Bug #91455 Implement core dump size reduction.
Submitted: 28 Jun 2018 8:34 Modified: 29 Jun 2018 4:52
Reporter: Jean-François Gagné Email Updates:
Status: Duplicate Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version: OS:Linux
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[28 Jun 2018 8:34] Jean-François Gagné

as described in a blog post which I will put the link in comments (this bug is opened before publishing the post as I am linking to this in the post), the core dump sizes are inflated by many buffers that are not necessary needed for understanding the reason of a crash.  Excluding those buffer using the MADV_DONTDUMP flag of the madvise system call (available since Linux 3.4) would make working with core dumps much easier.  Some non-exhaustive list of such buffer is:

-InnoDB Buffer Pool
-InnoDB Redo Log buffer

The benefit would be the following:

-need less disk space to store core dumps,
-reduce the time required to write core dumps (and hence restart MySQL after a crash),
-make it easier to share core dump with support because it is smaller (uploading a 192 GB file in a support ticket is problematic)
-improve security by omitting substantial amount of user data from core dumps.

Please consider implementing core dump size reduction by excluding large buffers from core dump.

Many thanks,


How to repeat:
Generate a core dump on a MySQL instance with a 64GB+ InnoDB Buffer Pool.

Suggested fix:
Please consider implementing core dump size reduction by excluding large buffers from core dump.
[28 Jun 2018 12:47] Jean-François Gagné
The blog post I am referring to in the description is the following:
[28 Jun 2018 13:58] Laurynas Biveinis
Duplicate of bug 66826?
[29 Jun 2018 4:52] MySQL Verification Team
Hello Jean,

Thank you for the reasonable feature request.
As Laurynas pointed, this is duplicate of Bug #66826.
