Bug #91676 Workbench:Start/Stop server not working
Submitted: 17 Jul 2018 11:17 Modified: 18 Jul 2018 5:48
Reporter: Shane Huang Email Updates:
Status: Can't repeat Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench: Administration Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:8.0.11 OS:Windows (Microsoft Windows 10 Pro for Workstations)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:x86 (Intel CORE i7 7th Gen)
Tags: WBBugReporter

[17 Jul 2018 11:17] Shane Huang
In the latest version of workbench, the functionality of starting and stopping the server is not working. I connected to the local MySQL server through workbench administration and then tried to shut down the server. 
I push the stop server button but workbench reports the server is still running. 
It is indeed still running. The workbench cannot stop the server.
2018-07-17 19:05:17 - Workbench will use cmd shell commands to start/stop this instance
2018-07-17 19:05:17 - Server is running
2018-07-17 19:05:29 - Server stop done.
2018-07-17 19:05:29 - Checking server status...
2018-07-17 19:05:29 - MySQL server is currently running
2018-07-17 19:05:29 - Checking server status...
2018-07-17 19:05:29 - MySQL server is currently running
The same thing happen when I try to start the server via the workbench.
It cannot start the server neither.

I can start/stop the server via cmd:
net stop MySQL80
net start MySQL80
Both of the above commands work fine.

How to repeat:
1. Run the workbench;
2. Connect to the local server;
3. push the stop server button.
[17 Jul 2018 11:18] Shane Huang
Attach the log file.

Attachment: wb.log (application/octet-stream, text), 9.79 KiB.

[17 Jul 2018 11:38] MySQL Verification Team
Stop and Start Server

Attachment: stop-start.png (image/png, text), 364.74 KiB.

[17 Jul 2018 11:40] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report. I couldn't repeat, please see attached screenshot.
[17 Jul 2018 12:00] MySQL Verification Team
Reopen, tested with 6.3.10. So I will test again.
[17 Jul 2018 12:10] MySQL Verification Team
Now testing with 8.0.11 rc and couldn't repeat too.
[18 Jul 2018 5:48] Shane Huang
I tried today, it is still reproducible.
2018-07-18 13:44:43 - Workbench will use cmd shell commands to start/stop this instance
2018-07-18 13:44:43 - Server is running
2018-07-18 13:44:47 - Server stop done.
2018-07-18 13:44:47 - Checking server status...
2018-07-18 13:44:47 - MySQL server is currently running
2018-07-18 13:44:47 - Checking server status...
2018-07-18 13:44:47 - MySQL server is currently running
2018-07-18 13:44:53 - Server stop done.
2018-07-18 13:44:53 - Checking server status...
2018-07-18 13:44:53 - MySQL server is currently running
2018-07-18 13:44:53 - Checking server status...
2018-07-18 13:44:53 - MySQL server is currently running

Is there any other log may helpful for reproduction or investigation?
[4 Dec 2018 10:10] Marcio Lima
I have de same problem, using Workbench 8.0.13
[23 Feb 2019 9:10] Patrick Boers
I also have the same issue. 

2019-02-23 10:05:00 - Workbench will use cmd shell commands to start/stop this instance
2019-02-23 10:05:00 - Server is running
2019-02-23 10:05:10 - Server stop done.
2019-02-23 10:05:10 - Checking server status...
2019-02-23 10:05:10 - MySQL server is currently running
2019-02-23 10:05:10 - Checking server status...
2019-02-23 10:05:10 - MySQL server is currently running

I'm using 8.0.15

I only can start/stop my server using services.msc
[26 Feb 2019 2:11] Anthony Gerhardt
I'm also having this issue with a fresh installation. The server was spun up automatically by the installer, but it will not shutdown through MySQL Workbench 

2019-02-25 21:05:02 - Workbench will use cmd shell commands to start/stop this instance
2019-02-25 21:05:05 - Server stop done.
2019-02-25 21:05:05 - Checking server status...
2019-02-25 21:05:05 - MySQL server is currently running
2019-02-25 21:05:05 - Checking server status...
2019-02-25 21:05:05 - MySQL server is currently running
2019-02-25 21:05:43 - Server stop done.

MySQL Workbench 8.0.15
[25 Jun 2019 19:18] Corey Funk
I had this issue after migrating my MySQL server from 5.7 to 8.0 (by uninstalling the old version, then installing the new one with the MySQL Installer application) on Windows 7. It turns out that the new instance was still using the old instance's configuration data, including the Windows service name used to start and stop the service. You can check the following file:


Make sure all directory paths (basedir, datadir, and sys.config.path) are pointing to the correct MySQL version path, and verify that the sys.mysqld.service_name value matches the MySQL service name in Windows Services. Update any incorrect values, and restart MySQL Workbench.
[22 Jul 2019 23:41] Paul Fenton
I am having the same issue: unable to stop server from MYSQL Workbench after upgrading to 8.0.11 Community Edition (Win 10, Intel CORE i7)
[22 Jul 2019 23:48] Paul Fenton
Corey Funk's solution worked for me. 

The server_instances.xml file key 'sys.config.path' pointed to the old MySql 5.7 my.ini file. Manually changing the key to the correct path for MySQL 8.0 fixed the issue.
[23 Jul 2019 11:13] Marcio Lima
My issue was resolved after I adjusted the service name in the server_instances.xml file.

Thanks Corey Funk for the tip.