Bug #8990 | Feature request for new way to clear query cache when table changes | ||
Submitted: | 6 Mar 2005 14:29 | Modified: | 26 Jun 2005 9:09 |
Reporter: | Tore Krudtaa | Email Updates: | |
Status: | Open | Impact on me: | |
Category: | MySQL Server: Query Cache | Severity: | S4 (Feature request) |
Version: | OS: | Any (ALL) | |
Assigned to: | CPU Architecture: | Any |
[6 Mar 2005 14:29]
Tore Krudtaa
[29 Mar 2005 9:36]
[ name withheld ]
A way to implement that: querys: select xxx1 where cond1 select xxx2 where cond2 ... select xxxn where condn update: update xxx where cond this should delete from cache all those queries having condx and cond not separate sets. (example: cond3 - "color = black", cond - "color = red" are separate sets, so the updated row won't change query result). Some work should be done to handle logic operators. also queries don't change if atributes(xxx_z) union atributes (cond_z) and atributes(xxx) are separate. and some more heuristics can be found, so it can be a viable solution. this should improve the average web server performance
[26 Jun 2005 9:09]
Tore Krudtaa
As I said in my initial Feature Request, what would be the most important thing for me, is to make this work against a part of the primary index, see my example. I do not care about other fields used in the where statement (other may do so). If I can control which parts of primary index for a given table that triggers which part of the query cache for a given table to empty I would very happy, and so would my customers. Regarding my initial example: An items table: MemID (member id or customer id or similar) IteID (unique record for a given member) CatID IteName ItePrice IteQty Where primary index are of these fields: MemID IteID select sql_cache IteName from items where MemID=3 and CatID=40 Today this works like a charm exept that if an update is done using another MemID than the cached query above, my query will still be cleared from memory. For me it would be really practical to be able to do something like this: select sql_cache clear_cache using (MemID) IteName from items where MemID=3 and CatID=40 where the part "clear_cache (MemID)" is not valid today. Or same thing could eventually be done at table creation where table creator instruct MySql how to treat clearing of cache The important thing for me is to be able to tell which part of primary index, whole primary index or eventually some other index to be used as basis for telling MySql which records to clear from cache for a given table. However if it possible to do it in a manner that solve my problem and also optionally take into consideration other fields in the where part, then that would be awsome....... To the MySql team..... Keep up the good work!