Bug #90125 MySQL Workbench reverts stored procedure changes if they cannot be applied
Submitted: 19 Mar 2018 12:36 Modified: 20 Mar 2018 7:47
Reporter: Jonathan Shyman Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:6.3.10 OS:MacOS
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[19 Mar 2018 12:36] Jonathan Shyman
When executing a long-running query in one query tab and attempting to modify an existing stored procedure in another, MySQL workbench will reject the stored procedure update/apply with a std::exception error and then will revert any changes made in the stored procedure.

While the blocking is understandable, though older (< 6.1.7) versions of Workbench did not behave this way, the reversion of changes is inconvenient and a significant time waster.

How to repeat:
1. Connect to a database and open a query tab
2. Run a long running query
3. Modify an existing stored procedure in the same database connection. It will open in a new tab.
4. Hit apply to apply the changes.
5. Get the std::exception error
6. Notice any changes made to the stored procedure were reverted

Suggested fix:
Behavior up to step 5 is expected.

Step 6 shouldn't happen
[20 Mar 2018 7:47] MySQL Verification Team
Hello Jonathan,

Thank you for the report.
This is observed even with WB 6.3.10 on Win7.
Stored procedure changes are reverted as soon as we click "back" or "finish" or even close the pop up dialog box's "x".
