Bug #8972 Created Users cannot be found in Manage Users, but exist elsewhere
Submitted: 5 Mar 2005 1:48 Modified: 23 Apr 2005 1:14
Reporter: P.J. Gifford Email Updates:
Status: No Feedback Impact on me:
Category:Eventum Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:1.5 OS:Linux (Linux (Debian))
Assigned to: Assigned Account CPU Architecture:Any

[5 Mar 2005 1:48] P.J. Gifford
I created two users and got confirmation that they were created, but they do not show up in the lower section of the Manage Users screen.

Existing Users:
	 Full Name 	 Role 	 Email Address 	 Status 	 Group
No users could be found.

BUT, the two users are there when I create projects or Issues.

How to repeat:
I just downloaded Eventum today and after installing and logging in, I entered the Administration screen and started by adding users... that's it.  My total Eventum usage time at that point was less than 10 minutes.

As each user was submitted, I got the confirmation just above the user info stating that the operation was successful.
[21 Mar 2005 20:41] Bryan Alsdorf
Do any errors show up in /path-to-eventum/logs/errors.log?
[22 Mar 2005 3:37] P.J. Gifford
There is nothing the the errors.log file (file size is 0).
Does it matter what version of mySQL I'm running.  I currently have version 3.23.49 which I obtained simply by doing an apt-get from Debian.
If I connect to mySQL directly, I can query and see the users in the eventum_user table, just not from the web browser client.

By the way, I downloaded v 1.5.1 since my post, but this behavior has not changed.

[22 Mar 2005 3:38] P.J. Gifford
Bryan, that is... sorry.
[22 Mar 2005 3:54] Bryan Alsdorf
Can you send me a copy of your user and project_user tables?
[22 Mar 2005 14:03] P.J. Gifford

Forgive me, but what is the easiest way to send you those tables, that is, extract them from mySQL?  I am fairly new to mySQL administration.

I assume that once they are exctracted from mySQL, I'll be able to zip them and use the "Files" feature of this bug site to get them to you.

I will be able to figure it out, but if its real easy for you to tell me, please do.


[22 Mar 2005 21:55] Bryan Alsdorf
To dump data from MySQL you can use the mysqldump command. See the manual for detailed usage information.

In this case, the command is:
mysqldump -uroot -p db_name eventum_user eventum_project_user

Of course you will need to use the correct username and database name.
[23 Mar 2005 1:14] P.J. Gifford

I attached the dump of user and project_user to the Files area.

[23 Apr 2005 23:00] Bugs System
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