Bug #91640 Workbench 8 cannot export from MySQL 5.7
Submitted: 14 Jul 2018 21:49 Modified: 19 Sep 2018 21:44
Reporter: Nicolai Cornelis Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench: Administration Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:8.0.11, 8.0.12 OS:MacOS
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[14 Jul 2018 21:49] Nicolai Cornelis

I had some issues with exporting emojis when using utf8mb4, so I tried downloading the latest RC of Workbench because a different bug report stated this had been fixed.

However, Workbench 8 can't export from MySQL 5.7 at all, which I am under the impression that it should be able to.

The problem is that Workbench does not disable COLUMN_STATISTICS which don't seem to exist in 5.7, and there is not option to disable it under Advanced Options when exporting.

The error is:

Couldn't execute 'SELECT COLUMN_NAME,                       JSON_EXTRACT(HISTOGRAM, '$."number-of-buckets-specified"')                FROM information_schema.COLUMN_STATISTICS                WHERE SCHEMA_NAME = 'databasebame' AND TABLE_NAME = 'firsttablename';': Unknown table 'COLUMN_STATISTICS' in information_schema (1109)

How to repeat:
Install MySQL 5.7 and Workbench 8.0

Use the Data Export tool to export any database.

Suggested fix:
Add an option to disable column statistics, such that mysqldump can be called with --column-statistics=0 which should fix this problem. Or make Workbench detect MySQL versions that don't have this option and add it automatically.

Suggesting that I install MySQL 8 is not an option, since the data that needs exporting and has emojis (the reason for using Workbench 8) resides in 5.7 server.
[17 Jul 2018 11:37] Chiranjeevi Battula
Hello Nick Cornelis,

Thank you for the bug report.
I could not repeat the issue at our end using with MySQL workbench 8.0.11 version.
Could you please provide repeatable steps (exact steps, dump file, screenshots etc. - please make it as private if you prefer) to confirm this issue at our end?

[18 Jul 2018 1:24] Nicolai Cornelis

Install MySQL 5.7.22.

Create any database with any content.

Connect to the instance with MySQL Workbench 8.0.11 for Mac.

Use Data Export tool and select the database you've created.

Observe the error as originally posted. I just tried this on a clean install of MySQL 5.7.22:

mysqldump: Couldn't execute 'SELECT COLUMN_NAME,                       JSON_EXTRACT(HISTOGRAM, '$."number-of-buckets-specified"')                FROM information_schema.COLUMN_STATISTICS                WHERE SCHEMA_NAME = 'test' AND TABLE_NAME = 'new_table';': Unknown table 'column_statistics' in information_schema (1109)

Operation failed with exitcode 2
[1 Aug 2018 9:02] psy ray
Same problem for me, database server which are lower than 8.0 can't export schema with error (see capture attached)

mysqldump: Couldn't execute 'SELECT COLUMN_NAME,                       JSON_EXTRACT(HISTOGRAM, '$."number-of-buckets-specified"')                FROM information_schema.COLUMN_STATISTICS                WHERE SCHEMA_NAME = 'alphavisa' AND TABLE_NAME = 'abstract';': Unknown table 'COLUMN_STATISTICS' in information_schema (1109)

Tested with WB 8.0.12
[1 Aug 2018 9:04] psy ray
Error returned while dumping mysql 5.5 server database

Attachment: Sélection_469.jpg (image/jpeg, text), 67.85 KiB.

[1 Aug 2018 9:05] psy ray
Mysql version used

Attachment: Sélection_470.jpg (image/jpeg, text), 20.44 KiB.

[1 Aug 2018 9:06] psy ray
Mysql 5.5 Server status

Attachment: Sélection_471.jpg (image/jpeg, text), 80.59 KiB.

[8 Aug 2018 8:08] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the feedback.
Verified as described with WB 8.0.12.

13:36:33 Dumping test (keyvalue)
Running: /Applications/MySQLWorkbench.app/Contents/MacOS/mysqldump --defaults-file="/var/folders/y6/c311gthd0h9277vr1b__t6x40000gn/T/tmpR8Z3PU/extraparams.cnf"  --user=ushastry --host=hod03.no.oracle.com --protocol=tcp --port=3333 --default-character-set=utf8 --skip-triggers "test" "keyvalue"
mysqldump: Couldn't execute 'SELECT COLUMN_NAME,                       JSON_EXTRACT(HISTOGRAM, '$."number-of-buckets-specified"')                FROM information_schema.COLUMN_STATISTICS                WHERE SCHEMA_NAME = 'test' AND TABLE_NAME = 'keyvalue';': Unknown table 'COLUMN_STATISTICS' in information_schema (1109)

Operation failed with exitcode 2
13:36:43 Export of /Users/umshastr/dumps/Dump20180808 (1) has finished with 1 errors
[9 Aug 2018 7:39] Mike Lischke
Posted by developer:
See also: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51614140/how-to-disable-column-statistics-in-mysql-8-p..., where a number of workarounds are presented.
[19 Sep 2018 21:44] Christine Cole
Posted by developer:
Fixed as of the upcoming MySQL Workbench 8.0.13 release, and here's the changelog entry:

An error with the following message was generated when the export
operation was executed on tables from an earlier server version: Unknown
table 'COLUMN_STATISTICS' in information_schema (1109). 

Because the version of mysqldump used with the operation can differ from that of the
target server, some features may not be exported as expected when the
versions are mismatched. A warning message now provides a description of
the condition, along with instructions to resolve the version mismatch, or
the option to continue anyway.

Thank you for the bug report.
[23 Oct 2018 15:05] Flavio Escobar
I'm using 8.0.13 and still get this error.
[23 Oct 2018 17:52] Flavio Escobar
Actually we can use an advanced option in Workbench to disable column statistics as per https://stackoverflow.com/a/52944315/1694902 - see below:

1. Go to Management/Data export
2. Choose the schema to export in the 'Tables to export' list
3. Click the 'Advanced Options...' button (top right)
4. Search for the option 'Other/column-statistics'
5. Set the value to 0
6. Click the 'Return' button (top right)

According to the author of this post, "Unfortunately, you'll have to do that every time you start MySQL Workbench."
[13 Jan 2019 16:05] Carlos Lopez
Not the best solution, but it works.
 Donwgrade Workbench to v.6.3.10 which is available in https://downloads.mysql.com/archives/workbench/

Now the backup works with no problem

Hope it can helps to all with the same problem.
[22 Jan 2019 17:23] Scott Roberson
Thanks Carlos Lopez. I used your link and downloaded that version of MySQLWorkbench.  Then, when I mounted the .dmg file, I right-clicked on that and selected Show Package contents.  I then navigated to Contents/MacOS and copied the 'mysqldump` to my home folder (where I have a 'bin' folder).

Then, in MySQLWorkbench, i edited the Preferences and pointed it at my version of mysqldump.  

Export worked perfectly.  I didn't have to make an alias and set flags, etc.
[29 Jan 2019 16:57] Bill Karwin
This bug needs to be reopened, because the option has disappeared in Workbench 8.0.14.

Workbench 8.0.13 added an advanced option to disable the column-statistics behavior, which is fine. Even though it's weird that one has to enter "0" to disable. It should be a checkbox, not a text field, because the option is either on, or skipped (corresponding to the --skip-column-statistics flag of mysqldump).
[5 Feb 2019 22:26] Mark DasGupta
Althought this thread specifies MacOS, I had the issue on a windows machine running 8.0.12.  Tried downgrading to Workbench 6.3 and this works fine, just not an ideal solution.  Noted today that Workbench 8.0.15 is on general release which I have installed and can report is now working correctly.
[5 Feb 2019 22:45] Mark DasGupta
Update to last post:  Sadly 8.0.15 does have the same problem after all.
[8 Feb 2019 23:14] Carlos Rene Garcia Caballero
Confirmed the problem persists can not  export and  the option  has gone
mysql:5.7  Workbench 8.0.15
[8 Feb 2019 23:25] Carlos Rene Garcia Caballero
I have downgraded to version 8.0.13 ,and  now the  option "columns statistic.." appears. I was able to  backup  my  database 5.7
[12 Feb 2019 17:04] MySQL Verification Team
https://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=94294 marked as duplicate of this one.
[12 Feb 2019 17:16] John Coleman
How do we get this re-opened for 8.0.15? It has regressed.
[13 Feb 2019 15:28] Bill Karwin
This bug was reported again in https://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=94294 and it sounds like it will be attended to.
[13 Feb 2019 15:30] John Coleman
Yep, I reported 94294. :)