Bug #90085 Make JSON_SEARCH work for non-strings
Submitted: 15 Mar 2018 9:33 Modified: 16 Mar 2018 4:53
Reporter: Georgi Kodinov Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: JSON Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:5.7+ OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[15 Mar 2018 9:33] Georgi Kodinov
This is a follow-up feature request from bug #79233.

People still need to find non-strings in JSON. So adding it as a feature request.

How to repeat:
See bug #79233: SELECT JSON_SEARCH( '{"a": "1", "b": 2 }', 'one', 2);

Suggested fix:
Make JSON_SEARCH (or a version of it) that works for non-strings.
[16 Mar 2018 4:53] MySQL Verification Team
Hello Joro,

Thank you for the feature request!

[7 Apr 2020 13:02] MySQL Verification Team
This feature request is the original for the following feature request:
