Bug #92657 ODBC 5.3.11 Breaks MS Access compatibility
Submitted: 3 Oct 2018 14:55 Modified: 3 Oct 2018 19:32
Reporter: Joe Galante Email Updates:
Status: Not a Bug Impact on me:
Category:Connector / ODBC Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version: OS:Windows
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:x86

[3 Oct 2018 14:55] Joe Galante
Using Access 2016 linked tables with linux mysql server 8.0.11 and mysql odbc windows driver version 5.3.10 with no issues. Using odbc 5.3.11 or later causes MS access to show #deleted in some rows if there is any text type fields that have text in them. If the text type fields are all null, empty or changed to varchar, the issue goes away.

How to repeat:
Link mysql table containing a text fields with text entered to mcaccess 2016 using odbc driver 5.3.11 or later then view the table in access.
[3 Oct 2018 16:40] MySQL Verification Team
Please read to use primary key column and timestamp.

[3 Oct 2018 19:32] Joe Galante
Thank you. I'm well aware of the PK and timestamp requirements as well as the odbc driver options required for use with MS Access. This issue is easy to duplicate and is not related to missing PK or timestamp columns.