----[For better reports, please attach the log file after submitting. You can find it in C:\Users\nh228uf.CSD\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\log\wb.log]
When switching the Windows screen to high contrast mode (for use by a person with a vision impairment), some parts of the Workbench display do not change. In particular, the script panes and the navigator pane are not affected. Since the script pane is critical to writing SQL script, this is a problem for the user.
Additionally, some rows in the output pane change to black background with black text. The examples with this condition were output from USE statements and with CALL statements. An example not affected in this way is the output associated with a SELECT statement.
NOTE: This is a shared computer is being used in a classroom environment, so display switching is done on a per-student basis.
How to repeat:
Open Windows, right-click on the Desktop and choose "Personalize". Select one of the available High Contrast Modes. Open Workbench, load, and run a SQL script.
Suggested fix:
Make changes to the styling process for the script pane so it will be responsive to high contrast mode or make a high contrast styling option for the script pane.