Bug #93075 ODBC 32 Bits Issue
Submitted: 4 Nov 2018 16:54 Modified: 4 Nov 2018 23:35
Reporter: Dries Bakker Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench: Migration Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:8.0.13 OS:Windows (10 Pro)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:x86 (64 Bits)

[4 Nov 2018 16:54] Dries Bakker
MySQL Workbench has a 64-bit executable.
It is not possible to use the 32Bits ODBC driver / DNS
The Office 365 is 32Bits and the program MySQLWorkbench.exe can only work with the ODBC 64 Bits version.

I have tried to install the mysql-installer-community- 32Bit installer.msi file but then I get the same problem again.

How to repeat:

Suggested fix:
Test which Office to use 32 Bits or 64Bits and then call the correct driver
[4 Nov 2018 17:24] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report. I had the same issue and the only way to solve the issue was to remove the Office 365 32 bits and install the version 64 bit what you are asking to use ODBC 32 bits with 64 bit application is unsupported.
[4 Nov 2018 23:35] Dries Bakker
Miguel Solorzano Thank you for the quick response. I have a lot of code to the Access database so I will have to adjust a lot. When I switch to the office 365 64 Bits version.