Bug #90267 MySQL Workbench dejó de funcionar.
Submitted: 30 Mar 2018 20:40 Modified: 22 Jun 2018 22:04
Reporter: Ivan Cabrera Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench: Modeling Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:6.3.10 OS:Windows (Microsoft Windows 10 Education)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any (x64 Core i5 7th Gen.)
Tags: WBBugReporter

[30 Mar 2018 20:40] Ivan Cabrera
----[For better reports, please attach the log file after submitting. You can find it in C:\Users\HEC_I\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\log\wb.log]

It can´t synchronize a model of 175 tables with database because throw a window with message "MySQL Workbench dejó de funcionar" and then it closes.

I test it on Windows and Mac OS Sierra.

How to repeat:
1.-Have a database with many tables (over 100 tables) running in MySQL Server or MariaDB.
2.-Have the model of the database outdated (with some tables or some columns of tables outdated) and it must has tables that database hasn´t.
3.-Open the model outdated.
4.-Choose the option Database->Synchronize model
5.-Choose the connection where is the database and click next.
6.-Check the 3 options of Compare Options section.
7.-Uncheck the 2 options of Generation Options section and click next.
8.-In Select schemata click next  and verify the db engine is innoDB
9.-In Retrieve Objects click next.
10.-In Select Changes to Apply, select schema (first row) and click on Update Model (verify that all tables of database are with the icon for Update Model).
11.-Click on Ignore Button for new tables of model that aren´t in database.
12.-Click next.
13.-In Review DB Changes, check the option "Skip DB Changes and update model only".
14.-Click on Execute.
15.Wait about 5 seconds and then view the message dialog "MySQL Workbench dejó de funcionar" :(.

Suggested fix:
For an alternative solution I had to synchronize for groups of tables of database (each 20 tables synchronize the model until finish with all.).
[31 Mar 2018 1:47] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report. Please provide the dump file of the database and model file to begin the test with step 1. Thanks.
[31 Mar 2018 4:24] Ivan Cabrera
I had uploaded the files for only developers to replay the bug.
[2 Apr 2018 10:48] Chiranjeevi Battula
Hello Ivan Cabrera,

Thank you for the bug report.
Verified this behavior on MySQL Workbench in 6.3.10 version.

[2 Apr 2018 10:49] Chiranjeevi Battula

Attachment: Bug_90267.PNG (image/png, text), 198.93 KiB.

[2 Apr 2018 15:35] Ivan Cabrera
Thank you Chiranjeevi, that is the bug.
[5 Apr 2018 16:46] Ivan Cabrera
Could the bug be fixed?
[3 May 2018 19:16] Ivan Cabrera
Hi, was the problem solved?
[22 May 2018 10:17] Milosz Bodzek
Posted by developer:
Hi, thank you for the bug report. Can you please check on 8.0.11?
[22 Jun 2018 22:04] Ivan Cabrera
I checked with version but it does not work either. :(