Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: MyISAM storage engine Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:mysql-5.0.3-alpha-nightly-20050320 OS:Linux (Fedora Core 2 (Linux 2.6.10))
Assigned to: Sergei Golubchik CPU Architecture:Any

[22 Mar 2005 15:18] Vesa Halttunen
Updating a varchar column using an UPDATE statement with a WHERE column='something' condition does not work if the table has a primary key. If the table does not have a primary key this does not happen - the column gets updated.

This has been at least in the nightlies 2005-03-13 and 2005-03-20. I haven't tested earlier versions. MySQL is compiled with GCC 3.3.3 on a FC2 system running Linux 2.6.10.

How to repeat:
mysql> create table test (pkcol varchar(16), othercol varchar(16), primary key (pkcol));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)
mysql> insert into test values ('test', 'something');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> update test set othercol='somethingelse' where pkcol='test';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Rows matched: 0  Changed: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql> select * from test;
| pkcol | othercol  |
| test  | something |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

After the UPDATE the column othercol should contain "somethingelse" instead of "something".
[22 Mar 2005 15:28] Marko Mäkelä
This may be related to Bug #9314.
[22 Mar 2005 15:34] Heikki Tuuri

please post your my.cnf. I am not able to repeat this with a day old build.


[22 Mar 2005 15:52] Heikki Tuuri

I am able to repeat this bug both for MyISAM and InnoDB if the character set is UTF-8. We will now study this in gdb.

Thank you for reporting this critical bug.


[22 Mar 2005 15:56] Vesa Halttunen
I noticed this only happens if the database has been created so that it uses the UTF8 character set. Try doing

mysql> create database utf8db character set utf8;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> use utf8db;
Database changed

before the statements in the original submission.

In 5.0.2 these kind of UTF8 databases worked fine.

I didn't have /etc/my.cnf at all but using the stock my-medium.cnf provided with the distribution didn't affect this.
[22 Mar 2005 15:57] Vesa Halttunen
I noticed this only happens if the database has been created so that it uses the UTF8 character set. Try doing

mysql> create database utf8db character set utf8;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> use utf8db;
Database changed

before the statements in the original submission.

In 5.0.2 these kind of UTF8 databases worked fine.

I didn't have /etc/my.cnf at all but using the stock my-medium.cnf provided with the distribution didn't affect this.
[22 Mar 2005 16:50] Heikki Tuuri

The range lower endpoint that MySQL passes to InnoDB is not very sensible. It is a 3-byte string 'tes'.

InnoDB does retrieve the row ('test', 'something'), and gives the row back to the SQL interpreter. Apparently, the SQL interpreter concludes that the row does not below to the range, and returns 'no matching rows found'.

The bug may be that MySQL calculates the search string length wrong for UTF-8.

Below is some of the execution path stepped inside gdb.



Breakpoint 2, row_search_for_mysql (
    buf=0xa378de8 "þ\004test", '¥' <repeats 44 times>, "\tsomething", '¥' <repea
ts 140 times>..., mode=2, prebuilt=0x43edb668, match_mode=0, direction=0)
    at row0sel.c:3033
3033            dict_index_t*   index           = prebuilt->index;
(gdb) bt
#0  row_search_for_mysql (
    buf=0xa378de8 "þ\004test", '¥' <repeats 44 times>, "\tsomething", '¥' <repea
ts 140 times>..., mode=2, prebuilt=0x43edb668, match_mode=0, direction=0)
    at row0sel.c:3033
#1  0x08276db1 in ha_innobase::index_read(char*, char const*, unsigned, ha_rkey_
function) (this=0xa378c60,
    buf=0xa378de8 "þ\004test", '¥' <repeats 44 times>, "\tsomething", '¥' <repea
ts 140 times>..., key_ptr=0xa39cac8 "\003", key_len=50,
    find_flag=HA_READ_KEY_OR_NEXT) at ha_innodb.cc:3402
#2  0x08269e44 in handler::read_range_first(st_key_range const*, st_key_range co
nst*, bool, bool) (this=0xa378c60, start_key=0xa36c878, end_key=0xa36c884,
    eq_range_arg=false, sorted=false) at handler.cc:2249
#3  0x08269a90 in handler::read_multi_range_first(st_key_multi_range**, st_key_m
ulti_range*, unsigned, bool, st_handler_buffer*) (this=0xa378c60,
    found_range_p=0x88f7d308, ranges=0xa36c878, range_count=1, sorted=false,
    buffer=0x0) at handler.cc:2121
#4  0x08258094 in QUICK_RANGE_SELECT::get_next() (this=0xa37f7d8)
    at opt_range.cc:6052
#5  0x08261625 in rr_quick (info=0x88f7d49c) at records.cc:157
#6  0x0821711f in mysql_update(THD*, st_table_list*, List<Item>&, List<Item>&, I
tem*, unsigned, st_order*, unsigned long, enum_duplicates, bool) (
    thd=0xa37d1c0, table_list=0xa3749d8, fields=@0xa37d44c, values=@0xa37d608,
    conds=0xa374d38, order_num=0, order=0x0, limit=4294967295,
    handle_duplicates=DUP_ERROR, ignore=false) at sql_update.cc:401
#7  0x081b708d in mysql_execute_command(THD*) (thd=0xa37d1c0)
    at sql_parse.cc:3099
#8  0x081bd1cf in mysql_parse(THD*, char*, unsigned) (thd=0xa37d1c0,
    inBuf=0xa374948 "update test set othercol='somethingelse' where pkcol = 'tes
t'", length=61) at sql_parse.cc:5170
#9  0x081b30fb in dispatch_command(enum_server_command, THD*, char*, unsigned)
    (command=COM_QUERY, thd=0xa37d1c0,
    packet=0xa3959c1 "update test set othercol='somethingelse' where pkcol = 'te
st'", packet_length=62) at sql_parse.cc:1647
#10 0x081b2941 in do_command(THD*) (thd=0xa37d1c0) at sql_parse.cc:1453
#11 0x081b1ad0 in handle_one_connection (arg=0xa37d1c0) at sql_parse.cc:1110
#12 0x40062f60 in pthread_start_thread () from /lib/i686/libpthread.so.0
#13 0x400630fe in pthread_start_thread_event () from /lib/i686/libpthread.so.0
#14 0x401f5327 in clone () from /lib/i686/libc.so.6
(gdb) frame 1
#1  0x08276db1 in ha_innobase::index_read(char*, char const*, unsigned, ha_rkey_
function) (this=0xa378c60,
    buf=0xa378de8 "þ\004test", '¥' <repeats 44 times>, "\tsomething", '¥' <repea
ts 140 times>..., key_ptr=0xa39cac8 "\003", key_len=50,
    find_flag=HA_READ_KEY_OR_NEXT) at ha_innodb.cc:3402
3402            ret = row_search_for_mysql((byte*) buf, mode, prebuilt, match_mo
de, 0);
Current language:  auto; currently c++
(gdb) x/50b key_ptr
0xa39cac8:      0x03    0x00    0x74    0x65    0x73    0x00    0x00    0x00
0xa39cad0:      0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00
0xa39cad8:      0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00
0xa39cae0:      0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00
0xa39cae8:      0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00
0xa39caf0:      0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00    0x00
0xa39caf8:      0x00    0x00
(gdb) next
3034            dtuple_t*       search_tuple    = prebuilt->search_tuple;
Current language:  auto; currently c
3035            btr_pcur_t*     pcur            = prebuilt->pcur;
3036            trx_t*          trx             = prebuilt->trx;
3043            ulint           err             = DB_SUCCESS;
3048            ibool           unique_search                   = FALSE;
3049            ibool           unique_search_from_clust_index  = FALSE;
3050            ibool           mtr_has_extra_clust_latch       = FALSE;
3051            ibool           moves_up                        = FALSE;
3052            ibool           set_also_gap_locks              = TRUE;
3059            ulint           cnt                             = 0;
3062            mem_heap_t*     heap                            = NULL;
3064            ulint*          offsets                         = offsets_;
3065            *offsets_ = (sizeof offsets_) / sizeof *offsets_;
3070            if (prebuilt->table->ibd_file_missing) {
3084            if (prebuilt->magic_n != ROW_PREBUILT_ALLOCATED) {
3097            if (trx->n_mysql_tables_in_use == 0
3121            if (trx->has_search_latch
3138            if (direction == 0) {
3139                    trx->op_info = "starting index read";
3141                    prebuilt->n_rows_fetched = 0;
3142                    prebuilt->n_fetch_cached = 0;
3143                    prebuilt->fetch_cache_first = 0;
3145                    if (prebuilt->sel_graph == NULL) {
3147                            row_prebuild_sel_graph(prebuilt);
3209            if (match_mode == ROW_SEL_EXACT
3236            mtr_start(&mtr);
3247            if (unique_search
3349            if (trx->has_search_latch) {
3354            trx_start_if_not_started(trx);
3356            if (trx->isolation_level <= TRX_ISO_READ_COMMITTED
3377            if (direction == 0) {
3378                    if (mode == PAGE_CUR_GE || mode == PAGE_CUR_G) {
3379                            moves_up = TRUE;
3385            thr = que_fork_get_first_thr(prebuilt->sel_graph);
3387            que_thr_move_to_run_state_for_mysql(thr, trx);
3389            clust_index = dict_table_get_first_index(index->table);
3391            if (direction != 0) {
3398            } else if (dtuple_get_n_fields(search_tuple) > 0) {
3400                    btr_pcur_open_with_no_init(index, search_tuple, mode,
3413            if (!prebuilt->sql_stat_start) {
3426            } else if (prebuilt->select_lock_type == LOCK_NONE) {
3433                    if (prebuilt->select_lock_type == LOCK_S) {
3436                            err = lock_table(0, index->table, LOCK_IX, thr);
3439                    if (err != DB_SUCCESS) {
3443                    prebuilt->sql_stat_start = FALSE;
3450            rec = btr_pcur_get_rec(pcur);
3451            comp = index->table->comp;
3460            if (rec == page_get_infimum_rec(buf_frame_align(rec))) {
3469            if (rec == page_get_supremum_rec(buf_frame_align(rec))) {
3503            next_offs = rec_get_next_offs(rec, comp);
3505            if (next_offs >= UNIV_PAGE_SIZE
3552            offsets = rec_get_offsets(rec, index, offsets, ULINT_UNDEFINED,
3554            if (srv_force_recovery > 0) {
3578            if (match_mode == ROW_SEL_EXACT) {
3616            } else if (match_mode == ROW_SEL_EXACT_PREFIX) {
3654            cons_read_requires_clust_rec = FALSE;
3656            if (prebuilt->select_lock_type != LOCK_NONE) {
3664                    if (!set_also_gap_locks
3672                            if (srv_locks_unsafe_for_binlog) {
3675                                    lock_type = LOCK_ORDINARY;
3679                    err = sel_set_rec_lock(rec, index, offsets,
3683                    if (err != DB_SUCCESS) {
3739            if (rec_get_deleted_flag(rec, comp)
3752            index_rec = rec;
3760            if (index != clust_index && (cons_read_requires_clust_rec
3804            if (prebuilt->n_rows_fetched >= MYSQL_FETCH_CACHE_THRESHOLD
3830                    if (prebuilt->template_type == ROW_MYSQL_DUMMY_TEMPLATE)
3836                            if (!row_sel_store_mysql_rec(buf, prebuilt,
3844                    if (prebuilt->clust_index_was_generated) {
3862            if (!unique_search_from_clust_index
3868                    btr_pcur_store_position(pcur, &mtr);
3871            err = DB_SUCCESS;
3873            goto normal_return;
3957            que_thr_stop_for_mysql_no_error(thr, trx);
3959            mtr_commit(&mtr);
3961            if (prebuilt->n_fetch_cached > 0) {
3970            if (err == DB_SUCCESS) {
3971                    srv_n_rows_read++;
3975            trx->op_info = "";
3976            if (heap) {
3979            return(err);
3980    }
ha_innobase::index_read(char*, char const*, unsigned, ha_rkey_function) (
    buf=0xa378de8 "þ\004test", ' ' <repeats 44 times>, "\tsomething", ' ' <repea
ts 39 times>, '¥' <repeats 101 times>..., key_ptr=0xa39cac8 "\003",
    key_len=50, find_flag=HA_READ_KEY_OR_NEXT) at ha_innodb.cc:3404
3404            innodb_srv_conc_exit_innodb(prebuilt->trx);
Current language:  auto; currently c++
3406            if (ret == DB_SUCCESS) {
3407                    error = 0;
3408                    table->status = 0;
(gdb) x/110b buf
0xa378de8:      0xfe    0x04    0x74    0x65    0x73    0x74    0x20    0x20
0xa378df0:      0x20    0x20    0x20    0x20    0x20    0x20    0x20    0x20
0xa378df8:      0x20    0x20    0x20    0x20    0x20    0x20    0x20    0x20
0xa378e00:      0x20    0x20    0x20    0x20    0x20    0x20    0x20    0x20
0xa378e08:      0x20    0x20    0x20    0x20    0x20    0x20    0x20    0x20
0xa378e10:      0x20    0x20    0x20    0x20    0x20    0x20    0x20    0x20
0xa378e18:      0x20    0x20    0x09    0x73    0x6f    0x6d    0x65    0x74
0xa378e20:      0x68    0x69    0x6e    0x67    0x20    0x20    0x20    0x20
0xa378e28:      0x20    0x20    0x20    0x20    0x20    0x20    0x20    0x20
0xa378e30:      0x20    0x20    0x20    0x20    0x20    0x20    0x20    0x20
0xa378e38:      0x20    0x20    0x20    0x20    0x20    0x20    0x20    0x20
0xa378e40:      0x20    0x20    0x20    0x20    0x20    0x20    0x20    0x20
0xa378e48:      0x20    0x20    0x20    0xa5    0xa5    0xa5    0xa5    0xa5
0xa378e50:      0xa5    0xa5    0xa5    0xa5    0xa5    0xa5
(gdb) next
3422            DBUG_RETURN(error);
3423    }
handler::read_range_first(st_key_range const*, st_key_range const*, bool, bool)
    (this=0xa378c60, start_key=0xa36c878, end_key=0xa36c884,
    eq_range_arg=false, sorted=false) at handler.cc:2253
2253      if (result)
2258      DBUG_RETURN (compare_key(end_range) <= 0 ? 0 : HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE);
(gdb) step
_db_return_ (_line_=2258, _sfunc_=0x88f7d244, _sfile_=0x88f7d240,
    _slevel_=0x88f7d23c) at dbug.c:800
800       if (!_no_db_)
Current language:  auto; currently c
845     }
handler::compare_key(st_key_range*) (this=0xa378c60, range=0xa378ccc)
    at handler.cc:2317
2317      if (!range)
Current language:  auto; currently c++
2319      cmp= key_cmp(range_key_part, range->key, range->length);
key_cmp(st_key_part_info*, char const*, unsigned) (key_part=0xa378c34,
    key=0xa39cb00 "0", key_length=50) at key.cc:408
408       for (const byte *end=key + key_length;
413         store_length= key_part->store_length;
414         if (key_part->null_bit)
431         if ((cmp=key_part->field->key_cmp((byte*) key, key_part->length)) <
Field_varstring::key_cmp(char const*, unsigned) (this=0xa378ef8,
    key_ptr=0xa39cb00 "0", max_key_length=48) at field.cc:5458
5458      uint length=  length_bytes == 1 ? (uint) (uchar) *ptr : uint2korr(ptr)
5459      uint char_length= max_key_length / field_charset->mbmaxlen;
5461      char_length= my_charpos(field_charset, ptr + length_bytes,
my_charpos_mb (cs=0x8602320,
    pos=0xa378dea "test", ' ' <repeats 44 times>, "\tsomething", ' ' <repeats 39
 times>, '¥' <repeats 103 times>...,
    end=0xa378dee ' ' <repeats 44 times>, "\tsomething", ' ' <repeats 39 times>,
 '¥' <repeats 107 times>..., length=16) at ctype-mb.c:255
255       const char *start= pos;
Current language:  auto; currently c
257       while (length && pos < end)
260         pos+= (mblen= my_ismbchar(cs, pos, end)) ? mblen : 1;
my_ismbchar_utf8 (cs=0x8602320,
    b=0xa378dea "test", ' ' <repeats 44 times>, "\tsomething", ' ' <repeats 39 t
imes>, '¥' <repeats 103 times>...,
    e=0xa378dee ' ' <repeats 44 times>, "\tsomething", ' ' <repeats 39 times>, '
¥' <repeats 107 times>...) at ctype-utf8.c:2287
2287      int  res=my_utf8_uni(cs,&wc, (const uchar*)b, (const uchar*)e);
my_utf8_uni (cs=0x8602320, pwc=0x88f7d140,
    s=0xa378dea "test", ' ' <repeats 44 times>, "\tsomething", ' ' <repeats 39 t
imes>, '¥' <repeats 103 times>...,
    e=0xa378dee ' ' <repeats 44 times>, "\tsomething", ' ' <repeats 39 times>, '
¥' <repeats 107 times>...) at ctype-utf8.c:1765
1765      if (s >= e)
1768      c= s[0];
1769      if (c < 0x80)
1771        *pwc = c;
1772        return 1;
1862    }
my_ismbchar_utf8 (cs=0x8602320,
    b=0xa378dea "test", ' ' <repeats 44 times>, "\tsomething", ' ' <repeats 39 t
imes>, '¥' <repeats 103 times>...,
    e=0xa378dee ' ' <repeats 44 times>, "\tsomething", ' ' <repeats 39 times>, '
¥' <repeats 107 times>...) at ctype-utf8.c:2288
2288      return (res>1) ? res : 0;
2289    }
my_charpos_mb (cs=0x8602320,
    pos=0xa378deb "est", ' ' <repeats 44 times>, "\tsomething", ' ' <repeats 39
times>, '¥' <repeats 104 times>...,
    end=0xa378dee ' ' <repeats 44 times>, "\tsomething", ' ' <repeats 39 times>,
 '¥' <repeats 107 times>..., length=16) at ctype-mb.c:261
261         length--;
257       while (length && pos < end)
260         pos+= (mblen= my_ismbchar(cs, pos, end)) ? mblen : 1;
my_ismbchar_utf8 (cs=0x8602320,
    b=0xa378deb "est", ' ' <repeats 44 times>, "\tsomething", ' ' <repeats 39 ti
mes>, '¥' <repeats 104 times>...,
    e=0xa378dee ' ' <repeats 44 times>, "\tsomething", ' ' <repeats 39 times>, '
¥' <repeats 107 times>...) at ctype-utf8.c:2287
2287      int  res=my_utf8_uni(cs,&wc, (const uchar*)b, (const uchar*)e);
my_utf8_uni (cs=0x8602320, pwc=0x88f7d140,
    s=0xa378deb "est", ' ' <repeats 44 times>, "\tsomething", ' ' <repeats 39 ti
mes>, '¥' <repeats 104 times>...,
    e=0xa378dee ' ' <repeats 44 times>, "\tsomething", ' ' <repeats 39 times>, '
¥' <repeats 107 times>...) at ctype-utf8.c:1765
1765      if (s >= e)
1768      c= s[0];
1769      if (c < 0x80)
1771        *pwc = c;
1772        return 1;
1862    }
my_ismbchar_utf8 (cs=0x8602320,
    b=0xa378deb "est", ' ' <repeats 44 times>, "\tsomething", ' ' <repeats 39 ti
mes>, '¥' <repeats 104 times>...,
    e=0xa378dee ' ' <repeats 44 times>, "\tsomething", ' ' <repeats 39 times>, '
¥' <repeats 107 times>...) at ctype-utf8.c:2288
2288      return (res>1) ? res : 0;
2289    }
my_charpos_mb (cs=0x8602320,
    pos=0xa378dec "st", ' ' <repeats 44 times>, "\tsomething", ' ' <repeats 39 t
imes>, '¥' <repeats 105 times>...,
    end=0xa378dee ' ' <repeats 44 times>, "\tsomething", ' ' <repeats 39 times>,
 '¥' <repeats 107 times>..., length=15) at ctype-mb.c:261
261         length--;
257       while (length && pos < end)
260         pos+= (mblen= my_ismbchar(cs, pos, end)) ? mblen : 1;
my_ismbchar_utf8 (cs=0x8602320,
    b=0xa378dec "st", ' ' <repeats 44 times>, "\tsomething", ' ' <repeats 39 tim
es>, '¥' <repeats 105 times>...,
    e=0xa378dee ' ' <repeats 44 times>, "\tsomething", ' ' <repeats 39 times>, '
¥' <repeats 107 times>...) at ctype-utf8.c:2287
2287      int  res=my_utf8_uni(cs,&wc, (const uchar*)b, (const uchar*)e);
my_utf8_uni (cs=0x8602320, pwc=0x88f7d140,
    s=0xa378dec "st", ' ' <repeats 44 times>, "\tsomething", ' ' <repeats 39 tim
es>, '¥' <repeats 105 times>...,
    e=0xa378dee ' ' <repeats 44 times>, "\tsomething", ' ' <repeats 39 times>, '
¥' <repeats 107 times>...) at ctype-utf8.c:1765
1765      if (s >= e)
1768      c= s[0];
1769      if (c < 0x80)
1771        *pwc = c;
1772        return 1;
1862    }
my_ismbchar_utf8 (cs=0x8602320,
    b=0xa378dec "st", ' ' <repeats 44 times>, "\tsomething", ' ' <repeats 39 tim
es>, '¥' <repeats 105 times>...,
    e=0xa378dee ' ' <repeats 44 times>, "\tsomething", ' ' <repeats 39 times>, '
¥' <repeats 107 times>...) at ctype-utf8.c:2288
2288      return (res>1) ? res : 0;
2289    }
my_charpos_mb (cs=0x8602320,
    pos=0xa378ded "t", ' ' <repeats 44 times>, "\tsomething", ' ' <repeats 39 ti
mes>, '¥' <repeats 106 times>...,
    end=0xa378dee ' ' <repeats 44 times>, "\tsomething", ' ' <repeats 39 times>,
 '¥' <repeats 107 times>..., length=14) at ctype-mb.c:261
261         length--;
257       while (length && pos < end)
260         pos+= (mblen= my_ismbchar(cs, pos, end)) ? mblen : 1;
my_ismbchar_utf8 (cs=0x8602320,
    b=0xa378ded "t", ' ' <repeats 44 times>, "\tsomething", ' ' <repeats 39 time
s>, '¥' <repeats 106 times>...,
    e=0xa378dee ' ' <repeats 44 times>, "\tsomething", ' ' <repeats 39 times>, '
¥' <repeats 107 times>...) at ctype-utf8.c:2287
2287      int  res=my_utf8_uni(cs,&wc, (const uchar*)b, (const uchar*)e);
my_utf8_uni (cs=0x8602320, pwc=0x88f7d140,
    s=0xa378ded "t", ' ' <repeats 44 times>, "\tsomething", ' ' <repeats 39 time
s>, '¥' <repeats 106 times>...,
    e=0xa378dee ' ' <repeats 44 times>, "\tsomething", ' ' <repeats 39 times>, '
¥' <repeats 107 times>...) at ctype-utf8.c:1765
1765      if (s >= e)
1768      c= s[0];
1769      if (c < 0x80)
1771        *pwc = c;
1772        return 1;
1862    }
my_ismbchar_utf8 (cs=0x8602320,
    b=0xa378ded "t", ' ' <repeats 44 times>, "\tsomething", ' ' <repeats 39 time
s>, '¥' <repeats 106 times>...,
    e=0xa378dee ' ' <repeats 44 times>, "\tsomething", ' ' <repeats 39 times>, '
¥' <repeats 107 times>...) at ctype-utf8.c:2288
2288      return (res>1) ? res : 0;
2289    }
my_charpos_mb (cs=0x8602320,
    pos=0xa378dee ' ' <repeats 44 times>, "\tsomething", ' ' <repeats 39 times>,
 '¥' <repeats 107 times>...,
    end=0xa378dee ' ' <repeats 44 times>, "\tsomething", ' ' <repeats 39 times>,
 '¥' <repeats 107 times>..., length=13) at ctype-mb.c:261
261         length--;
257       while (length && pos < end)
263       return length ? end+2-start : pos-start;
264     }
Field_varstring::key_cmp(char const*, unsigned) (this=0xa378ef8,
    key_ptr=0xa39cb00 "0", max_key_length=48) at field.cc:5463
5463      set_if_smaller(length, char_length);
Current language:  auto; currently c++
5464      return field_charset->coll->strnncollsp(field_charset,
my_strnncollsp_utf8 (cs=0x8602320,
    s=0xa378dea "test", ' ' <repeats 44 times>, "\tsomething", ' ' <repeats 39 t
imes>, '¥' <repeats 103 times>..., slen=4,
    t=0xa39cb02 "tes", ' ' <repeats 45 times>, "Z¥¥¥¥¥", tlen=48,
    diff_if_only_endspace_difference=0 '\0') at ctype-utf8.c:2059
2059      const uchar *se= s+slen, *te= t+tlen;
Current language:  auto; currently c
2062      diff_if_only_endspace_difference= 0;
2065      while ( s < se && t < te )
2068        s_res=my_utf8_uni(cs,&s_wc, s, se);
my_utf8_uni (cs=0x8602320, pwc=0x88f7d160,
    s=0xa378dea "test", ' ' <repeats 44 times>, "\tsomething", ' ' <repeats 39 t
imes>, '¥' <repeats 103 times>...,
    e=0xa378dee ' ' <repeats 44 times>, "\tsomething", ' ' <repeats 39 times>, '
¥' <repeats 107 times>...) at ctype-utf8.c:1765
1765      if (s >= e)
1768      c= s[0];
1769      if (c < 0x80)
1771        *pwc = c;
1772        return 1;
1862    }
my_strnncollsp_utf8 (cs=0x8602320,
    s=0xa378dea "test", ' ' <repeats 44 times>, "\tsomething", ' ' <repeats 39 t
imes>, '¥' <repeats 103 times>..., slen=4,
    t=0xa39cb02 "tes", ' ' <repeats 45 times>, "Z¥¥¥¥¥", tlen=48,
    diff_if_only_endspace_difference=0 '\0') at ctype-utf8.c:2069
2069        t_res=my_utf8_uni(cs,&t_wc, t, te);
my_utf8_uni (cs=0x8602320, pwc=0x88f7d15c,
    s=0xa39cb02 "tes", ' ' <repeats 45 times>, "Z¥¥¥¥¥", e=0xa39cb32 "Z¥¥¥¥¥")
    at ctype-utf8.c:1765
1765      if (s >= e)
1768      c= s[0];
1769      if (c < 0x80)
1771        *pwc = c;
1772        return 1;
1862    }
my_strnncollsp_utf8 (cs=0x8602320,
    s=0xa378dea "test", ' ' <repeats 44 times>, "\tsomething", ' ' <repeats 39 t
imes>, '¥' <repeats 103 times>..., slen=4,
    t=0xa39cb02 "tes", ' ' <repeats 45 times>, "Z¥¥¥¥¥", tlen=48,
    diff_if_only_endspace_difference=0 '\0') at ctype-utf8.c:2071
2071        if ( s_res <= 0 || t_res <= 0 )
2077        plane=(s_wc>>8) & 0xFF;
2078        s_wc = uni_plane[plane] ? uni_plane[plane][s_wc & 0xFF].sort : s_wc;
2079        plane=(t_wc>>8) & 0xFF;
2080        t_wc = uni_plane[plane] ? uni_plane[plane][t_wc & 0xFF].sort : t_wc;
2081        if ( s_wc != t_wc )
2086        s+=s_res;
2087        t+=t_res;
2065      while ( s < se && t < te )
2068        s_res=my_utf8_uni(cs,&s_wc, s, se);
my_utf8_uni (cs=0x8602320, pwc=0x88f7d160,
    s=0xa378deb "est", ' ' <repeats 44 times>, "\tsomething", ' ' <repeats 39 ti
mes>, '¥' <repeats 104 times>...,
    e=0xa378dee ' ' <repeats 44 times>, "\tsomething", ' ' <repeats 39 times>, '
¥' <repeats 107 times>...) at ctype-utf8.c:1765
1765      if (s >= e)
1768      c= s[0];
1769      if (c < 0x80)
1771        *pwc = c;
1772        return 1;
1862    }
my_strnncollsp_utf8 (cs=0x8602320,
    s=0xa378deb "est", ' ' <repeats 44 times>, "\tsomething", ' ' <repeats 39 ti
mes>, '¥' <repeats 104 times>..., slen=4,
    t=0xa39cb03 "es", ' ' <repeats 45 times>, "Z¥¥¥¥¥", tlen=48,
    diff_if_only_endspace_difference=0 '\0') at ctype-utf8.c:2069
2069        t_res=my_utf8_uni(cs,&t_wc, t, te);
my_utf8_uni (cs=0x8602320, pwc=0x88f7d15c,
    s=0xa39cb03 "es", ' ' <repeats 45 times>, "Z¥¥¥¥¥", e=0xa39cb32 "Z¥¥¥¥¥")
    at ctype-utf8.c:1765
1765      if (s >= e)
1768      c= s[0];
1769      if (c < 0x80)
1771        *pwc = c;
1772        return 1;
1862    }
my_strnncollsp_utf8 (cs=0x8602320,
    s=0xa378deb "est", ' ' <repeats 44 times>, "\tsomething", ' ' <repeats 39 ti
mes>, '¥' <repeats 104 times>..., slen=4,
    t=0xa39cb03 "es", ' ' <repeats 45 times>, "Z¥¥¥¥¥", tlen=48,
    diff_if_only_endspace_difference=0 '\0') at ctype-utf8.c:2071
2071        if ( s_res <= 0 || t_res <= 0 )
2077        plane=(s_wc>>8) & 0xFF;
2078        s_wc = uni_plane[plane] ? uni_plane[plane][s_wc & 0xFF].sort : s_wc;
2079        plane=(t_wc>>8) & 0xFF;
2080        t_wc = uni_plane[plane] ? uni_plane[plane][t_wc & 0xFF].sort : t_wc;
2081        if ( s_wc != t_wc )
2086        s+=s_res;
2087        t+=t_res;
2065      while ( s < se && t < te )
2068        s_res=my_utf8_uni(cs,&s_wc, s, se);
my_utf8_uni (cs=0x8602320, pwc=0x88f7d160,
    s=0xa378dec "st", ' ' <repeats 44 times>, "\tsomething", ' ' <repeats 39 tim
es>, '¥' <repeats 105 times>...,
    e=0xa378dee ' ' <repeats 44 times>, "\tsomething", ' ' <repeats 39 times>, '
¥' <repeats 107 times>...) at ctype-utf8.c:1765
1765      if (s >= e)
1768      c= s[0];
1769      if (c < 0x80)
1771        *pwc = c;
1772        return 1;
1862    }
my_strnncollsp_utf8 (cs=0x8602320,
    s=0xa378dec "st", ' ' <repeats 44 times>, "\tsomething", ' ' <repeats 39 tim
es>, '¥' <repeats 105 times>..., slen=4,
    t=0xa39cb04 "s", ' ' <repeats 45 times>, "Z¥¥¥¥¥", tlen=48,
    diff_if_only_endspace_difference=0 '\0') at ctype-utf8.c:2069
2069        t_res=my_utf8_uni(cs,&t_wc, t, te);
my_utf8_uni (cs=0x8602320, pwc=0x88f7d15c,
    s=0xa39cb04 "s", ' ' <repeats 45 times>, "Z¥¥¥¥¥", e=0xa39cb32 "Z¥¥¥¥¥")
    at ctype-utf8.c:1765
1765      if (s >= e)
1768      c= s[0];
1769      if (c < 0x80)
1771        *pwc = c;
1772        return 1;
1862    }
my_strnncollsp_utf8 (cs=0x8602320,
    s=0xa378dec "st", ' ' <repeats 44 times>, "\tsomething", ' ' <repeats 39 tim
es>, '¥' <repeats 105 times>..., slen=4,
    t=0xa39cb04 "s", ' ' <repeats 45 times>, "Z¥¥¥¥¥", tlen=48,
    diff_if_only_endspace_difference=0 '\0') at ctype-utf8.c:2071
2071        if ( s_res <= 0 || t_res <= 0 )
2077        plane=(s_wc>>8) & 0xFF;
2078        s_wc = uni_plane[plane] ? uni_plane[plane][s_wc & 0xFF].sort : s_wc;
2079        plane=(t_wc>>8) & 0xFF;
2080        t_wc = uni_plane[plane] ? uni_plane[plane][t_wc & 0xFF].sort : t_wc;
2081        if ( s_wc != t_wc )
2086        s+=s_res;
2087        t+=t_res;
2065      while ( s < se && t < te )
2068        s_res=my_utf8_uni(cs,&s_wc, s, se);
my_utf8_uni (cs=0x8602320, pwc=0x88f7d160,
    s=0xa378ded "t", ' ' <repeats 44 times>, "\tsomething", ' ' <repeats 39 time
s>, '¥' <repeats 106 times>...,
    e=0xa378dee ' ' <repeats 44 times>, "\tsomething", ' ' <repeats 39 times>, '
¥' <repeats 107 times>...) at ctype-utf8.c:1765
1765      if (s >= e)
1768      c= s[0];
1769      if (c < 0x80)
1771        *pwc = c;
1772        return 1;
1862    }
my_strnncollsp_utf8 (cs=0x8602320,
    s=0xa378ded "t", ' ' <repeats 44 times>, "\tsomething", ' ' <repeats 39 time
s>, '¥' <repeats 106 times>..., slen=4,
    t=0xa39cb05 ' ' <repeats 45 times>, "Z¥¥¥¥¥", tlen=48,
    diff_if_only_endspace_difference=0 '\0') at ctype-utf8.c:2069
2069        t_res=my_utf8_uni(cs,&t_wc, t, te);
my_utf8_uni (cs=0x8602320, pwc=0x88f7d15c,
    s=0xa39cb05 ' ' <repeats 45 times>, "Z¥¥¥¥¥", e=0xa39cb32 "Z¥¥¥¥¥")
    at ctype-utf8.c:1765
1765      if (s >= e)
1768      c= s[0];
1769      if (c < 0x80)
1771        *pwc = c;
1772        return 1;
1862    }
my_strnncollsp_utf8 (cs=0x8602320,
    s=0xa378ded "t", ' ' <repeats 44 times>, "\tsomething", ' ' <repeats 39 time
s>, '¥' <repeats 106 times>..., slen=4,
    t=0xa39cb05 ' ' <repeats 45 times>, "Z¥¥¥¥¥", tlen=48,
    diff_if_only_endspace_difference=0 '\0') at ctype-utf8.c:2071
2071        if ( s_res <= 0 || t_res <= 0 )
2077        plane=(s_wc>>8) & 0xFF;
2078        s_wc = uni_plane[plane] ? uni_plane[plane][s_wc & 0xFF].sort : s_wc;
2079        plane=(t_wc>>8) & 0xFF;
2080        t_wc = uni_plane[plane] ? uni_plane[plane][t_wc & 0xFF].sort : t_wc;
2081        if ( s_wc != t_wc )
2083          return  ((int) s_wc) - ((int) t_wc);
2124    }
Field_varstring::key_cmp(char const*, unsigned) (this=0xa378ef8,
    key_ptr=0xa39cb00 "0", max_key_length=48) at field.cc:5470
5470    }
Current language:  auto; currently c++
key_cmp(st_key_part_info*, char const*, unsigned) (key_part=0xa378c34,
    key=0xa39cb00 "0", key_length=50) at key.cc:433
433         if (cmp > 0)
434           return 1;
437     }
handler::compare_key(st_key_range*) (this=0xa378c60, range=0xa378ccc)
    at handler.cc:2320
2320      if (!cmp)
2322      return cmp;
2323    }
handler::read_range_first(st_key_range const*, st_key_range const*, bool, bool)
    (this=0xa378c60, start_key=0xa36c878, end_key=0xa36c884,
    eq_range_arg=false, sorted=false) at handler.cc:2259
2259    }
handler::read_multi_range_first(st_key_multi_range**, st_key_multi_range*, unsig
ned, bool, st_handler_buffer*) (this=0xa378c60, found_range_p=0x88f7d308,
    ranges=0xa36c878, range_count=1, sorted=false, buffer=0x0)
    at handler.cc:2127
2127        if (result != HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE)
2117      for (multi_range_curr= ranges, multi_range_end= ranges + range_count;
2131      *found_range_p= multi_range_curr;
2132      DBUG_PRINT("exit",("result %d", result));
2133      DBUG_RETURN(result);
_db_return_ (_line_=2133, _sfunc_=0x88f7d298, _sfile_=0x88f7d294,
    _slevel_=0x88f7d290) at dbug.c:800
800       if (!_no_db_)
Current language:  auto; currently c
845     }
handler::read_multi_range_first(st_key_multi_range**, st_key_multi_range*, unsig
ned, bool, st_handler_buffer*) (this=0xa378c60, found_range_p=0x88f7d308,
    ranges=0xa36c878, range_count=1, sorted=false, buffer=0x0)
    at handler.cc:2134
2134    }
Current language:  auto; currently c++
QUICK_RANGE_SELECT::get_next() (this=0xa37f7d8) at opt_range.cc:6054
6054        if (result != HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE)
6059        in_range= FALSE; /* No matching rows; go to next set of ranges. */
6005      for (;;)
6007        if (in_range)
6018        uint count= min(multi_range_length, ranges.elements -
6020        if (count == 0)
6023          in_range= FALSE;
_db_return_ (_line_=6024, _sfunc_=0x88f7d2fc, _sfile_=0x88f7d2f8,
    _slevel_=0x88f7d2f4) at dbug.c:800
800       if (!_no_db_)
Current language:  auto; currently c
845     }
QUICK_RANGE_SELECT::get_next() (this=0xa37f7d8) at opt_range.cc:6061
6061    }
Current language:  auto; currently c++
rr_quick (info=0x88f7d49c) at records.cc:159
159         if (info->thd->killed)
164         if (tmp != HA_ERR_RECORD_DELETED)
166           if (tmp == HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE)
167             tmp= -1;
178       return tmp;
179     }
mysql_update(THD*, st_table_list*, List<Item>&, List<Item>&, Item*, unsigned, st
_order*, unsigned long, enum_duplicates, bool) (thd=0xa37d1c0,
    table_list=0xa3749d8, fields=@0xa37d44c, values=@0xa37d608,
    conds=0xa374d38, order_num=0, order=0x0, limit=4294967295,
    handle_duplicates=DUP_ERROR, ignore=false) at sql_update.cc:456
456       if (thd->killed && !error)
[22 Mar 2005 19:14] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:

[22 Mar 2005 19:22] Sergei Golubchik
Thank you for your bug report. This issue has been committed to our
source repository of that product and will be incorporated into the
next release.

If necessary, you can access the source repository and build the latest
available version, including the bugfix, yourself. More information 
about accessing the source trees is available at

Additional info:

Fixed in 5.0.3!