Bug #93325 "Help Index" menu item under "Help" doesn't work
Submitted: 24 Nov 2018 7:20 Modified: 26 Nov 2018 6:07
Reporter: Yoichi Kawanishi Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S7 (Test Cases)
Version:8.0.13 OS:MacOS (macOS 10.13.x High Sierra x86_64)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: WBBugReporter

[24 Nov 2018 7:20] Yoichi Kawanishi
When attempting to use the 'Help Index' menu option under 'Help', some window is displayed in an instant and closed immediately. My "wb.log" said as follows;
15:45:32 [ERR][ utilities]: Could not open URL (null)

How to repeat:
Run MySQL Workbench. Open the Help menu. Click 'Help Index'
[26 Nov 2018 6:07] MySQL Verification Team
Hello Yoichi Kawanishi,

Thank you for the report.
Verified as described on macOS 10.14.x Mojave.
