Bug #89311 Lots of unused error codes and messages referencing NDB
Submitted: 19 Jan 2018 9:12 Modified: 4 Sep 2018 14:46
Reporter: Magnus Blåudd Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Logging Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:8.0.5 OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[19 Jan 2018 9:12] Magnus Blåudd
Lots of new error codes and messages was added as part of "WL#9344: Logging services: error messages". This was done to have every single printout in the ndbcluster plugin to use error codes. However a different solution was choosen for the printouts in ndbcluster and most of the new error codes are now unused. They need to be removed.

How to repeat:
Manual code inspection, grep for ER_NDB_CLUSTER_FIND_ALL_DBS_FAIL in the source code.

  eng "NDB: ndbcluster_find_all_databases fail: %u - %s"

  eng "NDB: skipping setup table %s.%s, in state %d"

  eng "NDB: failed to setup table %s.%s, error: %d, %s"

  eng "NDB: missing frm for %s.%s, discovering..."

  eng "NDB: mismatch in frm for %s.%s, discovering..."

  eng "ndb_binlog_setup: Clean up leftovers"

Suggested fix:
Remove unused ER_NDB error codes.
[4 Sep 2018 14:46] Paul DuBois
Posted by developer:
Fixed in 8.0.14.

Retirement of error codes. No changelog entry needed.