Bug #90449 New User, Data and IO Stats to Improve Visibility and Troubleshooting
Submitted: 16 Apr 2018 12:15
Reporter: Lerato Tjikana Email Updates:
Status: Open Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Web Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:3.4 OS:Linux
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:x86
Tags: Data Carriage Statistics, Detailed User Statistics, Storage IO Statistics for MySQL Storage Devices

[16 Apr 2018 12:15] Lerato Tjikana

There are a couple of features that I think if grouped together on within MEM would make our lives as DBA's much more easier in terms of Troubleshooting Database environments as well as providing meaningfull statistics from a Database Point of View to the Application developers for example.

How to repeat:
New Feature's

Suggested fix:
1.	DB User Usage Statistics:

Usage by DB User’s (In Isolation and in Relation to total Instance Usage for All other Users)

•	SQL Hits by User:
i.	Total Transactions (highest to lowest with drilldown)
ii.	Total Queries (highest to lowest with drilldown)
iii.	Total Statements (highest to lowest with drilldown)
•	User Stats per DB Schema, Per Table
i.	Total User Connections
	Frequency (How many times in a given period)
ii.	Query Type (Drilldown for to SQL Hits by User)
	Transactions
	Queries
	Statements
iii.	Peaks & Lows
iv.	Performance Degradation Contribution (%) – Per Query and for all queries that particular user runs over the entire DB Instance (Latency)

2.	Data Carriage Statistics: (KB/MB/GB)

Total Data Transported within the DB @ the Instance Level: (Periods Apply of course)

•	Total Data persisted into the: 
i.	InnoDB Buffer Pool
	Doublewrite Buffer??
ii.	Binary, Relay, Slow, General Logs
iii.	Disk (Into data files)
	Index
	Data
•	Total Data extracted out of the:
i.	InnoDB Buffer Pool
ii.	Disk (Out of data files)
	Index (how Much of the Index file was Queried)
	Data (how Much of the data file was Queried)
	Data Temperature Monitoring (New Feature)
a.	Cold, Cool, Warm & Hot Data Advisor (Based on above Index+Data Stats)
3.	Storage IO Statistics on MySQL Devices: (Based on iostat tool)
•	Total IOPS 
•	Wait %
•	Wait Que Size
•	Read Speed
•	Write Speed
4.	Slow Query Statistics:
•	Slowest Query by:
i.	Period
ii.	Type
iii.	User (Linked to Performance Degradation Contribution (%))