Bug #89355 Add legend to export image of db scheme in MySQL Workbench
Submitted: 23 Jan 2018 8:22 Modified: 2 Feb 2018 12:26
Reporter: Bulat Zamilov Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version: OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: export, workbench

[23 Jan 2018 8:22] Bulat Zamilov
in addition to construct and maintain database scheme, MySQL Workbench is stated as a tool to increase understanding of it. Export of db scheme as image optsion really helps to check the db from the bird's-eye. 
But this image lacks legend for table fields icons and relations. 

When I receive such image for analysis, it is really hard to determine what each field 'dimomd' sign means. Please note, I just have an image, no db access and no MySQL Workbench installed. 

If a pearson makes such png export, it means it will be used for further distribution, e.g. in product architecture documentation or other purposes. In such cases the legend for db scheme makes such documentation solid without unnecessary references.

In addition, it is a very good practice to document diagrams and schemes with a legend. It increases understanding of diagram without googling.

How to repeat:
Export db scheme as png image in MySQL Workbench

Suggested fix:
Add legend for table fields icons and relations to the bottom of export image of db scheme in MySQL Workbench
[2 Feb 2018 12:26] MySQL Verification Team
Hello Bulat Zamilov,

Thank you for the feature request!
I assume here that you want legend on the EER Daigram which is exported as PNG i.e File -> Export -> Export As PNG. 
