Bug #90961 MySQL 8.0 Requirements for DDL Audit Log Table Records
Submitted: 22 May 2018 9:15 Modified: 23 May 2018 0:49
Reporter: Wang Wei Email Updates:
Status: Not a Bug Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:MySQL8.0 OS:Any
Assigned to: MySQL Verification Team CPU Architecture:Any

[22 May 2018 9:15] Wang Wei
MySQL 8.0 Requirements for DDL Audit Log Table Records

How to repeat:
MySQL 8.0 Requirements for DDL Audit Log Table Records

Suggested fix:
In online production, especially in the MySQL management of large-scale clusters, DDL changes become more frequent, and this DDL audit has not been. MySQL8.0 has DDL audit function, but only in DEBUG mode. can be seen. In normal production, the DBA needs to understand the history of table changes to understand the use of tables by the business: whether the table settings are reasonable, whether the index is reasonable, the history of submitting DDL changes, the time of change, and the content of changes. And so on, this will help DBA to guide R&D staff to use MySQL more reasonably. For important database tables, such as users, orders and other financial-grade databases, you need to audit each time the table is more.
Since it is not currently possible to open the DEBUG model in a formal environment, the DBA audit of these changes can only be recorded by means of a process, so that the history of query changes needs to be viewed in the process, and these audit records cannot be viewed directly in MySQL. This is a tedious task for the DBA. If you can open this function and record it in the MySQL system table, it will greatly improve the convenience of DBA operation and maintenance, and it can also be easily viewed in the MySQL automated operation and maintenance system. These records simplify the operation and maintenance process and maintenance costs.
It is eager for MySQL to open the DDL audit function and record it in the system table in the official version.
[23 May 2018 0:49] MySQL Verification Team

This is really not a bug.

We agree audit is something you really need but we also believe this is an Enterprise feature and we do provide full auditing for Enterprise customers. You can read more here: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/audit-log.html

As for the community, you are free to use the provided framework to create an audit plugin that would perfectly fit your needs:

kind regards